Zemira Settlement in Spheres of the Gods | World Anvil
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Built in semi-circular basin recessed into the northern edge of the Silent Shore, Zemira is protected on three sides by steep, craggy mountains. The city fills the entirety of the lowland area of the basin, crawling its way up several of the more manageable slopes of the mountains around it. The mouth of the basin is protected by a massive, 100' tall, 20' ancient stone thick stone wall.


Zemira is one of the most culturally varied citiees in the system outsiode of Bastion. The S.A.C holds a strong presence here, and has worked to send loyal human citizens to live here as part of their attempt to influence public opinion, but it is also home to a wide range of local native inhabitants, including Aarakockra, Dragonborn, earth genasi, gnomes, halflings, harengon, tabaxi, leonin, loxodon, thri-keen, and more.


Zemira is the seat of government for the The Kashan Caliphate, the ruling family of Yridos who have gone unchallenged since they secured power a few hundred years after the Fall. The current ruler, Grand Heirophant Emir Shirkuh holds authority over the various minor rulers, including the Caliphs controlling larger regions and the mayors who run the towns and cities directly. Emir is accutely aware, however, that he holds his position at the pleasure of the S.A.C, and that if he acts in ways that harm the S.A.C or its relationship with Yridos, he will likely find himself in a dicey situation.


The hard rock ground the city is built on means wyrms aren't a problem, but the mountains are filled with roving herds of goliaths, giants, and other large monsters. To protect the city, the huge wall is topped with massive turrets.


Zemira is home to the only major space port on Yridos that is open to public use, the Tabit Kashan Interplanetary. Their industrial development is also quite high, with a thriving economy driven by the processing and refining of mined materials, as well as the crafting of tools, mining equipment, and other goods from the locally mined minerals. Much of their water is delivered from the glacier using a massive aquaduct system, and stored in a reservoir high up the mountain. To supplement the supply, the S.A.C introduced an advanced Re-Vaporators that draw what limited moitsure can be found in the air, as well as from small underground reservoirs.
The Hunter's Apex runs a transport service, coordinated with the The Coalition of Independent Merchants and Companies who provides the vehicles. For those who can afford it, there is a 1gp per person charge to buy a ticket on scheduled duneskiff to any other city in the Scorched Wildlands. For the right price, a private trip can be chartered for where and when you want. An initiative to help those who can't afford it, the two guilds have set up a fund that pays all but 1 sp of the ticket price, with the money acquired through donations and other actions of the guilds.


Smouldering Plains

The closest district to the city wall, as well as the cities major import/export offices, warehouses and mining offices. It is also where the public transit systems for traversing Yridos, as well as garages for atmospheric vehicles are held. There are also a lot of shops and merchants catering to incoming and outgoing traffic, including mechanics, ship parts, and even a personal augmentation shop. These shops are centered around the famous Mirage Bazaar. On the fringes, the city's thriving refining and manufacturing facilities chug away, heating up the district.  

Serene Sands

This is the housing district for average citizens. While housing does exist in the working districts, many choose not to live there, if they can afford to escape it.  


Located furthest from the wall, and rising up the slops of the mountains at the back of the basin, this is the political core of the city, where the embassies, S.A.C Guild halls, and the palace are located.
3 million
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Cover image: by ipicgr


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