The Combine

The Combine was formed on Port Tulum after a series of mergers and aquisitions between several guilds that were deemed illegal by the Musura Federation several decades ago. Regardless of their legal status, the Combine carried on, operating behind the scenes. They often maintain a significant, yet distant, role from the guilds in Musuran space. Many of the guilds would rather deal with the Combine rather than the Zym Cartels or the Iron Hand.   The Combine is known for their openess to trade, and their aversion to open war. The combine considers themselves shrewd capitalists, not uncouth gangsters. There is a formality to everything, and their organization has a very strict code of laws and regulations. How these laws are enforced depends on executive to executive. The Grand Baronies of Carthage have been using the Combine to wash their ill-gotten gains for decades and even the Ungratefuls have used the Combine as smugglers for weapons shipments.
Illicit, Cartel


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