The Sundial


In 1710 AF, Archaeologist and Professor of the Liberal Arts, Samuel Bartholomew Hawk, made a groundbreaking discovery during an excavation in the Atulahai Ridge. Amidst the ruins of an ancient circular marble structure, he unearthed a 60 cm diameter sundial shell, intricately inscribed with an ancient language never seen before. Protected by a heavy metallic box, this artifact quickly captured the world’s attention and marked the birth of a new archaeological field: Altian Archaeology.

Historical Context

The Sundial and the temple ruins were dated by chemists to around 15,000 BF, far predating the previously known emergence of writing around 3,000 BF in the ancient city-state of Alada. This astonishing discovery suggested the existence of an advanced civilization that flourished more than 10,000 years before any previously recorded evidence. The revelation sent shockwaves through the scientific community, reshaping our understanding of early human history.

The Sundial Artifact

The Sundial itself is a remarkable artifact. Carved from an enormous shell, its surface is covered with precise, elaborate inscriptions in an unknown script. This language, which predates any other known form of writing, has become the central focus of Altian Archaeology. The artifact’s preservation within a protective metallic box indicates its immense importance to the civilization that created it.

Inscriptions and Interpretation

Professor Hawk dedicated twenty years to deciphering the Sundial’s inscriptions. His interpretation suggested that the Sundial prophesied a catastrophic event—The Burn (not by name) and the subsequent global flooding—that would occur in 100 years. While many in the scientific community dismissed Hawk’s interpretations as speculative, a small group of followers took his findings seriously, forming The Church of Kel.

Impact and Legacy

The discovery of the Sundial and its ancient script opened a new chapter in the study of human history. It provided evidence of an advanced civilization that existed millennia before previously known societies. The inscriptions on the Sundial have been the subject of extensive study, with ongoing excavations at Atulahai Ridge and surrounding areas uncovering more artifacts bearing the same mysterious writing.

The Church of Kel

Based on Hawk’s interpretation, The Church of Kel emerged, believing in the prophetic significance of the Sundial. They saw Professor Hawk as a semi-divine figure capable of transcribing the sacred text. The Church preached that its followers would inherit Nyria after the foretold flood and that their efforts would usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. Despite initial skepticism from the broader public, The Church of Kel has grown in influence, driven by the conviction that the Sundial’s prophecies hold the key to humanity’s future.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Aug 29, 2024 05:43

Very interesting and well written! I like how this single item created a new field of archeology.