Athelia (A-thiel-e-a)

Athelia, the esteemed city-state nestled within the Free Republics, holds a position of significant influence and leadership within the confederation. Known for its rich cultural heritage, intellectual prowess, and maritime prowess, Athelia serves as the beating heart of the alliance.   As the foremost member of the Free Republics, Athelia takes on the mantle of guiding and shaping the collective vision of the confederation. The city-state's wisdom, enlightened philosophies, and intellectual curiosity lend a distinct character to the alliance. Athelia's scholars of anitquity, moral and natural philosophers all contribute to the vibrant intellectual discourse that permeates the city's squares, academies, and halls of knowledge. Their guidance and wisdom guide the decision-making process and help forge a common path for the Free Republics.   Athelia's naval strength stands as a testament to its historical connection to the seas and its strategic maritime position. With a formidable fleet and skilled sailors, the city-state holds a vital role in ensuring the security and protection of the confederation's trade routes and coastal territories. Its ships sail across vast oceans, trading goods, ideas, and cultural influences with distant lands. Athelia's naval dominance allows the Free Republics to navigate the seas with confidence and safeguard their economic interests.   Trade flourishes within Athelia's bustling ports and markets. The city-state's strategic location facilitates the exchange of goods, attracting merchants from near and far. The markets teem with a colorful array of commodities, from exotic spices and fine textiles to rare artifacts and scholarly tomes. Athelia's reputation as a hub of trade and commerce bolsters the economic prosperity of the Free Republics, as its merchants navigate the intricacies of international markets and secure lucrative partnerships.   Athelia's leadership, naval strength, and thriving trade networks make it a central pillar of the Free Republics. Its wisdom, intellectual pursuits, and cultural heritage shape the confederation's identity, fostering a sense of unity and common purpose. The city-state's contributions extend beyond its borders, as it strengthens diplomatic ties, negotiates trade agreements, and promotes the ideals of freedom, democracy, and self-governance within the alliance and beyond. Athelia's unwavering commitment to the collective prosperity and well-being of the Free Republics cements its position as a revered and influential force within the realm of Eldonia.


Athelia city, the metropolis second only to Caelum, is split into two large parts, with varying districts and sub-parts. There are the Mainland districts, which are part of the Island called Athelia. Then there is the ancient structure on which most of the city was initially built, a circular structure a few hundred feet from the Sea connected by a land bridge a place collectively known as "The God's Eye" which includes the inner Eye, The Halo, and The Rim. In God's eye, the city government rests and the wealthiest and most important areas of Athelia lay (according to the city's elite). The structure of the Eye, Halo, Rim, and Acropolis all date from before the Great Conflagration. No one knows what it is made of, but now it sinks deep into the deep sea bed, water and wind do not seem to erode it, and no ballista can damage it. The outer walls of the Halo and Rim include walls, now built on and even taller with more recent buildings and fortifications, that blocks the worst storms from effecting the inner harbor of the Eye.  

Geography and Districts

The Eye

  • Civic Acropolis: The core of Athelia, positioned atop the ancient star-shaped structure known as the Civic Acropolis. It's the administrative and cultural heart of the city. Hosting all of the functions of justice, from the executive Archon, the two legislative bodies, The Areopagus and Agora, as well as the courts and systems of administration and higher and lower justice.
  • Lyceum: Surrounding the Civic Acropolis, the Lyceum continues to serve as the scholarly and intellectual hub, nestled within the wings of the star-shaped precursor architecture.Libraries, Temples, and Stoa surround the Civic Acropolis, where the best and brightest from around the world gather to debate one another in all matters of the mind and heart.
  • The Halo

    - Description: This ancient sea structure forms a prestigious area where Athelia's elite and significant districts reside. The outer layer of the Halo is a thick wall made of a substance that cannot be damaged. Usually demarked by the cardinal direction of the area, western Halo, north-eastern Halo, etc.
    - The Cross Quarter Athelia’s most densely populated district is the critical juncture linking God's Eye Island to the mainland. This vibrant area hosts the Recreational and Leisure Complex, featuring a chariot racing arena, wrestling grounds, and a theater for dramatic performances, catering to its bustling community's cultural and entertainment needs. The district also embraces its historical significance with the Historical Preservation Area. It showcases meticulously restored ancient sites and a living history museum alongside middle-class residential areas designed around communal gardens and market squares, enhancing the district's rich community life. - Golden Heights: Situated on an elevated sector of The Halo, this district is home to the city's wealthiest, offering luxurious living and panoramic views.
    - Verdant Ward: Parks and green spaces near the Golden Heights and a short walk from the Lyceum for the many walk-and-talk philosophers, the verdant ward has soil that grows especially, though not enough to feed all of Athelia, it is said once long ago they could feed all of the Eye and Halo.
    - The Halo Stragora: Recently built into The Halo, this district serves as the fortified military zone, ensuring the security of The Halo, The Eye, and all of Athelia. It features barracks, a Mustering area, logistics, and a war college for aspiring leadership.
    - Servants Ward The Servants' Ward in Athelia is designed for efficiency, housing government employees and the upper elite's servants near their places of work. This district features multi-storied tenement buildings with ground-floor shops and communal facilities like bathhouses; all maintained to provide its residents a respectable standard of living.
    - Sunrise District: The Sunrise District, situated on the eastern side of The Halo, is renowned for its cultural vibrancy and artistic flair. This district, bathed in the glorious hues of the morning sun, serves as a dynamic hub for creativity and cultural expression. It features quaint middle-class neighborhoods alongside workshops of skilled artisans who are celebrated for their success. The district also has upscale restaurants, lively brothels, and serene temples.
    - The Halo Aquarium References the small areas that used to feed the island city before it grew to the mainland, much of it outside the city walls and part of the land bridge between the God's Eye and the mainland.  

    The Rim

  • Outer Sea Wall: Part of the Ancient Sea Structure but incomplete or partially destroyed in some long-forgotten war.
  • Mariner’s Reach : Many shipwrights, personal sailing vessels, and wealthy second homes are in these areas of the Rim. A little more exposed to the weather, they are still considered a wealthy area of the town and one for commerce.
  • Naval Academy: The naval academy is located on the largest Islands that include the Rim. Here, aspiring leaders in the much larger Athelian Navy learn their maritime trade.
  • Mainland Districts

  • The Docks: The bustling Docs in the deepwater port of Athelia, a vibrant area of commerce and bawdy sailor's life, with dockside taverns and inns, next to shops and warehouses for goods, including enslaved people.
  • Market Ward: Located just inland from the docks, this bustling commercial area thrives on the influx of goods and visitors from the docks and industries from Athelia being exported.
  • The Forge: The vibrant heart of Athelia’s industry, where the air is alive with the clang of hammer on anvil. Home to blacksmiths, armorers, tanners, and carpenters, this district buzzes with the creation of everything from hand-forged weapons to exquisite furniture. Central to the area is The Great Anvil, a legendary communal workspace that symbolizes the district’s enduring strength. Streets are lined with stalls selling crafted goods, making it a bustling hub of commerce and craftsmanship.
  • The Labyrinth: Situated at the heart of the mainland districts, The Labyrinth is a densely populated maze of narrow alleyways and crumbling edifices, standing in stark contrast to the orderly Halo. Once a historic quarter, it has evolved into a low-income ghetto where the city's underprivileged struggle amidst the shadows of ancient ruins. The winding streets, which confuse and confound, are lined with closely packed, dilapidated housing, and the air buzzes with the gritty reality of daily survival.
  • Slave's Quarter: This area houses and is featured to the slave markets, where the labor force that supplies the labor for much of the city's industry and agriculture are bought and sold.
  • The Mainland Stragora: Key defensive and much older, holding for the mainland territory. Long ago, it is said the agora was built so that the people of the Eye could control the folks on the shore, but today it is largely seen as a symbol of Athelian strength, law, order, and justice.
  • Agrarian Belt: An outlying district that encircles the mainland areas, this zone is dedicated to agriculture, providing the city with essential food supplies and raw materials.
  • Points of Interest

  • The Philosopher's Pint (Lyceum): A cozy spot where scholars sip herbal brews and engage in deep conversations.
  • Shield and Spear Tavern (The Halo Stragora): A military-themed tavern frequented by soldiers and veterans.
  • The Salty Helm (Mariner’s Reach): Popular with sailors and traders, known for its strong ales and hearty meals.
  • The Shadowed Corner (The Labyrinth): A dimly lit, seedy tavern where whispers trade faster than coins, and the city's underbelly gathers to plot and scheme.
  • Inns
  • The Traveler’s Rest (Market Ward): Offers comfortable lodgings and a warm meal for traders and visitors.
  • Sailor’s Slumber (The Docks): Provides basic, sturdy accommodations for sailors and dock workers.
  • Celestial Rest (Golden Heights): An opulent inn offering luxurious suites, fine dining, and exclusive services for the affluent traveler.
  • Shopping
  • Artisan’s Alley (Sunrise District): A bustling marketplace featuring handcrafted goods from local artisans.
  • The Gilded Market (Golden Heights): An upscale market selling luxury goods and exotic imports.
  • The Last Resort (The Labyrinth): A cramped pawn shop cluttered with a variety of goods from trinkets to tools, crucial for locals needing quick loans or trades.
  • Entertainment
  • The Dionysian Stage (Cross Quarter): Hosts a variety of performances, attracting a cultured audience.
  • Chariot Arena (The Forge): The heart of chariot racing and other competitive sports, where crowds cheer for their favorite teams and racers.
  • Grapple Grounds (Cross Quarter): A high-end wrestling and Pancratium arena where elite athletes showcase their strength and skill.
  • Bathhouses
  • Aqua Lux (Golden Heights): A high-end bathhouse offering tranquility with mineral-rich waters, private soaking rooms, and massages for the elite.
  • Halo Springs (The Halo): Known for its therapeutic treatments and social soaking pools, popular for relaxation and casual meetings.
  • The Common Soak (Market Ward): An affordable, bustling bathhouse with communal pools where locals come to cleanse and chat about daily affairs.
  • Muddy Waters (The Labyrinth): A low-end facility offering basic washing services, essential for laborers to scrub off the grime of hard days’ work.
  • Knowledge
  • The Grand Library (Lyceum): Houses a vast collection of books and scrolls, serving as a center for learning and research.
  • The Scriptorium (Civic Acropolis): A quiet place where scribes and scholars work on preserving and interpreting ancient texts.
  • This comprehensive list provides a diverse array of venues and establishments, capturing the unique culture and everyday life of Athelia's inhabitants across different districts.


    Athelia's culture is deeply rooted in intellectual curiosity, philosophical contemplation, and the pursuit of knowledge. The city-state has a long-standing tradition of fostering scholarship and academic excellence. Its citizens value the exchange of ideas, engaging in lively debates and intellectual discussions. The pursuit of wisdom is revered, and the city's academies and libraries stand as testaments to its commitment to knowledge and enlightenment. The cultural fabric of Athelia is woven with artistic expressions, theater, and music, reflecting the creative spirit that thrives within its walls.

    Public Agenda

    Athelia's public agenda centers around the preservation and advancement of knowledge, the promotion of intellectual discourse, and the protection of individual freedoms. The city-state strives to provide a nurturing environment for scholars and thinkers, supporting research, innovation, and the exploration of new ideas. Athelia also places great importance on maintaining its naval strength, ensuring the security of its trade routes and safeguarding its maritime interests. While Athelia's primary focus is on its own prosperity, it actively participates in the collective defense and well-being of the Free Republics.


    Athelia boasts several notable assets that contribute to its prominence within the Free Republics. Its architectural marvels, such as the Palatium (a massive library, privately run but open and a huge driver of the country's intellectual passions) house invaluable collections of knowledge and serve as centers of intellectual activity. The city-state's strategic coastal location grants it a flourishing maritime trade network, enabling it to engage in lucrative commerce and establish strong economic ties with other nations. Additionally, Athelia's well-trained navy and skilled shipbuilders provide a formidable defense and ensure the security of its maritime assets.


    Athelia has a rich and storied history. Originally a small settlement, it emerged as a beacon of enlightenment during a period of intellectual awakening. Athelia's philosophers and scholars played a vital role in shaping the founding principles of the Free Republics, advocating for democratic governance and individual liberties. Over time, Athelia's influence grew, and it became the leading city-state within the alliance as the Aeternus Imperium grew in strength. However, its rise to power has not been without controversy, as some within the alliance believe Athelia enjoys undue privilege and influence, leading to debates and tensions regarding the city-state's role within the Free Republics.

    Demography and Population

    The City of Athelia is approximately 150,000 people. with another 50,000 in small villages around the isle of Athelia.

    "Sapientia et Libertas" which translates to "Wisdom and Liberty."

    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Republic
    Leader Title
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Democracy, Direct
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Market economy
    Legislative Body
    Operates under a bicameral legislative system. The higher legislative body is known as The Areopagus. This body comprises __ leaders who are full-time legislators and administrators overseeing bureaucratic affairs.   The Agora, the lower body, functions as a direct democracy where any land or ship-owning free Athelian can vote in person or by proxy during weekly gatherings. While the Archon holds substantial power during wartime, their influence wanes significantly in peacetime.   Legislation is primarily drafted by The Areopagus and requires approval from The Agora, although occasionally a subcommittee may initiate legislation in reverse. Historically, The Areopagus was controlled by an aristocracy, but over the past few centuries, it has transformed into an elected body. Today, Athelia is divided into 11 districts, each electing three representatives to The Areopagus. Candidates must be at least 40 years old, a criterion meant to ensure that only the wisest and most experienced citizens guide the city.
    Judicial Body
    Higher and lower courts of justice that are employed by the state. Judges in Athelia are choosen out of the Areopagus by the Agora and vetoed or not by the Archon.
    Executive Body
    The Archon, serving as the city-state’s executive and military leader
    Official State Religion
    Neighboring Nations
    Related Ethnicities
    Athelia City

    Lead State of the Alliance

    Athelia, the distinguished city-state and leader of the Free Republics, holds a pivotal position within the alliance, yet its prominence has become a subject of contention among some members. While Athelia's intellectual prowess, naval strength, and trade influence make it a natural choice for leadership, there are those who perceive the city-state as wielding excessive privilege within the confederation. Some elite members of Athelia feel stifled by the alliance's constraints, believing that their visionary ideas and ambitious endeavors are being curtailed. This internal struggle highlights the delicate balance between Athelia's desire for autonomy and the necessity of maintaining cohesion within the Free Republics.

    Cold War


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