
The Plaguewalkers are a cult that some claim even pre-dates the Empire, and the republic that came before it. It was born out of The Red Spring, where some fostered the belief that it made humanity stronger. The group originated by those living on the abandoned rock that was Earth. Their plans work in thousands of years.   The first note of the Plaguewalkers was described in the ancient history datavaults of the United Republic of Earth Colonies (the predecessor to the now Colonial Earth Empire). They mention a planet that was struck with a biological warhead, supposedly launched from planet earth. The Plaguewalkers first send out their prophets, seeding the foundations of their cult of apocalypse. Then, after the cult takes root for centuries. All the while, the plaguewalkers from the original planet, assemble a biological weapons from the remnants of their own planet. The weapon takes centuries to arrive, enough time for the cult to spread, creating a messiah-like religious death-cult. In some cases the followers take actions into their own hands, destroying orbital defense platforms, disabling defensive navies, or attacking potential shelters before the weapon arrives.   When the warhead finally arrives, the prophets are proven right. Their support swells, and they are given coordinates of "aid" ships that follow up the warhead that gives the followers an advantage in the ashes of the planet. Then the cycle repeats itself, as they develop their own biological ship, and send out their own prophets.   Prophets have rumored to have been spotted on Kalvus, Thassa VII and even supposedly Temple.
Religious, Cult


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