Padraig Gwydion

Jarl Padraig Gwydion (a.k.a. Gwynblade)

Jarl Padraig Gwydion, the powerful ruler of the Kingdom of Alderland. He is a figure etched into the annals of history not merely as a king but as a living legend whose deeds have been spoken about in taverns from Nordheim to Caelum. His eyes, once ablaze with the fiery spirit of youth, now carry the wisdom and wear of many hard-won battles, both on the field and in the court. His hair, a cascade of silver and grey, speaks to the decades of leadership, of guiding Alderland through times of peace and conflict alike. Padraig, known widely as Gwynblade for his heroic exploits, ascended from the ranks of a soldier to a sellsword, and ultimately, to the throne, through a journey that wove him into the very fabric of the land he now rules. His leadership, forged in the crucible of battle and adventure across the realms, is characterized by a blend of martial strength, diplomatic cunning, and a genuine love for his people. Now in the twilight of his years, the Jarl stands as a steadfast protector of Alderland, his legacy echoing through the mountainous terrains of his kingdom, inspiring tales of heroism and leadership for generations to come.   Some years ago he married the daughter of the monarch of Delphos, named Adriani.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jarl Padraig Gwydion's (a named man, Gwydion is old-Eldonian for Hero or Champion) and sometimes simply the folk tale of Gwynblade, he made a journey from a soldier to the revered leader of Alderland is a saga that intertwines valor, wanderlust, and an unwavering allegiance to his homeland. His early years were spent in the disciplined ranks of Alderland’s military, where his leadership and martial prowess became evident, particularly during the liberation of Dunhold. His strategic acumen and fearless presence on the battlefield were pivotal in reclaiming the fortress city from its oppressors, earning him accolades and respect among his peers.   However, the subsequent era of peace with the Imperium saw Padraig, a warrior at heart, disenchanted with the tranquility and bureaucracy of a soldier’s life in times of peace. He ventured into the life of a sellsword and adventurer, joining the notorious mercenary groups, even the Blood Eagles. It was during this time that his legend grew, notably through his daring confrontation with a fearsome Yeti that had long terrorized the villages nestled at the foot of the Craghelms. His victory not only brought peace to the beleaguered villagers but also further embellished the growing mythos of Padraig.   His adventures took him far beyond the rugged terrains of Eldonia. In the distant lands of Zamora, tales speak of his romantic entanglements with a princess and his apprenticeship with the master horse breeders of the Steppe. In Ithca, whispers of his involvement in a clandestine conflicts against a serpent-people further added to his enigmatic persona.   Yet, it was the conflict that erupted two decades ago that would forever etch Padraig’s name into the annals of Alderland’s history. When soldiers from Fort Solis, under the banner of the Imperium, marched northwards, laying waste to the lands and reaching the very gates of Alderland, Padraig found himself entwined with the Imperium during the Turrian war. His allegiance, however, was unbreakable to his homeland. Betraying the Imperium, he returned to Alderland, where his tactical genius and indomitable spirit were once again unleashed upon the battlefield. The shores of Eldara bore witness to a fierce conflict, where the Jarl of Alderland perished, but not before Padraig and his warriors turned the tide of battle. His single combat victory against the high command of the Imperial army and the mysterious vanquishing of their fleet solidified his legendary status.   In the aftermath, amidst the echoes of war and the mourning of the fallen Jarl, Padraig Gwydion, the warrior, the adventurer, and the hero, ascended to the throne upon the death of the eldest of the Alder family, Cersei Alder's father said to have bestowed the honor on him on the Jarl's death bed. Many rumors swirl about the correnation, but his renknown was so great, no one has dared to challenge The Gwynblade's rule.


Former solider, then sellsword, folk hero and named man, adventurer and now Jarl of the Kingdom of Alderland

Accomplishments & Achievements

1. Liberation of Dunhold: Led a successful campaign to liberate Dunhold from enemy occupation during his early military career.
2. Slaying the Craghelm Yeti: Vanquished a menacing Yeti that terrorized villages at the base of the Craghelm Mountains, earning him widespread fame.
  3. Adventures Across the Globe: Traveled to distant lands like Zamora and Ithca, engaging in various exploits, including courting a princess and participating in a secret war against snake-headed beings.
  4. Horse Husbandry Knowledge: Acquired extensive knowledge of horse husbandry from the people of the Steppe in Zamora, which later enhanced Alderland’s cavalry.
  5.Victory in the Battle of Eldara: Played a pivotal role in a crucial battle against the Imperium on the shores of Lake Eldara, turning the tide of the conflict and ensuring victory for Alderland.
  6. Single Combat Triumph: Defeated the high command of the Imperial army in single combat during the battle, showcasing his formidable combat skills.
  7. Mysterious Fleet Disappearance: Somehow caused the vanishing of the enemy fleet on Lake Eldara, a feat shrouded in mystery and awe.
  8. Ascension to the Throne: Following his heroics in battle, ascended to the throne of Alderland, where he has ruled with a blend of strength and wisdom.
  9. Steadfast Leadership: Guided Alderland through various challenges, maintaining its sovereignty and stability amidst the pressures from the Imperium.
  10. Cultivation of Peace: Managed periods of peace with the Imperium, and keeping out of the Nordring Pact, ensuring the prosperity and safety of his people during times of non-conflict.
  11. Development of Alderland: Oversaw the growth and development of Alderland, enhancing its military, economic, and cultural stature in the region.   12. Mentorship and Training: Trained and mentored young warriors and leaders, ensuring the continuity of strong leadership in Alderland.   "The Gwynblade," a term that resonates with profound reverence and awe in the hearts of the Eldonians, is not merely a name but a title, a mantle that carries the weight of heroism and exceptional deeds. In the older forms of the Eldonian language, Gwyndion translates to "hero" or "champion," embodying the spirit of one who stands as a protector, a warrior, and a leader. It is a title bestowed not by birthright but earned through actions that echo through the annals of history, tales that are whispered from generation to generation. The Gwydion is a figure who emerges in times of dire need, when the shadows of despair loom large, to stand as a beacon of hope and a bulwark against the encroaching darkness. It is a title that speaks of battles won, of lands protected, and of a people defended against the ravages of war and calamity. Jarl Padraig, in adopting this mantle, has intertwined his fate with a legacy that speaks of valor, sacrifice, and a steadfast commitment to safeguarding his people and his land. His deeds, immortalized in tales sung by bards and celebrated in festivals, have become threads in the rich tapestry of Eldonian history and culture, forever enshrining him as a figure of legend and inspiration in the collective memory of his people.

Failures & Embarrassments

1. The Abandoned Husband: Whispers circulate about Jarl Padraig Gwydion’s first marriage, a union that crumbled while he was away serving in the military. His first wife, it is said, left him for another, leaving the young soldier heartbroken and disgraced.   2. The Failed Trader: Tales of his brief and unsuccessful stint as a trader after leaving the military are often recounted. His venture went bankrupt in less than a year, marking a low point in his varied career and a stain on his otherwise strategic and tactical mind.   3. Questionable Companions: The Jarl’s close circle includes several of his former sellsword companions, whose reputations are not only dubious but also a source of scandal in the court. Their presence in positions of influence raises eyebrows and fuels gossip about the Jarl’s judgment and the company he keeps.   4. The Witch at Court: Rumors swirl around a woman in his court, a former companion from his sellsword days, who is whispered to be a witch. She bears two children but has no husband, and hushed voices suggest that the Jarl himself is the father, adding a layer of scandal and mystery to his reign.   5. The Difficult Queen: His current wife, a noblewoman from the free city of Delphos, is known more for her beauty than her warmth. Rumors abound about her being a challenging partner who has not yet bore the Jarl a child, with courtly gossip often discussing the seemingly loveless and politically motivated marriage, casting a shadow over the Jarl’s personal life.

Morality & Philosophy

Jarl Padraig Gwydion, The Gwynblade, a man sculpted by the relentless tides of battle, adventure, and personal suffering, adheres to a moral philosophy deeply rooted in the traditional Eldonian worship of Mara and Wodyn, yet uniquely tempered by a stern agnosticism.

While conventionally religious to both of the major dieties of Eldonia and fluent in local myths and spirtualality of the forrest keen, his experiences on the battlefield and his adventures have instilled in him a pragmatic agnosticism, a skepticism towards absolute truths and dogmas. This skepticism has fostered a spirit of religious tolerance within him, allowing for a myriad of beliefs to coexist peacefully under his rule. Padraig believes in the intrinsic merit of deeds over creeds, valuing actions that manifest virtue and integrity over mere adherence to religious or ideological doctrines.   His moral compass, while guided by the gentle, nurturing ethos of Mara, is also informed by the harsh, unvarnished realities of a life lived fully amidst the specters of war, loss, and discovery and informed there by Wodyn. Thus, the Jarl navigates the complexities of leadership with a blend of spiritual reverence and worldly pragmatism, seeking to forge a realm where diverse beliefs are respected and where actions speak louder than words.
Current Status
Ruling Alderland
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Alderland City
Hazel Eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silver and grey
Known Languages
Eldonian, Aetern, Zamoran
Ruled Locations


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