
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
About Solaris | Guide to Solaris | Prologue
Rapid winds whip up and around the Aer, the outermost of the three layers of Uranus. It is the home of most Uranians, who live and travel aboard Eyries, or temporarily settle onto the Floating Islands. The flora and fauna of the aer are likewise transient, from the great skybeasts, to the umbrella-like seeds of the Parachute Trees.
The edges of the Aer are debated, but the habitable cloud layers begin in the troposphere of Uranus. Four layers of clouds band across eachother. The top layer is dominated by methane clouds that whip around the planet fast enough to break the sound barrier. These clouds are freezing cold, highly toxic, and eeriely quiet.   Deeper into the aer the winds slow down, and the chemical composition of the clouds and the temperatures become more sustainable. Past layers of hydrogen sulfite and ammonia clouds, and another layer of predominately ammonium hydrosulfate, are dense water clouds. The aer is prone to severe thunderstorms.  
Descend into the depths of the troposphere, and the clouds grow denser and slower, eventually becoming so dense as to be equivalent to an ocean. This deeper ocean-like layer is known as the Mares.

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Inhabiting Species
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