Occupation of Thraka

The Occupation of Thraka is one of the Major Theaters of the Colonial Earth Empire expansion into Pacifica. It has proven one of the Empire's greatest tests, as the Ecumenopolis of Thraka has proven not only difficult to police, but also incredibly costly to the Empire's economy.   Continual failure by the Imperial forces during instances like the Siege of Talltown have causen war weariness back in the Core Systems to swell. People on home imperial planets grow tired of losing on the planet, and only having violence and terrorism brought home in return.   Meanwhile, the Pacifica Liberation Front saw a increase in their support, and Thraka has proven to be a ripe recruiting ground for new and dedicated agents to employ against further Imperial expansion.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
War, Theatre
Battlefield Type
Start Date
221 CE
Ending Date

Articles under Occupation of Thraka