Forest Settlement in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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The Woodlands are a Forest Region in the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos.


The Woodlands are governed by the Tarawaith Faction.


The Defenses, for the Militaris, in the Woodlands Region, are set up as follows:

  The defense of this Region (in the case of a Raid) is based on a point system. Each member in this Region (except Children) holds a Rank; each Rank has a number. Add the numbers together (according to the amount of members in each Rank) and the sum equals your Attack (Hit Points) as well as your Defend (Defensive Points). The Rank numbers are as follows:
  1. 1.
Phylarch - Officer = 10,000
  1. 2.
Phylarch - Soldier = 5,000 (per Soldier within Faction)
  1. 3.
Plebiean - Commoner = 1,000 (per Commoner)
  1. 4.
Plebiean - Merchant = 2,000 (per Merchant)
  1. 5.
Plebiean - Market Owner = 3,000 (per Market Owner)
  In a Raid, the Raiding Faction will Attack (Using their Hit Point number) and the Defending Faction will Defend (Using their Defensive Point number). Raids are won by numbers.

Industry & Trade

Mines, Farms and Hunting Grounds yield Raw Resources. Woodlands have specific Raw Resources, available in their Region. There are 3 types of Markets as well as Shops within each Region's Faction, in the Kingdom of Nereid Lykandos;


The Phylarch appointed to govern the Woodlands Region, is given the following (as a means to stabilize and grow their Faction

  The List below includes the Raw Resources, only available, in the Forest Region. The Underlined Raw Resources are the pre-sets. To find the current cultivations & excavations, click on the "Woodlands" Region, under the Factions tab, on the Kingdom's Shivtr site.  
  • Mines -
Woodlands are given one of each of the following sized Mines (each Mine can collect only 1 specific deposit (per month). The Phylarch can request to change the deposit collected):        
Underground: Coal, Silver, Emerald   Surface: Hematite, Rock, Malachite, Lapis Lazuli   Placer: Garnet   In-situ: Copper, Bone, Iron, Compost, Manure, Clay, Wood
Farms -
2 (two) small (pre-set) sized Farms (yielding 3 crops each). Farms grow in size, based on the number of members within this Faction.
  • Vincula -
1 Vincula is established in the Forest Region. It will accommodate up to 20 (twenty) Individual members, within this Region.
Hunting Ground -
1 Hunting Ground (pre-set to small) is established in the Forest Region. The sizes, of Hunting Grounds, are determined by the Kingdom's Royal Heads and will only grow, as your Faction grows. Listed below are ALL the creatures found in the Woodlands (year round), according to the manor in which they are collected (any other creature sighted (in Role Play) is considered unobtainable (will not be added to the member's Fiscus Inventory)):
  • Fishable:
Salmon, Tuna  
  • Trapable:
Hen, Bat, Rabbit  
  • Huntable:
Goat, Deer, Bear, Buffalo, Tiger
Fiscus -
1 Fiscus (size is infinite) used to record and detail all Raw Resources, Created Wares and Gold of each Faction member.
Bibliotheca -
1 Bibliotheca (size is infinite) used to record and detail the "Recipes" and "Raw Resources" known to the Woodlands Region.
Ludi Litterarii -
1 Ludi Litterarii (size is infinite) used to teach the Children in the Woodlands Region.
Militaris -
1 Militaris (size is infinite) used to train the Officers, Soldiers and Individual Plebieans, in Wars and Duels.
Hostel -
1 Hostel (size is the same in every Faction) used to house the members of Woodlands, that do not own Residential Property.
(Faction Owned) Markets -
All (Faction Owned Markets are pre-set to Small and grow with the number of members in the Region) with Basic Prices (Read: Woodlands “Recipes” and "Raw Resources" cards for Basic Created Wares, and Resources Prices)
4 (four) Markets, listed as follows:
  • Macello:
1 Macello  
  • Pistrina:
1 Pistrina  
  • Apotheca:
1 Apotheca  
  • Armamentarium:
1 Armamentarium


The terrain of these vegetation, formed from the remains of trees that have fallen in successive generations for centuries, is strange: sometimes rising in the shape of a mountain, then suddenly descending into a muddy swamp, populated by grotesque alligators wallowing in the green goo and millions of mosquitoes infesting amidst the putrefying vapours exhaled, and sometimes prolonging itself indefinitely in plains of a drudgery and familiarity that is utterly disturbing. Huge mahogany trees, century-old cork trees, and the acajou, whose gloomy branches formed a vaulted dome of green eighty feet above the heads of the travelers, had replaced the low-growing plants and trees. The stonepath had widened and stretched on a modest ascent towards a moderately sized mound devoid of trees. Through the gaps between the trees, a few Stone cottages can be spotted. Such who live in those huts are reputed to practice magic, but they cast suspicious stares at visitors, and their expressions are lifeless and unwelcoming. To have ample space to test their potions, the witches of tarawaith choose to dwell outside of the city, in the woods. The journey continues until it reaches the city, which is perched atop a hill in the woods. Upon entering the market, the smell of withering foliage dissipates and is replaced with the lovely fruity scent of the market. Fruit stands serve a variety of fresh berries in addition to fruits. The vendors explain with their pricing while the old ladies of the tarawaith haggle over them. Down the hill, there are still vegetable and hen farms. Down the hill, a piece of the forest was deforested, leaving a field of grass where cows and other herbivores graze while predators such as tigers stalk their preys. The hunters come here to hunt the wild monsters that emerge into the light. Other than that, a few tarawaith hunters venture into the forest, but the stakes for the creatures who hide in the shadows remain high. The houses in the city are modest and unadorned. Built of stone bricks and mud, with a straw and wood roof and enough room to raise a family. Welcome to the Woodlands. Home to the tarawaith hunters and Magicians.
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