Colonial Security Bureau

Colonial Security Bureau was once the internal policing system of more far flung colonies, that has since taken up internal policing in the Core Systems. The CSB operates within primarily Imperial controlled space, though the occasional CSB team is seen working alongside Corporate Assembly policing forces or on the borders of space. The Bureau grew in power due to their support and approval from their key role in the formation of the Empire, and their support of the Fourth Column. Even the Ministry of the Imperial Secret Service is wary to step on powerful commanders of the Bureau. They are known for their use of Praetorian Guards, dangerous strike teams used to dispatch dissenters or threats to the empire, usually recruited from the Imperial ArmyImperial Navy. When they lack for muscle, the Bureau is known to utilizie paramility organizations like the Solar Order and the Blueforce Division  The CSB's primary aims are to protect and encourage the continued expansion of the Imperial Colonial efforts in the Mid Rim. Colonials often follow military forces initial invasion, working with corpo-states, and the CSB in order to establish imperial order on the "newfound" colony. Most of the time, the Bureau is regularly deployed alongside Harrison Armory, who they maintain a close relationship with.   C-Sec also maintains and runs a good chunk of the propaganda political arm of the empire, making sure people's views stay in line with those of the governments. They work at the behest of influential party members, or senators. This includes the emperor, although in recent years he has shown more favor to the Ministry of the Imperial Secret Service. All the while the CSB churns up political dissidents and activists within the empire. The growing amount of Fourth Column propoganda is a direct result of the careful manufacturing of consent done by the far-right in charge of the CSB.


The overall structure of the Colonial Security Bureau is complicated, and constantly changing. At its face, the Bureau is divided into sectors that answer to the board of directors on New Babylon. Those directors are appointed by a combination of the Imperial Court, and by means the emperor, and a select group of senators. While in office, the Directors answer directly to the Imperial Senate Internal Security Board. This board primarily dictates the budget and overarching directives of the CSB, but the Bureau directors often handle how those directives are fufilled, and to what end.    Sector department heads thus try to court these processes. Doing good work, usually at the request of particular senators, is likely to push forward their career path. Under each sector, there is a vast swath of different departments. These include anything from enforcement to outreach, and each can have an impact on the day to day lives of imperial citizens.   The only two departments that remain seperate from the sectors is Internal Affairs and Propoganda. Both are highly sought after positions, and a majority of these departments remain as positions in the Throne Worlds. It also means easy access to higher ranking imperials.   The Security Bureau is massive in size, numbering in the hundreds of millions. A vast majority of these jobs are simple bureaurcrats or desk workers. They are your standard run of the mill average imperial citizens, who simply are working a job that supports their government.


The cabal of power that controls the CSB is complicated and cutthroat. The organization is split up into sectors, and each sector department head controls a small kingdom of resources. The sector heads jockey for their territory to expand. They in turn answer to the board, which is made up of officers selected by a combination of the Senate and the Court.   To climb the ranks of the CSB, one needs to not only build a base of personal power and loyalty, but also constantly undercut their superiors. It is a careful game of push and pull, that requires a ruthless and cunning player. The CSB is also a means to getting above ones economic class, for those who are able to claim it. There are many senators or party bosses that can trace their origins back to their career in the Bureau.
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
C-Sec, CSB, The Bureau
Parent Organization
Praetorian Guardian Team

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