
Late to the Establishment of Civilization, the frontier of Eldonia is a land adorned with thickly timbered forests and craggy mountainous peaks, a tension persists between the tribal communities and the civilized kingdoms, city states and the encoaching Aeternus Imperium. Trust is a scarce currency, overshadowed by deep-rooted animosity and disdain. The tribes, entrenched in their ancestral customs and intimately connected to the natural world, revere Mara, embodying nature's vitality and cyclical essence. In stark contrast, the civilized denizens align themselves with the Azraen church, which espouses order, structure, and adherence to divine laws. But not even the church is secure in Eldonia, a hertic priest named Gottfried Müller has for 23 been leading a reovlution of the faithful rejecting the practices and authority of church leaders. Amidst the sprawling woodlands providing food, fuel, valuable pelts, and high mountain ranges ripe with gold and gems for prospectors. Within the shadows of Eldora's dense woodlands, a veil of whispered tales alludes to unseen perils and ancient forces that stir somewhere in the remote wilderness, a howling of something dark and wild.
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