
Alada, often referred to as the “First City,” is a place of immense historical and cultural significance in Nyria. Constructed from gleaming white marble, the city is renowned for its tall, eternal cypress hills and its 300 glistening fountains, each a testament to the city’s ancient glory. Alada is widely regarded as the cradle of modern civilization and the seat of the first true king, ordained by the sun god, Solis. The city is also home to the Great White Temple of Alada, the largest structure ever built by Alsians before the construction of the Solspire.

Despite its once unmatched splendor, Alada today is but a faint shadow of its former brilliance. The city has lost much of its population over the centuries, particularly in recent times, yet it remains a vital cultural heritage site. Its current custodians, the Leidenstein Consortium, strive to preserve the city’s legacy, maintaining its streets, fountains, and ancient structures as best as they can. Alada’s significance is such that, even in its diminished state, it continues to draw scholars, pilgrims, and tourists from across the world.

A Glorious Past

Founded in 950 BF by King Aladan Terminion, Alada served as the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Lushern. According to the records preserved within the Great Temple, King Aladan was the first true king, chosen by Solis to lead his people into an era of enlightenment and prosperity. Under his rule, Alada became the heart of a powerful and influential civilization, spreading its culture, art, and religious beliefs across Nyria.

The city’s Great White Temple stands as a monument to this golden age. Its towering columns, intricately carved friezes, and vast courtyards reflect the artistic and architectural achievements of the ancient Alsians. For centuries, the temple served as a center of worship, governance, and learning, where kings were crowned, laws were enacted, and scholars debated the mysteries of the world.

The Fall and Current State

Over time, the Kingdom of Lushern fell, and Alada’s influence waned. The city endured invasions, natural disasters, and political upheavals, each leaving its mark on the once-great capital. By the time Alada became part of the Thierry Free States, it was a city in decline, its population reduced and its structures weathered by the passage of time. Despite this, Alada remained the political and cultural center of the Free States, serving as their capital and the seat of their assembly.

However, recent history dealt another blow to Alada. The city was occupied by forces from the Leidenstein Consortium, an event that marked the end of its status as the capital of the Thierry Free States. The assembly and government were relocated to Lilianth, the capital of the Serene Republic of Lilianth. Now under Leidenstein control, Alada is no longer a bustling hub of political activity but rather a city devoted to the preservation of its ancient heritage.

A Legacy Preserved

Today, Alada’s importance lies in its role as a cultural and historical landmark. The Leidenstein Consortium, now the city’s rulers, have taken on the responsibility of maintaining Alada’s ancient structures and ensuring that its legacy endures. The city’s Great White Temple remains a place of pilgrimage and study, drawing those who seek to connect with the roots of Alsian civilization.

While Alada may no longer be the thriving capital it once was, it continues to be a symbol of the enduring legacy of the Alsian people. Its white marble streets, cypress-covered hills, and glittering fountains stand as reminders of a time when Alada was the center of the world, and its influence reached across the entire continent of Nyria.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024

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