Bethren Settlement in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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Accompany the winding sea of Serpentis, notably beyond the Northwestern crest of the Kundala Ocean, far across the water and you will arrive at a recognized Island called; Fortunate Isle. The bloodthirsty Bethren Faction controls this Region. They are famous for being versed in linguistics and have been called "silver tongues" by many throughout the Realm of Tir Na Nog. This Faction is remembered for being clever and you may discover you've been easily persuaded to give up your Raw Resources, Created Wares, and/or Gold Coins, as opposed to fighting for them. But, don't be deceived. Just because the Bethren favor dialogue to dueling, doesn't signify that they aren't profoundly capable of it. These cruel creatures are very cut-throat, when it comes to both business and battle. They won't sit idle while you settle your decision, so don't request more time than they provide you, or you might be forced to acquiesce more than you bargained for. While they are not identified as being slothful, they do have their moments. Observing a Bethren basking in the sun, amid the day, is not unusual. They fancy drinking their teas and creating exquisite jewelry. Most of their days are filled with singing whilst working, nonetheless, when a festivity or holiday comes around, none are found working at all. They embrace socializing with other creatures and are known for welcoming guests into their homes, fretting nothing of it. They are trusting beings, but once you violate that trust, it will not recover easily, if at all. They believe in passion above all, so applying this as a tact for a war against them, isn't wise. They are attracted to shiny things and cherish dolling themselves up for others to notice. Bethren are not parsimonious beings, but they are very proud.


Fortunate Isle is a bustling island full of magical and mythical creatures. The main inhabitants are comprised of a Faction called the Bethren, who are known for their sharp tongues and silver vocal cords. The Bethren control the island and its resources, though they share it with a variety of other creatures, such as selkies and merfolk. The island itself is steeped in myths and legends, with tales of great battles between gods and monsters, and powerful artifacts buried deep beneath the waves. In addition to the aquatic creatures, there are also many other species and races living on Fortunate Isles, from dwarves to centaurs. The Bethren reign over the island and its resources, but are generous with their wealth, often trading goods and services with the other inhabitants.   The island is known for its clear skies, lush vegetation, and abundant wildlife. The climate is mild and the land is well-watered, making it ideal for growing crops and sustaining fauna. The locals are laid-back and friendly, but they also have rules and customs which must be adhered to. A Bethren Council of Elders is in charge of doling out justice and punishments, and also holds events and festivals throughout the year.   Life on Fortunate Isle is peaceful and prosperous, and many outsiders find themselves drawn to its shores in search of a better life. Though the Bethren are not always fond of strangers, their generous hospitality and open-mindedness has helped to make Fortunate Isle a safe haven for creatures from all walks of life. The island is a popular destination for adventurers, traders, and scholars alike, who come to explore its hidden depths, discover its ancient secrets, and uncover the mysteries of its past.



  The Phylarch is the Head of the Bethren Faction. The Phylarch, may or may not (highly recommended) appoint a single Officer to manage and over-see the Faction's Treasury. This includes (but is not limited to) hiring Workers for Jobs, inside Faction owned Businesses. The Officer may also (recommended when the Faction begins to increase in population) appoint a Soldier to manage and over-see each, individual Business.  

In the matter of disputes between members in the Bethren Faction

  The Bethren are very secretive about their Faction disputes, normally. However, occasional disputes will break out from time to time, in which the rest of the Kingdom must be made aware of. This includes when a Kingdom Law is broken.   Kingdom Law: In the case of a Kingdom Law being broken, a Phylarch will have an Officer or Soldier detain a suspect and escort them to the Kingdom Carcer (prison). All Judicial Proceedings for the Kingdom, will be handled once a suspect is in custody, ONLY. If a suspect cannot be found, the Phylarch will need to issue a "Kingdom Warrant" (all "Warrants" can be found on the Shivtr Website) with the Crowned Head(s).   Faction Law: In the case of a Faction Law being broken, a Phylarch will have a Soldier detain a suspect and escort them to their Faction Vincula (Jail). All Judicial Proceedings for the Faction, will be handled once the suspect is in custody, ONLY. If a suspect cannot be found, the Officer will need to issue a "Faction Warrant" with the Phylarch.   Region Law: In the event that the Faction Law broken, causes a suspect to have a "Faction Warrant" issued and that suspect goes 2 (two) weeks (or longer), evading judgement by the Faction, in which the crime took place; then a Phylarch may issue a "Regional Warrant" with the Crowned Head(s). This type of "Warrant" will be issued for every Faction.  
In the event that the suspect is apprehended in another Region (by another Faction), the apprehending Faction has the right to apprehend and extradite (return the suspect (via Soldier or Officer) the suspect to the Faction that imposed the "Warrant"
  *~Faction Laws can be found in the Militaris Building on the Map of the Region~*


To learn about the Bethren Faction's Militaris, click on the Bethren's Militaris Building, on the Map. This includes War: Raid & Concurs, as well as Duels.

Industry & Trade

The Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle is highly reliant on the bounty of the sea for their industry and trade. Fishing, whaling, and harvesting of aquatic organisms are all common activities that provide sustenance and resources for the island’s inhabitants. Additionally, Fortunate Isle is home to a vibrant market where merchants from other factions in the Kingdom come to buy and sell Wares. The most commonly traded items include seafood, cloth, jewelry, and weapons. These goods are shipped out throughout NLK and beyond. Furthermore, Fortunate Isle has a bustling trade with neighboring Regions, both near and far. For example, they trade with the Kintal Traders for rare spices, exotic herbs, and rare artifacts. In addition to these traditional trades, Fortunate Isle takes advantage of its unique Raw Wares, to produce some of the most luxurious and sought after items in the Kingdom. These include unique seafoam jewelry, boat-shaped furniture crafted from driftwood, and exquisite carpets woven with seaweed and sea shells. The island also produces a variety of consumable goods such as local wines, brewed ale, smoked salmon, and other exotic delicacies. All of these items make Fortunate Isle a popular stop for merchants and travelers alike, ensuring that the island remains an important trade Hub in the Region.


The Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle is known for its quaintness and simplicity. Even though the island is small, they have managed to create a strong infrastructure that allows their people to get around quickly and easily. Footpaths and dirt roads connect the smaller areas, while wooden bridges cross over the single lake, Lake Motya, and a few smaller rivers. The Hub of Fortunate Isle also has a dock that is used as a platform for trade and transport.   Fortunate Isle is not advanced in terms of its technology or infrastructure, but their basic systems are enough to provide a comfortable living for the people living there. They rely on the bounty of the sea and use the resources found on the island to sustain themselves. They also depend heavily on trade with other factions in the kingdom, which helps to bolster the island's economy and provide ample opportunities for the Bethren people. While the lack of bridges and advanced technology limits the island's growth, its citizens are content with their simple way of life and the close-knit community they have created.   If you're looking for a truly magical adventure, then Fortunate Isle and its surrounding waters are the perfect place for you. Beneath the crystal-clear waters of this Region lies a vast and intricate community of aquatic mythological creatures. From majestic merfolk to cunning krakens, there’s something for everyone here.   The most common inhabitants of the deep are the Merfolk, humanoid sea creatures with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish-like tail. Then, there are the Selkies, sea mammals with the upper body of a seal and the lower body of a human. Other denizens of the deep include Kelpies, shape-shifting water horses; Chions, supernatural sea monsters; Sirens, enchanting female singers; Undines, playful and mischievous water spirits; Nereids, beautiful sea nymphs; and Krakens, giant octopus-like creatures.   All of these creatures offer unique encounters for brave adventurers, and the waters of Fortunate Isle are teeming with them. Beneath the waters of Fortunate Isle lies a complex network of mysterious structures and pathways. These range from sunken ships, old docks, and crumbling ruins to elaborate coral reef cities and luminescent underwater temples. There are also glowing fields of seaweed, deep-sea caves filled with wondrous creatures, and hidden grottos full of ancient artifacts and treasure. With the right guidance, adventurers can explore the secrets of these ancient pathways and discover the hidden secrets of Fortunate Isle!


The Bethren Faction own the following Businesses

  • 4 (four) Mines -
(The following are the pre-set Raw Resource yields, for a specific Fortunate Isle's Mine, click the specific Mine on the Map to read the current yields. You can find the entire list of available Raw Resources, for the entire Region, under "Fortunate Isle" (in the Regions section))   Underground: Emeralds   Surface: Oil   Placer: Pearl   In-situ:Wood    
  • 2 (two) Farms -
(As a pre-set, each Farm will start small and grow with the Faction. Small Farms yield 3 crops each Farm. The following are the pre-sets only. You can find the entire list of available Raw Resources, for the entire Region, under "Fortunate Isle" (in the Regions section)   Farm #1: Coconut, Mango, Cane Sugar   Farm #2: Tea Leaves, Sea Salt    
  • 1 Vincula -
(Vincula means Jail.) You can learn about the Brethren Vincula, by clicking on the Building in Maps.    
  • 1 Fiscus -
(Fiscus means Treasury) You can learn about the Brethre Fiscus, by clicking on the Building in Maps.  
  • 1 Bibliotheca -
(Bibliotheca means Library) You can learn about the Biblitheca, by clicking on the Building in Maps.  
  • Hostel -
(The Hostel is considered lodging) You can learn about the Hostel, by clicking on the Building in Maps.  
  • 1 Ludi Litterarii -
(This is a MANDITORY School for members under the age of 16 (irl) You can learn about the Ludi Litterarii, by clicking on the Building Maps.  
  • 1 Hunting Ground -
(The Brethren Hunting Grounds are indicated on the Map) You can learn about the Bethren's Faction Hunting Grounds, by clicking on the Building Maps.  
  • 4 (four) Markets -
For each Faction owned Market listed, there is a limit for Purchases and Sales. This is determined by the size of that specific Market. Below are the listed sizes and their amounts for each Market (per month):  
Small: 200 Items Max (per week) Buy and Sell   Medium: 500 Items Max (per week) Buy and Sell   Large: 1000 Items Max (per week) Buy and Sell
    Macello (Butcher Market): (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Macello, on the Map.   Pistrina (Bakery Market): (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Pistrine, on the Map.   Apotheca (Apothecary): (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Apotheca, on the Map.   Armamentarium (Armory & BlackSmith Market) (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Armamentarium, on the Map.

Guilds and Factions

The Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle is an independent society that has managed to thrive for centuries in spite of its small size. They are a close-knit community made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities, bound together by their commitment to protect their unique culture and way of life. The day-to-day activities on Fortunate Isle revolve around fishing, commerce, agriculture, and craftsmanship. The creatures of the island are proud of their artisanal skills and take great pride in the items they create using traditional methods. Additionally, the Bethren are also well known for their hospitality and natural charisma, making them popular hosts when visitors come to Fortunate Isle. Finally, the island’s spectacular landscape makes it a popular tourist destination and an ideal spot for relaxing in nature. The Bethren are deeply connected to their land and the surrounding ocean and strive to maintain a sustainable lifestyle that respects and benefits all living things. They are conscious of their impact on the Region's environment and take great care to protect and preserve their unique ecosystem. Despite the challenges of living on a small island, the Bethren Faction of Fortunate Island have found ways to thrive and live in harmony with their surroundings.


The Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle has been around for centuries, although their exact origin is shrouded in mystery. Historically, the island was ruled by a Phylarch, a title of noble rulership that was inherited by the Cravin family. This monarchy held power over the island and its people for generations, until the current Phylarch, determined to honor his family's legacy, reinforced it with oppressive rules and regulations. The people of Fortunate Isle have been struggling under the weight of the Cravin rule ever since, with limited freedom and few rights. However, there is hope that the situation will change in the near future as the as new Royals have taken over the Kingdom's rule.   The new royal family of the NLK has promised to bring greater liberty and rights to the people of Fortunate Isle, and they are actively working towards making this a reality. Additionally, they are also striving to maintain the cultural integrity of the island and continue to promote its unique heritage, as well as fostering trade with other factions in the kingdom. The Bethren Faction remains determined to survive in spite of their current struggles, and there is hope that, with the right combination of leadership, justice, and industry, they will soon be able to create a better future for all those who call Fortunate Isle their home.

Points of interest

The Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle is home to many unique and interesting points of interest. The most prominent of these is the Tower of Tarnation, an impressive tower built at the center of the island. It serves as a symbol of unity and solidarity for the people of the region, showing that they are willing to come together and fight for a better future despite the oppressive rule of the Cravin family. Another major point of interest is the Great Sea Hall, a large and fearsome structure that was used by the Cravin family as a trading hall. It is now rumored to be filled with untold wonders and riches, but only a few have braved the depths of this mysterious structure and lived to tell the tale. Finally, Fortunate Isle is also home to numerous smaller monuments, sites, and landmarks that are emblematic of its unique culture and history. These include a sacred grove of trees known as The Grove of Beauty and Bounty, the Sunken Midgard Shipwreck, an old strip of land known as the Shores of Change, and the vast Labyrinth of Mystery, an underwater maze filled with secrets and hidden treasures. Collectively, these places of interest attract adventurers from all over the Kingdom, making Fortunate Isle an iconic destination for those seeking adventure and mystery.


Are you looking for a unique and immersive destination to travel to? Fortunate Isle, located off the coast of NLK, is the perfect destination for you! Here you'll find an assortment of interesting locations to explore, from the Tower of Tarnation and the Great Sea Hall, to the Sunken Midgard Shipwreck and the Shores of Change. There is also the Labyrinth of Mystery, an underwater maze filled with secrets and hidden treasures. The island is also home to a vibrant and welcoming culture, so you'll be sure to find friendly and helpful locals during your stay. Whether you're looking for a quiet and relaxing journey or a daring and dangerous adventure, Fortunate Isle has something for everyone!


The Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle is home to many unique and interesting architectural styles. The most common style is known as aquacraft, which is characterized by the use of thick-cut stone blocks that are overlaid with intricate patterns depicting sea creatures and nautical motifs. Other styles of architecture found on Fortunate Isle include terracotta tiling, intricate murals, and vibrant stained-glass windows. Additionally, many inhabitants of the island choose to decorate the exteriors of their buildings with symbols of their faith, such as carved fish, dragons, and other aquatic creatures. Overall, the architecture of Fortunate Isle is an impressive and colorful display of the culture and heritage of its people.


In the Northeast corner of the Fortunate Isle, a hub for Faction Businesses. The hustle and bustle of daylight tasks are never as attractive as when the Isle illuminates just past dark. Throughout Fortunate Isle there are 4 stunning Mines, that urge to be explored underneath the Kundala Ocean. Their entrances; strewn about the doughnut-shaped haven. The center of Fortunate Isle holds a gorgeous lake called Lake Motya, where flora lines the East banks of Lake Motya, like divots on a crescent moon.


The climate on Fortunate Isle is fairly mild, with warm summers and mild winters. During the summer months, temperatures usually range from 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit with very little humidity. At night, temperatures can drop slightly lower but rarely dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The winter months are typically mild, with temperatures ranging from the mid-40s to mid-50s Fahrenheit. Rainfall is also minimal, with occasional showers that bring a light drizzle or provide a refreshing cool breeze. Overall, Fortunate Isle has a pleasant climate that is perfect for inhabitants and visitors who want to take part in outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, sailing, and more!

Natural Resources

The natural resources of the Bethren Faction of Fortunate Isle are plentiful and diverse. The waters around the island provide a rich source of fish and seafood, which are harvested for sustenance, craftsmanship, and trade. Seaweed is also abundant, and is often used in artisanal products, food, and medicinal remedies includng Potions. Additionally, timber and lumber can be harvested from the thick forests on the island, while small deposits of copper and iron are located in the hills. Finally, the waters surrounding Fortunate Isle also provide ample opportunity for fishing and whaling, ensuring that the people of the island should never go hungry. All of these resources have allowed the Bethren to sustain themselves for centuries, creating a unique and vibrant culture on Fortunate Isle. The Bethren also have a strong tradition of trading with other factions in the Kingdom, which allows them to bolster their economy and expand the opportunities available to them. For these reasons and many more, Fortunate Isle is an ideal destination for adventurers seeking both excitement and tranquility.
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