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Cirelian Planetary Investigation Bureau

The Planetary Investigation Bureau, often known by the acronym PIB, is an investigative agency on the planet Cirelia. They are part of Cirelian planetary security, focusing on domestic affairs.   The Bureau is an agency focused on the security and protection of the Cirelian people and government. There are many different departments, that zone in on different aspects such as intelligence, National Security, Crime, etc, and then even lower sub-departments that get into specific types of crimes, security threats, etc.   When the bureau cannot crack a case, or if the case involves crimes done on other planets, they may team up with Coalition Law Enforcement agencies or hand the case over completely.

Responsibilities & Jurisdiction

The PIB has the responsibility to protect Cirelia and the Cirelian government; this involves protecting the planet from terrorist attacks, foreign intelligence operations, significant cybercrime, significant white-collar crime, and significant violent crime. The PIB has jurisdiction over these kinds of crimes and is explicitly responsible if the crimes affect the federal government or are particularly heinous.


  The Bureau is made up of numerous divisions that break up the work based on the different types of intelligence or crimes. The Divisions are each made up of numerous investigative units, or teams, who each have a team leader and a handful of teammates.   The different units and team members will be assigned to different cases related to their division's jurisdiction and often will have more than one at a time depending on the number of things being investigated

Investigative Divisions

Violent Crime

The Violent Crime division is a division of the PIB whose purpose is to investigate and stop violent crimes.   Employees
Kiana Khan - senior special agent
Bek Vanok - special agent
Kail Hamon - special agent
Noelle Kurren - trainee agent


The narcotics division is a part of the PIB focused on taking down large-scale drug rings. This unit often involves a lot of undercover work and long-term investigations.

White Collar Crime

The white-collar crime division is an investigative division focused on embezzlement and other white-collar crimes. This division often involves a lot of long-term large-scale investigations.


The cyber crimes division is a division of the PIB that focuses on crimes that involve the holonet.


The Forensics division is focused on the collection and analysis of evidence. This involves both physical forensics and cyber forensics. Those involved in this division are not often field agents but are rather forensic scientists and technicians.   Employees
Nalia Rinno - forensic scientist
Planet of Origin
Related Government
Cirelian Government
Leading Organization
Cirelian Law Enforcement

Rank Structure

For Field Agents

Trainee Agent - an agent fresh out of training and still in the probationary period and cannot be unaccompanied without a special agent.
Special Agent
- an agent that has passed the probationary period and has full field agent status.
Senior Special Agent
- an experienced agent who is incharge of managing a team of agents.
Supervisory Special Agent
- an experienced agent who is incharge of managing and supervising multiple teams in their division.
Assistant Special Agent in Charge
- an experienced agent who is incharge of assisting in running a whole division.
Special Agent in Charge
- an experienced agent who is incharge of running a whole division.


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