Solar Order

The Solar Order is a far-right paramilitary and internal political police formed from the ardhent supporters of the Fourth Column. On many planets in the Empire, they beat down political dissenters, worker's movements and federalists. They exist in an incredibly gray area of legality. They are strictly under the control of the Fourth Column, and are allowed on a planet to planet basis. They are incredibly anti-psionic. They call them Psychos, Witches, Soothsayers and Shamans. They regularly attack and murder psionics found in and out of the empire. The Judicars have no problem keeping particularly violent Solar Order groups in line. It is not rare to hear about the Judicars purging a branch of the Solar Order, at the request of the local House.     Sometimes, particularly charismatic bosses might form their own legions. These legions usually attach themselves to some Imperial Army Regiment and tear through the Mid Rim territories as cruel political shock troopers. The Imperial Navy, and several regiments refuse to work alongside the Solar Order. Several military leaders have called the Solar Order Legions "undisciplined, ignorantly aggressive and cruel to the point where it actively hinders imperial military operations."   The Colonial Security Bureau has a long history of relying on Solar Order muscle when their own forces are not enough. They view the order as a brutally effective blunt object in which to beat the populace into submission. Many Solar Order officers are recruited regularly into the CSB.

Honor Through Strength

Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Parent Organization


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