
**Ithca**, south of Eldonia, stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of cultures, terrains, and histories that define its vast expanse. The dominant **Aeternus Imperium** holds sway over the southern and eastern regions, populated primarily by the Aetern people. These individuals, characterized by their harmonious proportions, olive complexions, and well-defined features, find unity in their reverence for the Azrean Orthodox faith. This powerful religious institution not only shapes the spiritual beliefs of the Aetern but also exerts a significant influence over the Imperium's governance, weaving the church's doctrines into the fabric of daily life and politics. To the west, the coastline and islands are dotted with the **Free Republics**. These autonomous coastal city-states and islands are also predominantly Aetern by ethnicity but possess a fiercely independent streak. Here, the pride of autonomy and self-governance reigns supreme, with decision-making often vested in councils or assemblies of free citizens, offering a stark contrast to the centralized authority of the Imperium.   The vast tracts of unsettled lands in Ithca, predominantly to the west, present a stark contrast to the structured societies of the Imperium and the Free Republics. Dominated by the Howling Grasslands, where the winds weave haunting melodies through tall, wild grasses, and the rugged Badlands, these regions remain untamed and largely uncharted. Amidst their natural beauty, they harbor potential dangers, with tales of roaming nomadic tribes, mysterious ruins, and creatures from ancient legends. While the Imperium and the Republics have, from time to time, made attempts to expand into or explore these lands, the sheer vastness and unpredictable nature of the terrain have largely kept them at bay, making these areas the last true frontiers of Ithca.


A contienent to the south of Eldonia, Ithca stands as a land of contrasts, its geographic marvels shaping the stories and civilizations that call it home. The tranquil Marqualian Sea sits on its southern borders, while the shimmering Crystal Waters define its eastern flank. To the west, the tempestuous Stormward Sea crashes, its waves bearing stories of the Free Republics. These coastal and island city-states, with their spirit of independence, contrast sharply with the might of the Aeternus Imperium that reigns supreme in the continent's south and east.   The Searing Expanse, an immense desert, scorches Ithca's eastern stretches, its formidable presence only tamed by the majestic Snakebacks, a mountain range that acts as a natural barrier. These peaks give way to the fertile heartland of Ithca, where verdant river plains stretch as far as the eye can see. Among these natural wonders, the Crowns, a series of towering mountains, nestle on the head of Caelum, the world's grandest city. Nearby, the serene waters of Aequor Lake cradle the city of Caelia.   But as one ventures further west, the grip of civilization loosens. The gentle whispers of the Howling Grasslands beckon, giving way to the rugged terrain of the Badlands. Here, the land bears tales of ancient times and unexplored mysteries, echoing the wild spirit that still thrums through Ithca's heart.


Ithca's climate is as varied as its terrains. In the heartlands of the Aeternus Imperium, there's a gentle balance of warm summers, mild winters, and consistent rainfall, a perfect recipe for the flourishing vineyards and olive groves. Moving eastward into the Searing Expanse, the climate becomes intensely arid, with vast temperature differences between sweltering days and cold nights. The coastal regions of the Free Republics enjoy breezy summers and temperate winters thanks to the sea's moderating influence. Meanwhile, the mountainous regions around the Crowns are cooler and sometimes blanketed in snow. The wilder western territories present a mix: the temperate ambiance of the Howling Grasslands contrasts sharply with the more challenging and unpredictable conditions of the Badlands.
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