
Agri-Star is a super-corp that specializes in agriculture mass production, and produces over 70% of all the food consumed within the Corporate Assembly. Agri-Star however is not merely just a food producer, but also has significant investments made into genetic manipulation, Medi-Gel production, cyberware manufacturing, security services and many other smaller operations that are meant to undermine the competition. Among the Gang of Three, Agri-Star not only has the most employees (numbering in the billions) but also the largest standing military force (numbering in the tens of millions).    Agri-Star maintains a extremely feudal structure. Each world is an oligarch's keep, and most are semi-primative worlds that are exploited after technology fell during the Silence. Most lords maintain a standing force of their own, but all must pledge to the High Executives at the top of the corporate strucure. Most of these lords are hereditary in nature, and rarely do planets switch hands.   Wars between the various lords is an organized and structured affair. The first salvo is launched by teams of lawyers and medias, establishing a firm casus belli. If this does not force one of the lords to back down, or an intervention by the High Executives, slowly but surely escalation is ramped up. Armies of assassins and spies are deployed, privateering captains and bounty hunters are hired, and conventional forces are slowly built up and prepared for more open conflict. Most of the time, before conventional war breaks out, either one side backs down, or the Executive Council intervenes. Occasionally larger conflicts have been brought to heel by the larger Corporate Assembly.   Between all the ancient families, Agri-Star also maintains a large arsenal of atomic weapons, something that IsoChem and Smith-Shimano Corpo are extremely aware of.
Corporation, Agriculture
Parent Organization


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