
The Aetern are the indigenous people of the continent of Ithca and constitute the majority population of the Aeternus Imperium. Men averaging around 5'7", they have warm olive skin, intense eyes in shades of cerulean blue to verdant green, and hair that ranges from deep chestnut to black. Today, their society is deeply influenced by the Azrean Orthodox faith, which plays a central role in shaping their cultural, moral, and daily lives. Their attire frequently incorporates motifs and designs that echo religious tenets. The Aetern blend a reverence for their faith with a tenacity that has seen them forge one of the most formidable empires in the known world.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Livia Cassia Isidora Octavia Phaedra Callista Drusilla Eudora Lysandra Marcellina

Masculine names

Lucius Maximus Aelius Cassander Draganus Titus Theron Varro Calix Demetrios

Family names

Valerius Aelius Cassianus Didonius Lycomedes Tiberius Philonides Metellus Thalassius Aeneasius


Culture and cultural heritage

Deeply rooted in their past, Aeterns are a people proud of their legacy. They celebrate their history through festivals, songs, and dance, emphasizing community participation. Educational institutions and public forums encourage the retelling of tales from bygone eras, subtly hinting at a time when the land was graced by beings of immense stature and prowess.

Shared customary codes and values

The Aetern people are bound by a deep sense of unity, loyalty, and duty, principles that have been inherited from their storied past. Their respect for authority and tradition is evident in their daily lives, with the Azrean Orthodox faith playing a pivotal role in guiding moral decisions. Community and familial ties are paramount, and the idea of serving a purpose greater than oneself, be it family, city, or the Aeternus Imperium, is instilled from a young age.

Common Etiquette rules

An Aetern’s manners reveal much about their upbringing. Greetings are formal, often accompanied by a slight bow or a hand over the heart. Respect for one's elders and superiors is deeply ingrained, and it is customary to allow them to speak first in conversations. Public spaces demand decorum, with loud or brash behavior being frowned upon. Offering hospitality is a cherished tradition, and refusing such an offer is considered a slight unless done with extreme tact.

Common Dress code

The Aetern attire is a blend of functionality and elegance, drawing from their heritage. For the everyday citizen, tunics of varying lengths, complemented by cloaks or shawls, are common. The elite often adorn themselves with intricately designed robes, accessorized with jewelry crafted from precious metals and gemstones. Military and religious officials have distinct uniforms, each symbolizing their respective stations.

Art & Architecture

Aetern architecture marries form and function, with structures often showcasing grand columns, intricate friezes, and expansive courtyards. Public spaces, such as forums and temples, are built to inspire awe, while homes, even of the elite, emphasize communal living. Art, predominantly in the form of statues, mosaics, and murals, often depicts historical events, divine figures, or ideals of beauty and valor.

Foods & Cuisine

Aetern cuisine is a rich tapestry of flavors, drawing from the bounties of the land and sea. Staples include olives, grains, legumes, and fresh produce, often complemented by fish or occasionally meat. Dishes are seasoned with native herbs and accompanied by wines or fermented beverages. Feasts are communal affairs, with shared platters and an emphasis on togetherness.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Death is treated with solemn respect among the Aeterns. The departed are prepared with rituals overseen by the Azrean Church. The wealthy and powerful are typically interred in family mausoleums or communal burial grounds. Poor Azrean families are more likley to opt for cremation. Memorial ceremonies involve offerings, prayers, and songs, seeking to honor the deceased and guide their souls in the afterlife.

Common Taboos

Questioning the authority of the Aeternus Imperium or the teachings of the Azrean Church is highly taboo. Moreover, public displays of extreme emotion, be it anger or affection, are considered distasteful. Dishonoring one’s family or community is one of the gravest social sins, often leading to ostracization.

Common Myths and Legends

Aetern folklore is filled with tales of valor, love, and divine interventions. Whispers often speak of a time before recorded history, when the world was illuminated by a different kind of light and where colossal beings tread the earth, shaping it with their might. These stories, while not explicitly mentioned in public forums, are subtly preserved in art and whispered tales, a nod to a time that the world seems to have forgotten.


Beauty Ideals

Physical Attributes of the Aetern People:   Statuesque Stature: The Aetern people, while not towering in comparison to the Eldonians, they boast an average height of about 5'7" for men. This stature, while modest, is dignified and well-balanced. On average taller than Zamorans and of simular height to Turians.   Olive Complexion: Basking in the sunlit embrace of Ithca, the Aetern have developed a radiant, olive complexion. This sun-kissed skin is celebrated as a mark of inherent beauty, symbolizing their harmonious relationship with the land.   Well-defined Features: In the faces of the Aetern, one observes strong jawlines, high cheekbones, and emphatic brows. These sharply defined facial features are celebrated as hallmarks of a classic and enduring beauty.   Tousled Hair: An Aetern's thick, wavy hair is a crown of pride. Men and women alike often adorn their tresses with elegant embellishments such as laurels or diadems. While a deep, rich hue is commonplace, golden locks, reminiscent of the sun's golden rays, are held in equal esteem.   Harmonious Proportions: The Aetern beauty ideal transcends mere leanness or pronounced muscularity. Instead, it champions the harmony of body proportions, a philosophy that mirrors their sculptural artistry where form and balance reign supreme.   Dress and Adornment of the Aetern People:   The elegance of Aetern attire lies in its understated simplicity. Ceremonies see them donned in gracefully draped togas, while everyday life is accompanied by the comfort of tunics, typically cinched at the waist. Their jewelry, though worn with a touch of modesty, is a grand display of craftsmanship. Crafted primarily from gold and silver and often set with turquoise or other gemstones, these pieces signify more than mere affluence. Footwear, primarily fine leather sandals occasionally adorned with delicate gold chains or vibrant threads, holds its unique place in the Aetern aesthetic.   Behavioral and Intellectual Characteristics of the Aetern People:   Graceful Demeanor: Elegance in the Aetern is not just skin deep. The culture places immense value on one's demeanor, with grace and poise being paramount. The way an Aetern individual might walk, engage in conversation, or simply hold themselves speaks volumes about their inner elegance.   Eloquence: Intellectual beauty is as revered as its physical counterpart. An articulate mind, capable of conversing with wit and intelligence, stands as a testament to an individual's character and education, marking them as truly distinctive.   Artistic Prowess: The Aetern see beauty in artistic expression. Whether it's crafting a poem, painting a vibrant scene, or weaving a tune, artistic talent is revered. In Aetern culture, the ability to appreciate or produce art is not just a skill but an inherent part of one's allure.

Gender Ideals

Masculine Ideals: Aetern men are celebrated for their leadership, whether within families, the political arena, or the military. Physical prowess is not only valued for its own sake, but as a representation of their dedication to civic duty and societal contribution. Intellectual excellence, characterized by prowess in philosophical discourses, sciences, or tactics, is revered. Coupled with this is an expectation of stoic composure, highlighting their ability to remain level-headed and decisive in the face of challenges.   Feminine Ideals: Aetern women are the bedrock of the familial structure, revered for their nurturing nature and their ability to educate and unify their families. Wisdom, seen as a combination of intuition and insight, is a key attribute associated with them. They also play a crucial role in preserving the Aetern arts, music, and traditions, ensuring the continuity of cultural identity. Modesty in dress and behavior, along with a mastery in domestic responsibilities, underscores their central role in society.   Shared Ideals: Both genders cherish their educational pursuits, seeing knowledge as a key to personal and societal progress. Religious piety, especially devotion to the Orthodox Azrean faith, is an integral part of their identity especially in the Imperium. There is more religous tolerance and diversity in the Free Republics

Courtship Ideals

Upper Class: Within the echelons of the Aetern elite, courtship is a meld of strategy and personal intent. Arranged marriages remain a cornerstone, functioning as tools to consolidate power, wealth, and political favor. Suitors often bring to the table not just tokens of affection, but also political alliances or trade agreements to strengthen the bond. Public outings at exclusive events or theater shows are opportunities to display the couple's combined prestige to the society at large. While such practices have long been the norm, a slow yet evident shift is occurring: the idea of romantic love and personal compatibility is gaining traction, though seldom at the expense of strategic benefits. It's crucial to note that all marriages, regardless of their origin, require the blessing of the Azrean Church, which wields significant influence over these unions.   Lower Class: For the common Aeterns, courtship tends to be a heartfelt affair, full of genuine gestures like handmade gifts or songs written from the soul. Families still hold sway, but there's a pronounced emphasis on the individual connection between the potential couple. Simple yet culturally rich outings, such as attending local festivals or religious observances, play a central role. Engagements become communal celebrations, rejoiced with dances, songs, and communal feasts. However, the path to marriage always leads through the doors of the Azrean Church, which maintains a strict control over matrimonial ceremonies and rites.   Shared Ideals: Across both strata, the ethos of family, tradition, and commitment in courtship is unmistakably Aetern. The collective narrative of shared heritage and future ambition is pivotal in their courtship traditions. The Azrean Church, as the overarching spiritual and sometimes political authority, plays an integral role in marriages, reinforcing the cultural values and offering its blessings to legitimize unions across all classes.
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