
Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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Oortite is the dark mirror of Astrallite and Aurorite crystals. Unlike either of the more common types of crystal, oortite is very much a blanket term for a myriad of different strains. Some have great potential, capable of bending natural law and influencing minds, while others seem entirely inert save for their tendency to spread. Oortite is an extremely hazardous substance regardless of the variety, with symptoms of Oortic Poisoning sometimes occuring as soon as a few hours of exposure.   Oortite crystals are not farmed — they're found. Deposits are found in the outskirts of the Sol System, especially in the Kuiper Belt. The most accessible oortite is embedded in the crust of icy bodies and dwarf planets, but it can also be discovered free-floating. Like a mineral cancer, oortite can mutate and infect other crystals, which will naturally cluster around the oortite. These tumourous crystal clusters retain many of the hazardous properties of regular oortite, and seem to only become more dangerous with age.


  Some of the most dangerous artefacts and relics of the past were made out of Oortite. One infamous example, the Eye of Envy, is a deep green oortite gem that was taken out of an idol and set into jewelry. The Eye is believed to have driven those who wore it into insanity. A few years ago, a shipment of dolls carved out of oortite were the cause of a mass crystal infestation at a waystation. Because of incidents like these, workshops that handle oortite are constantly vigilant against the possibility of crystal escape.  
With the rise of oortite-based technologies like Gravity Plates, it seems many have forgotten the history of the material. Aspiring civilians set off towards the Kuiper Belt to make their fortune from the emerging oortite craze, only to find themselves handling strains that are far more dangerous than they bargained for, with no training or protection.   Others have reopened infected mines, hoping to tame the tainted crystal within. The full extent of the consequences thereof have yet to be explored.  
Gravity Plates
Technology / Science | Jul 26, 2024

Gravity plates are large flat structures that are used to simulate planetoid gravity, particularly on space stations. They are considered a luxury.

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Crystal Technology   Outer Space
Outer Space
Locations Asteroid Belt ( The Collision Course ) · Oort Cloud
Species Deep Space Leviathan · Orbitross · Astroplankton
Materials Astrallite · Oortite
Technology Crystal Technology · Super Wide Access Network · Spacecraft ( Dragonfly Carrier )
Society Traditions ( Dumplings in Space ) · Organizations ( Sentinel ) · Conditions ( Deep Space Syndrome · Oortic Poisoning )
Illustration of an Oortite Crystal. It is sharp and black, with vivid colours where the light hits.
Oortite Crystal by Annie Stein
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Cover image: Oortite Crystal by Annie Stein


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Jul 26, 2024 12:09

It "infecting" other crystals is quite an interesting quality. Spooky.

Jul 27, 2024 09:37 by Annie Stein

Thank you! It's an interesting property for sure, none of the other crystals do that!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jul 27, 2024 14:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh no. Don't delve into the mines. Oh dear.

Jul 27, 2024 16:14 by Annie Stein

I'm gonna be so so rich! No way it can go wrong!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jul 27, 2024 21:41 by Aster Blackwell

Mmm crystal infections. Crystal body horror. Semi-sentient crystal beings lurking in abandoned mines. Shiny.

Jul 28, 2024 09:41 by Annie Stein

Yum delicious

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Aug 19, 2024 21:46 by Rin Garnett

Ah yes, the eternal cycle. People realize a thing is bad, they make efforts to stop people from dying of the thing, then after a while of no/few deaths, people forget why the thing is so bad and have to learn the lesson all over again...

Aug 20, 2024 07:37 by Annie Stein

Tale as old as time...

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!