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The Otsan (or Otsankainen) are large humanoid creatures with furry hair, looking like a cross between a gorilla and a bear. Despite their humanoid appearance, most consider them to be up-right walking animals, though scholars suggest they have a primitive, near-human intelligence. Thier fur ranges from dark brown to chestnut, and pale gray to white, depending on the biom they inhabit. These creatures are orginally native to western lands, but some apparently migrated west across the continent of Vhoria, and moved to inhabit the continent of Tai'Shea, long before the advent of human civilization.   Many cultures have folktales of large hairy wildmen who live in the woods, and in different languages, these creatures go by different names (gargun, yeti, yeren, basajaun, etc.). The generally used name for the species as a whole is "Ostankainen" -- a Kainen word that indicates they were thought of as "bear-men." When used in stories to scare children, they are colloquially known as "boogymen" or "bugbears."   GRAGGOTH: This northern version of the Otsan is found in a wide stretch of northern lands, across the length of the Vhorian continent as well as in the White Colonies (Valkoraja). They are most heavily concentrated in the island subcontinent the called "Arcanthra" (fae) or "Karhumaa" (kaianen), which both loosely translate as "land of the bears." Graggoths also dwell in Luodia in Noerdewessa, and are known to be found as far east as the Empire Mountains. These yeti-like creatures have clear animalistic mannerisms, and some are kept by Jotun on leashes to serve as "guard dogs" in their camps. They have fangs and large clawed hands/paws. Their fur can vary in color from light gray to white, like that of polar bears, with whom they get along quite well.   GAUVAMBE: This subgroup from southern Wessa has more ape-like characteristics, and generally have a higher intelligence than their northern counterparts. They have fur that ranges in shades of brown, and are excellent hunters. The ancient Solari and later Thrau were able to train the creatures to serve as shock troops, with the creatures using armor and weapons in battle. They are feared by the Vazimba jungle hulders, who are known to be captured and eaten by the Gauvambe. The word "gauvambe" comes from the south-wessan word for "giant." These creatures dwell in the woodlands of Suthra - Tane'be and the Matevina jungle. They rarely travel farther north than the Barrier Mountains (unless forced to do so), being referred to as "garguns" by the Duerguns of the mountains.   EASTERN HOMINIDS: The ancient hominids of Tai'Shea are directly related to the Otsan who migrated west from Vhoria to Tai'Shea in pre-historic times. These Otsan were the beings with whom the Janniri of ancient days mated to produce the Oni/Nephilim. Their ancestors later contributed their bloodline to the early northern and southern Jotun.   KULDUR: Classified as Otsan are a small northern subspecies known as the Kuldur, appearing a a cross between Graggoths and Ogrim (whom they more closely resemble). Similar in size and strength to other northern Jötun, they have a much more primitive culture. Rock and bone are their only weapons, and they dwell in caves, with no technology to speak of. The word Kuldur is roughly translated from the Duergun as “Ice Men" or “Ice Ogres” the Kuldur are not known to communicate in any written language, nor do they manufacture any kind of etherea. However, they make limited use of stolen technology to the degree that they are able. The Kuldur have pale white hair and red albino-type eyes; their skin is nearly white, with a bluish-gray tint, and is often scarred. Their hair is long and unkempt, and they dress in animal furs and bare skin. Since they have an even stronger resistance to cold than most Jötun, they need not wear heavy clothing, even in very cold weather. They are found only in the ice-covered regions of Noerdia, with pockets in the northern Empire Mountains range. They are also found in the north-eastern reaches of the great continent, in the region the Kainen refer to this region as Otsan-maa.


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