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Telvan - Species

Telvans are a humanoid species native to the planet Telva.   The Telvans have a strict caste system that governs much of social life, including who one can marry. As a result of this, some traits are more common in some castes than in others and have been have been the subject of breeding programs.


Telvans have a slightly uncanny appearance, especially to humans whom they look remarkably similar to, with long flexible arms, legs, and digits. They have long faces with sharp features, they also tend to lack eyebrows and have widows peaks. They tend to be around six to seven feet tall, especially in the upper castes which tend to be taller and lither than the rest of the population. Those in the warrior caste also tend to be taller but have broader more muscular builds.   Telvans have slightly fuzzy skin and hair which are commonly pale brown and beige, sometimes almost white or silver, especially in the higher castes, with a slightly darker gradient along their spine and back. Those in the warrior caste tend to have darker coloring, often having more brown, grey, or black coloring. Their hair tends to be straight and similar in tone to the color along their back.   They also have pale blue, green, or purple eyes, with vertical pupils that adjust according to light. They also have the ability to see into the ultraviolet spectrum meaning that while other creatures may just see white a Telvan may see two or more different colors; this means that while most Telvan artifacts appear to be quite plain and simple to other species, to a Telvan they are colorful and vibrant.   Telvans have different internal organs than humans, one of the more notable being that Telvans lack a liver organ and their digestive system is quite different, making them sensitive to many human foods and even making them severely allergic to some. They also have a different blood composition causing their blood to be pale gray, which may cause their skin color.

Other Traits

Telvans live similar life spans to humans and other similar species, on average only living to be around ninety years old.
For more info about their related culture see: Telvan - Ethnicity
Planet of Origin 


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