
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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The shining pearl of the courts of Neptune, Duwana is reknowned for her beauty, tact, and her web of connections. She has long been the bookmakers favourite prospective heir of Neptune. Duwana is fluent in four languages and a talented vocalist. She is an interplanetary ambassador for LaPeregrina and the namesake of their bestsellling pearl earrings.   Duwana was raised in the courts, in a highly musical family. Her mother was the Master Acoustician of the Albino Palace. Rather than following in her mothers fins, Duwana has dedicated her life to idle enjoyments. She is a socialite and a consumate hostess. Her parties are infamous, ever since her debut into court society it has been impossible to hire a dressmaker near the Albino Palace during her birthday month.

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Locations Fall ( Albino Palace )
Characters Venilia VII · Blue NM-2 · Fritz Fram · Thauma Magallana
Society Humanoids ( Oceanid ) · Traditions ( Symbiosis ) · Organizations ( Sentinel )
Notice: This article is a stub. If you'd like to see this article expanded, please leave a comment!

Cover image: Duwana by Annie Stein
Character Portrait image: Duwana by Annie Stein


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Jul 1, 2024 13:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the detail about it being impossible to hire a dressmaker around her birthday. And the part in the notifications where you said the invites were on sea silk. She is quite the extravagant lady :D

Jul 10, 2024 08:15 by Annie Stein

Heh, thank you! I imagine Duwana really knows how to throw an event that'll be talked about for ages.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Aug 4, 2024 12:09 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

"Rather than following in her mothers fins" I love this expression so much XD   Does everyone approve of her and is she behaving as expected for leader or do some people judge that she's too out of touch with common people/spend too much money on these extravagances? In any case, this makes her a fun character.   What does she think about becoming a keystone?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 6, 2024 08:25 by Annie Stein

Thank you!   I think it's hard to be this public and not have a couple people who disapprove, but she is generally well liked in the court. Among the general public I imagine she's seen as more of the same, and then people feel about her however they feel about the monarchy. Though I think Marinne is eclipsing her in popularity outside of the court, her story is that perfect cinderella story.   Duwana feels she would rise to the occassion.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!