Iron Hand

The Iron Hand arose through the brutal underbelly of the Core Systems. Decades ago, the Iron Hand was merely just another hive gang on Mystra. However, veterans returning from Tu'Kor were bringing back all kinds of narcotics like Spice, illegal Medi-Gel and Slo-Mo.   They soon began to corner the market, using the profits to flood their ranks with guns and to bribe the local authorities to look the other way. The hive wars that broke out in the lower levels lasted years. The Iron Hand soon started making contacts with the Hydra Syndicate and Zym Cartels. It is even rumored the Hand works with corrupt Colonial Security Bureau officers. The Hand took over the majority of Mystra, and soon their expansion began to encompass the entire Core. They usually buy out the competition, and now operate as a semi-legal syndicate of oligarchs and power brokers. Many operate in a legal grey area, shielding them from most imperial jurisdictions.    However, when they are threatened on their own territory, the Iron Hand musters in force. They have a vast array of arms, thanks of course to imperial surplus. They also have a wide array of highly paid, ex-military muscle that has experience fighting in the mid-rim. Each year they rake in trillions of credits, having expanded their crime network to whole new venues like illegal casinos, protection rackets, and even in their own production of Rust. They have been known to donate great amounts to Blueforce Division, who in turn take extra care to target rival crime bosses in the Mid Rim, where the influence of the Iron Hand is smaller.
Illicit, Syndicate


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