Camthrin System

The system that contains within it the capital of the Free Uriy Commonwealth by hosting the main institutions of its government and of the state apparatus. It is also an important economic center with internal and external trade routes using this system as a transit point.


The Camthrin System is the gravitationally bound system of the Camthrin star and the objects that orbit it either directly or indirectly. Of the objects that orbit the Camthrin star directly, the largest are the planets, with the remainder being smaller objects, the dwarf planets and small Camthrin System bodies. Schematically, the Camthrin System is made up, in addition to the Camthrin star itself which is a O-type star and in order of increasing distance from it, of seven tellurics planets (Camthrin I, II, Ungus, Camthrin IV and V).

It should be noted that Camthrin II is a huge gas giant, it is the most imposing object in the system. An asteroid belt is present between Camthrin II and Ungus which is very rich in minerals. The main point of interest in the system is the planet Ungus, the only inhabited planet in the system and the capital of the Free Uriy Commonwealth. The gravitational limit of the Camthrin System is much further away up to 1 or 2 light years from the Camthrin star. The system also has two gates to the systems of Wezen and Hlilje.

Natural Resources

The system is rich in natural resources, whether by the various moons, planets and the asteroid belt which is extremely rich in minerals. Ungus also has other natural resources attached to there habitability such as those related to the aquaculture or other of this kind.


The Camthrin system had not yet been really explored by the uriys since they were still stuck in the equivalent of the Middle Ages althought they had not yet discovered the mastery of iron due to the oceanic nature of their world of origin making their species progressed slowly throughout their history. This will end abruptly upon first contact with the qravadox and their attack that will submit the planet in 2255 transforming the system into a major production center for the Qravadox Empire fleet. The system will become the political and economic center of the Commonwealth after the Continuation War.
Solar System
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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