Varendari / Wandervolk

Meaning "The Traveling People" the Varendari sport thier own langauge which is neither Aetern nor Eldonian. In Eldonian they are Often referred to as the Wandervolk which is a more popular name accross the north. They live in small bands moving from town to villages and accross the landscapes of Eldonia and Ithca.   Public Perception The Varendari, colloquially known as the Wandervolk, are a nomadic people renowned for their vibrant culture and artistic talents. They are celebrated as some of the finest musicians and actors in the land, often gracing festivals and fairs with their captivating performances. Their music, imbued with soulful melodies and rhythmic vitality, is a testament to their deep cultural heritage.   Romantic and Passionate The Varendari are seen as a romantic and passionate people, living life with a zest and fervor that is both enviable and intriguing. Their love for storytelling, dance, and music makes them popular entertainers, often the heart of any celebration they join. Their lifestyle, governed by their own rules and customs, speaks to a freedom and independence that many find admirable.   The Way of Kennesett Central to their culture is the pacifist philosophy known as The Way of Kennesett. This belief system, deeply ingrained in their community, emphasizes non-violence, frivolity, a deep appreciateion for the arts, and a good time. The Varendari are known for their peaceful resolutions to conflicts and their avoidance of physical confrontations, adhering strictly to their pacifist principles.   Nomadic Lifestyle The Varendari are constantly on the move, traveling in caravans that weave through towns and countryside. This transient lifestyle has given them a reputation for being elusive and mysterious. Their temporary settlements are often a blend of colorful wagons and tents, creating a picturesque scene wherever they halt.   Community and Family Family and community are central to the Varendari way of life. They are known for their tight-knit family units and strong communal bonds. Celebrations, marriages, and festivals are community-centric events, marked by elaborate ceremonies and communal feasting.   Public Fascination and Misconceptions While many are fascinated by the Varendari and their way of life, there are also prevalent misconceptions. Stories and rumors, often born out of ignorance or fear, paint them as untrustworthy or mischievous. They are said to steal children from thier towns, though it is never clear to what degree that theft was done by the young persons desire for the carefree lifestyle.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Althea Seraphina Isolde Elysia Rhiannon Celestina Liora Viviana Oriana Ginevra

Masculine names

Lucan Emilio Bastian Renato Dario Tiberius Fabrizio Leandro Nicolo Vittorio

Family names

Corvella Mirello Valenti Fiorini Rossetti Belladonna Gavari Sorelli Marasai Lunetti


Common Myths and Legends

The Varendari people hold a rich tapestry of myths and legends, central to which is the tale of Kennesett, a figure shrouded in mystery and reverence. Kennesett is often depicted as a wandering spirit, a guide who led the first of the Varendari on a journey to freedom and self-discovery. According to legend, Kennesett appeared after the destruction of thier original city, offering wisdom and a path to the lost.   Kennesett is not just a guide but also a symbol of the Varendari spirit – embodying their ideals of freedom, wanderlust, and a deep connection to the natural world. He is often depicted in Varendari art as a figure with a wide, welcoming smile, his eyes alight with mischief and wisdom. Stories tell of his many adventures, his clever tricks to outwit oppressors, and his endless journey across the lands.   The origin of the Varendari people is intertwined with Kennesett's legend. It is said that they were once a scattered people, each group isolated and adrift. Kennesett brought them together, teaching them the ways of travel, the art of storytelling, and the importance of community bonds. He showed them how to live a life unburdened by the constraints of a sedentary existence, finding richness in experiences and the open road.   Over time, Kennesett's teachings became the Way of Kennesett – a philosophy that guides the Varendari in their daily lives. This way emphasizes the importance of personal freedom, the joy of music and dance, and a pacificist philosophy of non-violence. It also instills a sense of responsibility towards one another, fostering a tight-knit community that supports each other through the trials and joys of their nomadic life.   While the figure of Kennesett has taken on a near-mythical status, his teachings and spirit continue to be a guiding light for the Varendari. They celebrate him in their songs, their dances, and their stories, passing down his wisdom through generations, ensuring that the spirit of Kennesett and the essence of the Varendari way of life continue to thrive.


Beauty Ideals

In Varendari culture, beauty is celebrated as a reflection of the soul's vibrancy and the richness of life. Their ideals emphasize natural allure and the art of personal expression. For Varendari, beauty is not confined to physical attributes but extends to the grace of movement, the passion in artistic performance, and the ability to engage and captivate others. They cherish bright, lively eyes and expressive features that tell a story of a life lived fully. Hair is often worn long and adorned with colorful ribbons or beads, symbolizing freedom and a connection to their heritage. The Varendari believe in the allure of confidence and the charm of a warm, inviting personality, making charisma and a zest for life the most desirable traits of all.

Gender Ideals

The Varendari, while known for their vibrant and free-spirited lifestyle, adhere to relatively traditional and distinct gender roles within their society. Men typically assume the role of breadwinners and decision-makers, often engaging in trades like metalworking, horse trading, or musical performances. They are also the primary representatives in interactions with the outside world. Women, on the other hand, are predominantly responsible for maintaining the household, including tasks like cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing. They are the custodians of family and cultural traditions, often passing down stories, songs, and dances to the younger generations. Marriages are usually arranged, and family honor is a significant aspect of Varendari life. Both men and women dress distinctively, with women often wearing colorful, layered skirts and headscarves, and men in practical yet ornate attire. Despite the defined roles, there is a strong sense of unity and interdependence within the family unit, with each member playing a crucial role in the community's survival and prosperity.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Varendari is a vibrant and tradition-rich process, often initiated at large gatherings where traveling bands meet to share lore, trade, and celebrate. These festive occasions provide a platform for young individuals to meet, with music and dance playing key roles in expressing interest and affection. While marriages are commonly arranged by families, personal choice is respected, and the courtship period involves gift exchanges, family approval, and learning about each other's household skills. Public displays of affection are modest, reflecting the community's values of respect and honor. These gatherings are not only pivotal for courtship but also serve as vital events for reinforcing community bonds and cultural traditions.

Major organizations

Varendari Band Names   1. Libertari Chiriklo - "Free Birds," symbolizing freedom and adaptability. 2. Sunato Familia - "Golden Family," representing strong community and family bonds. 3. Spiritus Harmonia - "Spiritual Harmony," denoting their spiritual balance. 4. Joyas Vardo - "Joyful Wagon," embodying the Way of Kennesett and a life of joy. 5. Resilienzia Karavan - "Resilient Caravan," highlighting resilience and resourcefulness. 6. Inclusivae Tabor - "Inclusive Camp," signifying inclusivity and acceptance. 7. Pacifae Gilda - "Peaceful Guild," emphasizing their non-violent and pacifist nature. 8. Arteis Sinti - "Artistic Tribe," celebrating their love for artistic expression. 9. Ancestrae Echoes - "Ancestral Echoes," respecting and honoring ancestral wisdom. 10. Vividae Sinfonia - "Vivid Symphony," capturing their vibrant culture and love for music.
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