Mutant Tamer

Beast Masters, Xenobiologists, Animaroids alike all find themselves under the umbrella of Mutant Tamers. Tamers are masters of the xenobiology, and have somehow adopted the alien creatures and found a way to master the mutations themselves. Gene splicing and genetic modification are the tools of this profession, and they use these to enhance not only their companion but also themselves. The have mastered the abilities of isolating certain mutations, and can apply them to their creatures.   The types of xeno beast they employ varies, but they all fall in one of three relative categories:        

Level 1

Primary Ability:     Companion: Choose a single mutant, this mutant becomes your companion.   Secondary Ability:   Gene Modding: You can take a long rest restoring your mutant if it dies, however you must collect its gene-core to do so. Otherwise it takes two long rests. You can also boost the healing of your teammates. One day during the adventuring week, you can double the healing of the short rest taken in a day.   Starting Class Bonus   Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to either Wit or Vigor.   Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Medicine, Science, Biology, Survival, Investigation, Intuition, Perception, or Intimidation.  

Level 2

  Primary Ability:     Companion: N/A     Secondary Ability:   Gene Modding: You can now adopt an ability from your mutant and apply it to yourself. You choose this ability once per long rest. You can use the ability by expending an effort. If the ability is longer than an action, you can use it up to 1 minute.  

Level 3

  Primary Ability:   Companion: You now get an upgraded version of your pet. In addition to the pet upgrade, you can choose from the following list of abilities to add to your mutant.  
  • Flying: The mutant gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed.
  • Underwater: Gains a swimming speed and breathes underwater.
  • Enhanced Senses: Gains advantage on perception checks. Cannot be surprised.
  • Long Strike: Mutant gains 10 foot range on all melee attacks
    Secondary Ability   Gene Modding: You can also switch the class of your pet, this takes a long rest to do.      

Level 4

  Primary Ability   Companion: You can now give an additional ability to your pet.  
  • Venom: Gives the creature under your control some kind of toxin ability, this could either be a stinger of some kind, or venom within the teeth. However this manifests itself, your mutant can make a Venom Strike. If it hits the mutants hits the mutant does an additional 2d6 toxic damage. They can use this ability the amount of mutant tamer levels there is per day.
  • Defensive: Mutant gains +2 to AC.
  • Smoke Screen: The creature can emit a blocking smoke as an action. The area covers a 30 foot radius around the mutant, the area becomes totally invisible unless you've got thermal eyesight gear or cyber.
  • Elemental Creature: The creature can manifest some kind of elemental abilities. It's melee strikes do an additional 1d4 energy damage.
  Secondary Ability   Gene Modding: You now can adopt two abilities per long rest. You use the ability by expending effort, if it is more than an action it lasts 1 minute.

Level 5

  Primary Ability   Companion: Your mutant now gains an upgrade. You also can add an ability to your mutant from the following list:  
  • Tentacles: The mutant grows some kind of tentacles, it can now make an attack roll with the tentacles. If it hits, deal normal damage and then the creature must make a contested vigor or finesse roll against your mutant. If it fails, the creature is restrained.
  • Teleporter: The mutant gains a small teleport ability, and can use it equal to the Mutant Tamer level you are at. They can teleport up to 30 feet using a bonus action.
  • Healing Sac: Your creature now has a protective healing ability. You can spend an hour once per day cultivating this healing power, and can heal up to 4 creatures for 2d10 hit points. Or you can release it in an emergency. All creatures within 10 feet of the mutant gains 2d4 hit points.
  • Psychic Link: You now form a link with your mutant, as long as you are on the same planet as your creature, you can communicate telepathically with your creature. You can also take an action and see through the eyes of your mutant.
Gene Modding: You can now adopt three abilities from your companion.   Ultimate:   Release the Beast: Choose any three of your companions abilities and take them on for 10 minutes. You also gain their attacks if you so choose. You can also boost your vigor and finesse by 2 for the duration. You take one level of exhaustion when this ends.

Articles under Mutant Tamer


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