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The Fae (FAY) are a slim Elváen race of humans, whose Elvaen ancestors intermarried with native peoples of Wessa. They are a noble people, governed by ancient ancestral monarchies, with kingdoms found in various parts of the world. They share many of the same traits as the Elvá, though in a much more finite and limited way.   The Fae prefer to live in the depths of primeval forests or in secluded mountain regions, avoiding casual contact with other human races. Ultravision allows the Fae to see in the ultraviolet spectrum, at night, under the open sky. Their regenerative ability allows them to heal at a rate of one Injury Point per hour of rest or Reverie. This allows them to maintain a youthful appearance as well as long life. The average Fae life span is almost twice that of other races. The Fae have fair skin, delicate build, pointed ears, and light blonde hair; their sparkling eyes are typically blue or lavender. Both men and women tend to wear their hair long, but at times it may be tied up on their heads. They do not grow facial hair.   In general, the Fae have a reputation for great power, and few races are willing to invade their privacy or cross their sovereign borders. They have always played a key role in the world's major events and are guardians of many ancient secrets. Pursuing the Cantaic Ethereal Mode, they have remained the most highly advanced practitioners the ethereal sciences. The Fae religion is an ancient monotheistic faith that worships the creator Spirit, known in the ancient language as “E’Thera." Somewhat Gnostic in its perspective, this faith stresses the secret revelation of divine truth to a chosen few. It has directly influenced the religious beliefs of the Aisheloni, particularly the Vainites. Fae clergy are almost exclusively female.   ELVANI FAE CULTURE: The original ancestors of the Fae were known as the "Children of Elva" -- in reference to their fabled land of origin, known as Elvala. Unlike the Children of Ména, they developed an innate ethereal capacity, naturally able to harness active ethereal forces. The lifespan of the Elvani far exceeds that of other human races; they can live for more than a thousand years. After the age of Spirits, the few Elvani that remained were known as the Elders, revered for their wisdom and noble power. By the local peoples of ancient Epieros who encountered them, the Elvani were known as the Fae (the fair ones), due to their youthful appearance and pale complexion and hair. Their original homeland was the island of Nuelva, on the eastern end of the Midrun Sea. In the course of time, by means of windsteeds and grefyn mounts, the Elvani travelled the world. They established enclaves, usually in secluded regions, but not far from the dwelling places of the ancient Ména, to whom they seemed almost godlike.   LUNARI FAE CULTURE: The Lunari (lu-NAR-ee), native to the lands north of Fae'ri, were some of the first fae to intermarry with the Ména of northern Wessa. As a race, the Lunari tend to be reserved and reclusive, preferring to remain within their own borders. A naturally artistic people, the Lunari strive for beauty in all things, making their homes and palaces complement their natural surroundings. Their innate Elváen empathy allows them to communicate to a with normal animals and birds. Lunari share the same ethereal lineage that the Solari do, including unlimited Ultravision, as well as the miraculous regenerative ability and the same remarkable longevity. They too, are known for their great ethereal ability. Being the originators of the Cantaic Mode of Etherea, they have created some of the most powerful ethereal artifacts ever known to the world. Lunari have the traditional Elváen features of fair skin, delicate build, and pointed ears. Their fine hair is a platinum or golden blonde, and their sparkling eyes are typically deep blue or violet. The Lunari do not grow facial hair.   SULARI FAE CULTURE: The fae that later came to be known as the Sulari (su-LAR-ee) were the first of the Elváen subgroups to venture forth from their homeland. Originating in the lands of the Lunari, they migrated east to southern Wessa, and west across the sea to the regions of Vensia. Feared for their skill in martial as well as ethereal combat, they became aggressive conquers and built the first of the world's great civilizations. The Solari have bronze-tanned skin, with golden blonde hair. They possess delicate features, sharply pointed ears, and eyes of deep violet. They do not grow facial hair. The Sulari Fae of southern became advanced in the use of etherea; the Sulaic Method of etherwas named after them. Led by powerful sorcerers, the Sulari Empire began to subjugated the local cultures of Ména –- including the small Hulder-folk of Wessa, the stout northern Dvergrim, and the peoples of the east.   VHORIAN FAE CULTURE: Northern "snow" Fae, a western offshoot of Lunari exploers who came to live in lands of Vhoria (the northernmost landmass of the western hemisphere). They are considered to be the most advanced of the Fae cultures. They claim to best preserve the ancient traditions and faith of their Lunari ancestors. Their pale alabaster skin is matched by their platinum blond hair. They tend to be slightly taller than the average fae, and their ears are less pointed. Their almond-shaped eyes and are an unusually bright blue. They are skilled seafarers, traveling great distances by ship as well as by air.   TASHANI FAE CULTURE (aka Sheloni Fae): With their homeland in the great forest kingdom of Fal-Tashnia, the Tashani (Ta-SHAN-ee) have been influential in the development of Aisheloni culture and religion. Not far from the House of the Crucible, they have been involved in many major world events. Known for being particularly reserved, the Tashani carry themselves with a noble air, with an attitude that often seems aloof to other races. Slightly taller than other Fae, as a group, the Tashani are few in numbers, but many live up to 300 years. The Tashani Fae try to make their homes and palaces complement their natural surroundings. They take advantage of their Elváen empathic ability to communicate with the animals and birds that dwell in their same environment.   ESTARI FAE CULTURE: After the Sulari cateclysm, some of the surviving fae nobles escaped to eastern lands of Mindrassia and Gephta. The Estari practice an astrological religion, honoring days and seasons, as well as the sun, moon, and other celestial spheres. Estari religious life is rife with sectarian conflict. Much more 'civilized' than than those they came to live among, teh Estari began to use thier greater power to once agains subjegate the local peoples. In these eastern lands, Pyraic etherea experienced a renaissance, unseen since the Age of Spirits amonbg the Oni. By use of sorcerous means and the summoning and binding of unclean spirits from the Pit, they revived the wicked practices of the Janniri. While they have the pointed ears and thin features of other fae, their straight hair is a rare light-blonde, usually worn long.   GALDANI FAE CULTURE: The Galdeans (gal-DEE-ans) are a small sub-group among the Fae, descended from the Sulari Fae who colonized the far southern coast of Wessa, surrounding the Sun Sea. Though they share a genetic connection with the Thrau of the south, the Galdeans nevertheless represented a very distinct culture among the other peoples of that region. Galdean Revenants were feared for their almost supernatural abilities and dark conjurations. Galdeans look much like the Solari, with the bright gold hair. In the south, they are known as the Lumavu (yellow-heads).   SKIERADASI FAE CULTURE: The Skieradasi are a halfae culture in eastern central Wessa in a region known as the Shadowood, a heavily forested land of hills and rivers, south of Karsha and Etelia. The Skieradasi are distinct from other fae/halfae in their dark brown hair, from which come the designation among the Duergun as the "Dok-alfar" (dark elves). They respect skill in physical as well as ethereal combat, but are most well known for their preference for shapechanging etherea. There is a very clear distinction between the true Breanni nobles and the poeple over which they rule. They tend to treat "lesser" peoples with a haughty condescension, with strict subservience to the highborn expected of the peasantry. In latter ages, many of the noble houses adopted a dependance upon blood magic -- primarily as a means to extend their longevity.   SERENDI FAE CULTURE: The Serendi (se-REN-dee) are a small sub-race of Fae, having descended from a group of Tashani colonists who established an underwater kingdom in a shallow temperate sea south of Aishelon. Their underwater cities are a miracle of technology. A unique ethereal adaptation provides the Serendi with natural inborn Aquapathy, allowing them the ability to breath above and below water. All Serendi are able to swim from birth (no improvement points required) and all have the ability to empathically communicate with aquatic mammals. Serendi often use dolphins and orcas as underwater mounts and companions, especially when hunting. A major drawback to the Serendi adaptation is that they can only remain outside of water for a limited time before they become weak and dehydrated. For each day they are out of water, their STA is effectively reduced by one point; they enter a coma if their STA reaches zero. However, with daily access to full water submersion, they not only thrive, but ethereally regenerate like other Fae at a rate of one Injury Point per hour of rest. The Serendi have fair skin, green eyes, and pointed ears. Their fine hair is a green-tinted blonde. They have webbed hands and feet, and thin gill slits along their lower jaw that seal closed when they are out of water. Both men and women usually wear their hair cropped very short. They do not grow facial hair, and tend to wear very little in the way of clothing when living underwater.
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