Republic Rangers

The Rangers are the inter-stellar policing force of the Republican Remnant. They have a wide range of authority, but at the end of the day they still answer to the Republican Senate. It is said that the rangers are the most loyal the republic has to offer. Stories of rangers falling to corruption are rare, and the Senate is happy to make an example out of every one.   If a ranger is found engaging in illegal activity, they can spend their whole lives in jail. Their punishments are greatly skewed against those who volunteer to take the badge. Training in the rangers requires years of education, and most hold a wide variety of skills. They usually work in small independent teams, with a mix of specialities.   The Rangers are recruited from all over Free Space, and this is intentional. Often teams they find teams hand out the most even handed judgement when made up of rangers from different parts of the Republic.


The Rangers are a oddly flat struggle. There are team rookies, team members, team leaders, and the marshalls. Marshalls simply help organize the teams and promote and demote members. They answer directly to the Republican Senate. There being so few, and spread over such massive territory often leads to ranger teams hardly even being able to interact with each other.   They usually get some basic weapons and a standard ship, but have to procure and maintain much of the gear they use in the field. Rangers are allowed to collect donations, though they are carefully kept track of in records.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization


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