
"Ungratefuls” is the name given to members of the widespread resistance movement within the Terminus Systems. The resistance started in the among the indentured laborers among the now occupied planet of Dramaekia, lashing out against the occupation of the Covenant of Man.   Although it was initially only localized to the planet, a massacre of striking miners on Dramaekia soon caused their message to spread like wildfire, causing uprisings on Tu'Kor, Nimbam and even on Cairo. This led the mostly political movement to blossom into full-scale armed rebellion. It also expanded in scope from just the Covenant of Man, to target the operations of the Colonial Earth Empire and the Grand Baronies of Carthage  The Ungratefuls’ message of liberation is a popular one that has inspired many underground resistance movements across the galaxy. They share a common bond with the Pacifica Liberation Front and the Dragon Resistance. Meetings between the three are conducted regularly, usually out of arm's reach of imperial assassins.   The movement’s name – the Ungratefuls – was coopted from an early propaganda offensive against the strikers – one that cast them as ungrateful for the bounties the Covenant had given them. The resistance came to be known as the Ungratefuls through a combination of popular usage and ideology. To be grateful for the Covenant’s gifts would be to support the system that enables them – to tacitly approve of oppression, exploitation, and the other normal functions of theocracy.   To be Ungrateful is to reject that system. The term has become a point of pride for partisans, agents, agitators, and organizers, although they do not use it to describe themselves. They are much more likely to use “comrades”, “siblings”, and other affectionate terms of address. More broadly, members of the resistance refer to themselves as Free Peoples.   The Ungratefuls are supported openly by the United Caspian Commune and the Thondor Cooperative, who will regularly smuggle material supplies to the partisans in Terminus. They also are happy to train and fund resistance leaders, all the while the Colonial Earth Empire, the Covenant and the Federation claim that they are fueling terrorism.


Ungrateful cells are small, tight-knit, and reliant on mass movements to affect material change. Their tactics center on targeted harassment of political enemies and the organization and radicalization of laborers, particularly in the mines, factories, and fields of the Covenant and the Empire. Beyond this, Ungrateful activity ranges in scope from the local to the interstellar. Some cells focus on direct actions in their local mines, factories, farms, or worlds; others direct their actions at the Covenant and beyond, including Empire as the ultimate enabler of the systems that oppress them. Their methods are just as varied, encompassing everything from peaceful strikes and demonstrations to education programs in the mines, out-and-out attacks on colonial assets and VIPs.
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
Free Peoples


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