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Telvan - Ethnicity

Telvans is a term for people of the Telvan species and their culture. Due to their very xenophobic views, Telvans only consider those of the Telvan species to be true Telvans and all others are considered to be lesser beings.   Due to the Telvans being very xenophobic and extreme in their ideology, not much is known about them from first-hand experience, rather most of this information known by the Galactic Coalition has been gathered from data banks or from the limited interaction with Telvan ships.




Telvan upper-class fashion has a lot to do with loose cuts and shows of wealth, this is what is considered to be ‘Telvan clothing’ everything else is just something worn by the lower castes. It includes lots of revealing or impractical clothing.   In the working classes, people tend to wear practical clothing with less showiness, looking more like a plain uniform than anything else, commonly just a simple tunic and pants. If they work somewhere where they’d have to be in the presence of people of higher class standings, they will be put in something more formal and beautiful by their employer.   This difference between the clothes of the classes isn’t just a natural product of the class system, it is a legally enforce dress code that is determined by one's caste (See Telvan Caste System) with the upper-class being allowed to wear fancy clothing and the lower caste restricted to more utilitarian uniform like clothing.


Not much is known about Telvan architecture, but from studying the information gathered from data banks as well as examining their ships, it can be assumed that the upper classes live in much more elegant and decorated houses with the military and working class living in more utilitarian-type housing.


Caste System

For more info see: Telvan Caste System, The Kastet Military Caste     Telvan society is heavily centered around a caste system that is still enforced and practiced in the present. The caste system determines what jobs people can have, who they can marry, and much of everyday life. The caste system is used to uphold the current power dynamic and punishment is dealt to anyone who steps too far out of line.

Ritual Purity

For more info see: Telvan Ritual Purity   Telvan society has a strong concept of ritual cleanliness. If one does something that is considered unclean, one must go through a purification ritual to become clean again. In some cases, the ritual uncleanliness is considered permanent and cannot be removed causing them to be bumped to the lowest caste rank, if this is the case one has two choices: cover up the fact that they did it and never let it slip OR go to trial and be found guilty; Most people attempt to do the former but are quickly ratted out in an inquisition like manner and put on trial.

Telvan Childrearing

For more info see: Telvan Midwifery & Child Rearing   Telvans have a society very focused on the continuation of family lines and the stratification of society, as such their traditions surrounding pregnancy and child rearing reflect that. Most of these traditions have come about as a result of the caste system and the concept of ritual purity in the empire.
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Telvan Caste System
Telvan Ritual Purity
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