
Demonlord of Pride Kalvon (a.k.a. The Emperor of One)

Kalvon was one of the first demons to emerge from the Abyss, along with Xar'gadon, the Demonlord of Wrath, and Igrannon, the Demonlord of Gluttony. From the moment he was born, Kalvon was filled with an unquenchable desire for power and domination. He was fiercely proud and believed himself to be superior to all other beings in the planes of existence. As he grew older, Kalvon became known as the Demonlord of Pride, a being feared and revered by all who knew of him. He was fiercely ambitious and would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, no matter the cost. His arrogance and pride were unmatched, and he believed that nothing could stand in his way.   However, Kalvon's pride and arrogance eventually led him to make a grave mistake. He challenged the King of the nine hells, Erathon, the Archdevil of War, to a battle for supremacy. Despite his confidence, Kalvon was no match for Erathon's formidable powers, and he was soundly defeated.   Despite this defeat, Kalvon's pride and ambition did not waver. He eventually met the Archdevil Aggoth, the Archdevil of Greed, and the two fell in love. Together, they had two children, Trozzeth and Velgan. Both of their children inherited their parents' powerful abilities and were raised to be strong and ambitious, following in their footsteps.   Despite his love for his children, Kalvon always placed his own desires above all else. He was determined to be the most powerful demonlord in existence and would do whatever it took to achieve this goal. His pride and arrogance knew no bounds, and he believed himself to be untouchable and invincible.   Now, Kalvon rules over his own realm, commanding a vast army of devoted followers and feared by all who dare to challenge him. Though he may always feel the shadow of his fellow demonlords Xar'gadon and Igrannon looming over him, Kalvon is determined to make a name for himself and cement his place as the most powerful and feared demonlord in the planes of existence. His pride and arrogance are unmatched, and he revels in the fear and admiration of those around him. Despite his defeat at the hands of Erathon, Kalvon remains determined to one day claim the throne of the nine hells as his own.  




Towards Aggoth



Towards Kalvon

Chaotic Evil
Aggoth (spouse)