The End of the World

"The End of the World" is a story that has been told by many people across history. It's a story that is delivered to them in a dream, a drug induced fugue state, by a ghost, at the moment of their death, or, less commonly written on a half a meter wide sea shell found in a strong box, in the middle of an ancient temple. This is the story that Samuel Bartholomew Hawk weaved based on the writing on the The Sundial as it was delivered to him by the last prophet, Kel.


According to Bartholomew's translation the sundial describes that Solis the star that Nyria and her 8 sisters revolve around it will explode in anger and violence and that this anger will pemiete the souls and hearts of every living thing across the cosmos. It talks about the return of the great kings of old and that those that survive the onslaught will be greeted with open arms into the protective embrace of the Lords. He describes the earth dying and crying for its children, that her tears will drown the unbelievers and those who caused pain to the her chosen children. Kel describes thta her broken heart will rupture but that from within her warmth will embrace all her children and rejuvanate them while dispatching those who wrong them.


The text continious in a more abstract fashion talking about the 3 towers of the deliverer and the apostate children of the darker soils. While most of the text is carved in dark filled etched writing there is also an invisible much smaller in size carving that exists between the continual spiral line of the sundial. This line is using a different system of writing that has not been translated and it is considered to be written in the hidden language of the ancient priesthood of Kel. These randomly place passages are the subject of much debate, but with nothing similar being discovered before, thus far, it is impossible to translate.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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