Oortic Poisoning

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Sufferers can never again know rest. The oort creeps into your being, settles in under your nails, deep in your guts, and then it dominates your dreams. A waking coma, where the man is dead but the body keeps moving.
  Oortic poisoning was a dormant disease, a rare case brought on by dangerous antiques and especially unlucky meteor strikes, until the Oortite rush brought it back in full swing. It has gone from an obscure illness mostly found in the margins of history books, to a specialized field of medicine in the Outer World.   It is an all consuming disease once it sets in, making its sufferers pale and pained, and it tortures them with nightmares and visions until they lose any sense of self. With a better understanding of the Oorts potential effect on the body and mind, it lends a new context to the ancient oortic cults of yore. Who among them were religious fanatics, and who were ill? What was the real difference?


Stage 1

  The immediate effects of oortic poisoning are nausea, fevers and aches as the body attempts to fight off the poisoning. In the throes of this battle, many sufferers report vivid dreams and poor sleep. Those who stay awake speak of light sensitivity and feeling unmoored.  


  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Nightmares
  • Vertigo


    Rest can be enough to help the body defeat the poisoning in its early stages. At the specialized care facilities cell culture treatments assist the body in creating immunocytes, and diurectics help the body pass the poisoning.  

    Stage 2

      Should the poisoning progress, or not be caught in its earlier stage, physical changes will emerge. Sufferers of oortic poisoning become pallid, and their skin turns grey and brittle. Many suffer from sores in their nailbeds or around orifices, and bruise easily.   By this point all sufferers have experienced nightmares, and some may seek to avoid sleeping. Many report waking nightmares, hallucinations, and visions. Many report seeing pale figures in the distance.  


  • Pale and brittle skin
  • Sores
  • Hallucinations
  • Treatment

    Chelation therapy may be able to bind the oortic materials and remove it from the body even at this advanced stage, but comes with risks of its own.

    Stage 3

      When the blood blackens, Oortic poisoning can no longer be treated. At this stage, many suffer severe amnesia. It is common for them to no longer see themselves as individuals, and instead describe themselves as part of a larger celestial body. Sufferers at this stage often seek out oortic sources, and may even try to poison people around them to bring them into the fold.  


  • Black blood
  • Amnesia, loss of self
  • Pilgrimages
  • Treatment

    There is no treatment at this stage. The Far Star Temple offers solace and a home to sufferers, a hospice under cover as a cult.

    Oort Cloud
    Geographic Location | Sep 2, 2024

    Far beyond our borders it lies; the offcuts of our creation. A vast array containing everything that once made us, stretching thousands of times wider than our own system. In the dead silence of space, it whispers.

    Risk Factors

      Exposure to Oortic materials   Practicioner of Mysticism   Poor Physical Health
    Astrum Lavé, poisoned by his collection of knives, claimed he could see the stars through any amount of cloud coverage, and even those on the other side of the planet.   His claims were put to the test on several occasions, but never with any real scientific methodology.

    Far Star Cult
    Organization | Sep 2, 2024

    The Far Star Cult, also known as the Far Star Temple, is dedicated to the care of advanced cases of oortic poisoning. By inviting and allowing the sufferers to worship the Oort Cloud, they are able to supervise and support them through a troubled life.

    Related Articles

    Outer Space
    Locations Asteroid Belt ( The Collision Course ) · Oort Cloud
    Species Deep Space Leviathan · Orbitross · Astroplankton
    Materials Astrallite · Oortite
    Technology Crystal Technology · Super Wide Access Network · Spacecraft ( Dragonfly Carrier )
    Society Traditions ( Dumplings in Space ) · Organizations ( Sentinel ) · Conditions ( Deep Space Syndrome · Oortic Poisoning )
    Visions, pallor, blackened blood
    Exposure to Oortite or other oortic materials
    Supportive care, chelation therapy
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    Jul 29, 2024 10:56 by CoolG

    Ooh that's scary D:

    Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
    Jul 29, 2024 11:01 by Annie Stein

    Yeah, best to stay away from Oortite!

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
    Jul 29, 2024 14:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Absolutely terrifying. The bit about seeing the pale figures got me the most.

    Jul 29, 2024 14:27 by Annie Stein

    Yeah, there's something about shared delusions that is extra unsettling.

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
    Jul 30, 2024 14:40 by Aster Blackwell

    Eldritch illness. Me like

    Aug 2, 2024 19:20 by Annie Stein

    That sounds like something an oortic eldritch entity would say :O

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
    Aug 4, 2024 14:24 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    I always find the oorite/oort cloud and anything linked to them so fascinating...   So oortic poisoining is actually always form of metal poisoning? I've always thought it to be more like a mental contamination like for people who get too close to the oort cloud. But I imagine getting some directly in your body is having a worse effect! D:

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Aug 6, 2024 09:30 by Annie Stein

    Thank you! You're right on both accounts. It can poison the minerals and crystals in you, and then those poisoned minerals and crystals also poison your mind. It's possible to get the mental contamination without being physically poisoned if you're around oortic stuff for a shorter period of time. Like sleeping by a shrine might give you an Oort-contaminated dream, but once you left you'd be fine.

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
    Aug 7, 2024 17:38 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    Ah! Thanks :) I had forgotten about them contaminating nearby mineral/crystals and so I was missing a link here! So the contamination can work without physical touch, just by proximity? D:

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Aug 7, 2024 17:45 by Annie Stein

    Yes, it can. So if you got really sick and dizzy all of a sudden, it could be your neighbours new imported statue. But there's organizations who are specifically on the lookout for oortic stuff to prevent that kind of thing from happening. It's very rare.

    Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!