Love, Lord Rennadoll: Episode 18

The party is a days travel away from Greyshire. They just woke up from a dream where Law Master Hassal attacked them. This dream was put into their minds by Lord Rennadoll.

Strong Start:

You all awake with a throbbing headache and 1 level of exhaustion. The boat travels slowly down the river as the sun starts to spill rays through the trees. Behind you a wall of mist slowly builds and tracks behind you. A head of you a full days travel before you arrive at Greyshire. What would you like to do?

Arriving at Greyshire:

When the party is within 1 mile of Greyshire they will need to make a series of Saving Throws. All saving throws will be a DC 21: all effects last for 24 hours.
  1. "STR" Save: Aura of Enfeeblement; on a fail the target loses 1d6 to their STR score for 24 hrs.
  2. "DEX" Save: Aura of Magnified Gravity; you can no longer make multi attacks.
  3. "CON" Save: Aura of lethargy; on a failed save you gain 2 levels of exhaustion.
  4. "INT" Save: Aura of broken concentration: You have disadvantage on concentration checks to maintain your spells.
  5. "WIS" Save: Aura of finite casting: you lose half of your spell slots.
  6. "CHA" Save: Aura of Rennadoll: When you fail; you are charmed by the Lord Ruler and think he is the best.
Lord Rennadoll has casted Mirage Arcane spell over the town of Greyshire in order to make the settlement appear empty, and quite (A DC 18 perception check can see through the mirage). Lord Rennadoll explains to the party that he has sent them all to the city in order to protect them. Lord Rennadoll looks healthy, strong, and imposing when he is first seen. Standing in the towns center waiting for the party. When the party is talking with him, they feel as though he is staring at their souls even though he is not looking at them.
  Lord Rennadoll knows that his vault was broken into thanks to an arcane alarm spell. Thanks to a scrying spell on the first born Lord Rennadoll knows that the party knows the truth. However, he does not declare it nor will not acknowledge it first.
  Lord Rennadoll knows a bit about each party member except for Orpheus.
  Duke: The famed and talented spirit seer. One of the only members of his team that survived the attack on the city. Is a free slave and his little brothers newest pet. However did not know that (in air quotes) "The Duke" was truly noble until he sees the cape adorned upon him.
  Herk: Came from nowhere and is now leading the votes for Law Master of the Scouting Brigrade. Father disappeared into the forest years ago, this just proves how dangerous the forest is and that people should listen to him and not venture into the forest. Also knows that he is quite the artist with stone foraging.
  Marna: A direct blood descendent of Silgrid, The Storm Lord's first champion, and I can now see a champion themselves. Her abilities were such a waste on the Wailing Fish that she was on.
  Orpheus: When I first heard the name I thought you were Orpheus Sexton, however, you look nothing like him. He is a man that was chiseled by the god Lihsin, God of the Moon and Seas themselves. Also that Orpheus is smart enough not to be meddling in other peoples business as he would know that the monthly dinner with the lords is coming soon and how disappointing it would be if his family went missing because of something so trivial.
  After conversing with the party, Lord Rennadoll needs to make sure his secret is kept that way, a secret. He slams his hands into the earth, summons all of his power and conjures a hydra in the forest that is coming to attack the party. Lord Rennadoll now looks like an old and withered man thanks to using so much of his strength and power to conjure such a beast. When he stands back up he lets the Mirage Arcane spell go and shows that Greyshire is still filled with people and the town in now in more danger thanks to the hydra being summoned. Lord Rennadoll then takes his leave.
  Encounter: Ironscale Hydra

Traveling back to the Capital

Greyshire is starting to turn into a flood-plain marsh thanks to the obsidian dragons breath weapon attacks on the town a few weeks ago. This has made traveling and gathering the remaining resources from the town difficult to get. Law Master Hassal and his The Inquisitors are headed towards the city, while only a dozen of the Greyshire residents remain trying to gather what they can before venturing off.

Return to the Capital

The city is building more defenses to fight an incoming attack against the Mistwalkers. The inner castle walls are shut and the guards are refusing to open them under strict orders from the Lord Ruler. The rumor is that even some noble families were on the wrong side of the wall when it was shut and are now not being let back over.   A new issue of the Sexton Scribes is out. The hidden message states: O, we hope you are alright. We haven't heard from you in awhile and we are starting to get scared. Our Lord Ruler has been around a lot more these past few days. Maybe we will see you at the Royal Dinner at the end of the month. Love, Mom and Dad.   SEXTON SCRIBES A new proclamation is in order. Anyone seen outside of their home when their is mist on the air, will be subjected to Rennadoll law. This comes at a crucial time in our lives where our beloved outskirt towns have been destroyed. Witnesses claim that a wave of mist covered the towns and left them covered in, get this, spider webs. Our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones. This is a good time to talk about our ongoing election for our new Scouts Brigade Law Master. In a surprising turn of events, an unknown man from Direham has taken the lead. Herk Hucksly, is in the lead by an outstanding 12 points. Only a few more weeks of debating and voting before we will know for sure though. Reports of tritons disappearing is at an all time high. While most believe that they were able to go back home for salvation, others talk about more nefarious plots. Eldengar Rickshot is quoted saying "I saw them, no one believes me but I saw them, three giant snakes with arms came and grabbed a few t***s off the streets." Yessna the owner of the Stormy Clam told our criers that Eldengar Richshot was thrown from their establishment that night for drinking three times their weight in hogshifter ale, and believed they had four hands instead of two. What really happened that night is anyone's guess.

Random Encounter table

  Traveling back to Creedmod 1d8 (an encounter happens on a 6-8) It should take 5 days to reach the city.  
  1. Elder brain dragon descends onto Creedmod.
  2. The Mistwalkers bring their mist right to the edge of the forest and wall the rest of the coast out.
  3. In the distance if the sea, the party can see a Kraken fighting 1d4 ships
  4. High storm
  5. A merchant traveling between towns in surrounded by people and is charging redisclose prices.
  6. The gods are having a battle in the stars
  7. Amtar is crafting new weapons with his new hammer
  8. A strange cat is doing yoga in the middle of a field with humanoids surrounding him following his lead mindlessly.
  9. A cloud just behind the city of Creedmod sits above the horizon, unmoving. (Mindflayers hiding in the clouds.
  10. An older farmer notices that a cloud on the horizon hasn't moved in a few days.
  11. A group of tritons attack the city from the sea.
  12. Essedon arises from the sea


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