United Caspian Commune

Idealogically, materially, and spiritually allied with the Union of Socialist Systems, and also rose to power during the chaos that ensued during the Age of Silence.   The United Caspian Commune arose after Wild Space tore the sector apart around them. The people of Caspia united in defense, against the aggressive Zym Hegemony, and became a bastion of socialism for the region. It now remains as a bastion to socialism, now withstanding the pummeling of the bloating Zym Cartel and the hyper-fascist Covenant of Man that view the U.C.C. as idealogical demons.   Where they defer against the Union, is that they are much more actively interested in widely ushering in a galaxy-wide worker revolution. They actively have deployed their forces in not only Wild Space, but the wider Mid Rim. The Colonial Earth Empire actively tries to work against the interests of the Caspian Commune, however they are worried too much pushing will cause a larger fight that would drag in not only the Union, but also potentially the Thondor Kingdoms, and even open them up to an attack by a growing Musura Federation.    

A Complicated Friendship

  The Union of Socialist Systems and the United Caspian Commune are staunch allies, both in word, solidarity, and in material support. However, the distance between these two left-wing institutions creates a complicated friendship. The two bicker, regularly, behind closed doors about the proper method of dealing with the increasingly growing threat of the Colonial Earth Empire. The Caspians are right on their doorstep, a Dramaekia captured by the extremely far-right Covenant of Man bodes as an obvious ill omen to the Commune. However, while Union agrees with this assertion, they disagree in the direct action requested by the Caspians. The Union maintains a very small active force, and for good reason. They do not wish to throw away Union lives battling the same long drawn out war that led to the Age of Silence, especially not while the Zym Cartel looms so close, and the right-wing elements of the Federation stoke the flames of war with the Union.    So there is a tenous middle ground reached. The Caspians continue to build up their conventional military forces, and the Union provides ample material support to their comrades in Wild Space. This is not without its own issues though, and the two being so distant has posed logistical problems for how this aid is delivered. The journey from Sovereign Space to Caspia can take weeks at best, and months at worst. To even get there, a freighter captain must either brave the Felucia Trade Way, which is marred with Imperial Navy blockades, and oppurtunistic Covenant of Man war parties; or the ship must traverse through the less established Wild Space, and risk capture by pirates, the Zym Cartel, or a Thondorian Clan Fleet.
Political, Federation
Alternative Names
Power Structure
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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