Shulanite spirituality has a lot of focus on duality, with there being many warring gods and spirits in their cosmology. The belief in deities and spirits is common, even in modern times although the practices have become a bit more relaxed.
This has also led to a lot of strict and sometimes restrictive societal roles that people are supposed to follow. This involves things like gender roles, marriage, and even expectations of castration some for the male priesthood. This is often looser in modern times but still runs strong in more traditionalist sects.
Shulanite spirituality is sometimes syncretized with the Daanist religion, but there are also a lot of traditionalist movements to try and stop this and stick to traditional practices. When it is syncretized with Daana, the different gods are seen as different aspects or servants of Daana.
Locations & Practices
Shulaintes often worship in temples, many of which are grand and elaborate in design with multiple chapels for the different deities and spirits. The temples of the Great Mother, one of the most popular deities, are often the most visited and grandest places of worship.
Household alters and items of worship, like religious symbols and paintings, are also common.
There are a variety of priesthoods and types of religious leaders that serve as leaders for the Shulanite spirituality, but there are a variety of titles that hold great sway and importance. One of the most important organizations is the Priesthood of the Great Mother, who have mostly male leadership and are quite influential when it comes to spiritual matters.
Male Religious leaders, especially those related to the Great Mother, are often castrated. This is done as a symbol of their commitment to the priesthood and their position as a father figure to those who they help. Religious Masculinity is often associated with castration and celibacy.
High Priest of the Great Mother - the high priest of the Great Mother is the leader of the priesthood of the Great Mother and is one of the highest-ranking authorities of the Shulanite religion due to their leadership of the popular goddess’s priesthood. They, like all members of the Priesthood of the Great Mother, are castrated.
Deities & Spirits
The Great Mother - A fertility and mother goddess who is one of the most worshiped deities. She is often synchronized with Danna in syncretic Daanist faiths. The members of her male priesthood
Core Beliefs & Superstitions