Altinna Tannik Character in Soldaana | World Anvil

Altinna Tannik

Altinna Tannik

Party Unveiled:   The party learned that Altinna had struck a deal with The Hand. They would supply power (in the way of soul gems and magic) to help fuel and maintain the city of Ebonrock as Tallanen's powers were waning. In return, the forges and workers of Ebonrock would help make weapons, constructs, and tools for The Hand for their own undisclosed purposes. This deal was struck over 20 years ago and over time Altinna learned that this deal was more nefarious that originally thought as The Hand were using the souls of living beings and people to power soul gems and batteries that were supplying the city with its precious power - all from the central Mechanus Tower. Altinna was blackmailed and harassed to maintain the deal - but after 20 years she had been pressed to hard and was ready to break the deal. However, a group adventurers arrived on their own agenda and helped rid the city of The Hand's presence and unveil Altinna's involvement. Despite her desire to help the city, her deeds were to drastic and disturbed to be forgiven - especially with her possessing the power of knowledge she did in the form of a ring containing the Obsidian Soldaan's Tear.    Altinna has been taken into custody under The Green Protectorate's care and the city of Ebonrock is currently in a strange power vaccuum as Orso Tannik sits, perhaps temporarily, in the ruler's chair. How the absence of a power source and a knowledgeable and strong ruler will effect Ebonrock is unknown.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Altinna took over as head of House Tannik and ruler of Ebonrock when she was around 160 years old after the passing of her father, Winston Tannik. She was one of the brightest inventors in Ebonrock and served on a special team of researchers seeking to combine machine and magic together for more perpetual power. This effort was pushed as industry began to wane and struggle over the past few decades in Ebonrock. However, the project grew stale and abandoned after massive surges of power and devastation accidentally occurred in Ellidell and then Ebonrock.    Altinna has ruled for the past 40 years and the past 20 years has seen a stark change in governance and industry focus - leaving many workers struggling and suffering. However, many new machines and weapons have been pumped out under Altinna's hand.

Gender Identity

Altinna is a female Rock Gnome.


Altinna was homeschooled and advanced quickly to being one of the top thinkers and inventors in all of Ebonrock, serving as one of the members on the council of The Tinkerer's Guild before then ultimately becoming the ruler of Ebonrock.

Intellectual Characteristics

Altinna is considered a genius and, especially recently, has had a gift and knack for discovering and learning new things as well as coming up with fascinating and cutting-edge inventions. As if she has a special gift.


Orso Tannik


Towards Altinna Tannik


Altinna Tannik


Towards Orso Tannik


Orso Tannik (Brother)
Ruled Locations


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