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Suthra - Tane'be

Suthra is the Aisheloni word for the southwestern region of Wessa, below the Barrier Mountains, which is effectively one large rainforest. It is a catch-all name northerners use to refer to wild lands beyond their borders. The name Suthra is not used by people who actually live there. The refer to the broader region as Tane'be (the broad land).   The local name for this great jungle is Matevina, which in the Vazimba language roughly means "the Thick" (as in thick forest). This jungle is filled with all forms of flora and fauna, much of which is unique here in all the world. While there are still remnants of Solari Fae culture to be seen in the stone ruins and step pyramids that poke their heads above the green canopy, the region currently has no major cities or population centers. It does however have many local tribal settlements and villages. Menoran Thrau live along the coast, while Vazimba (skraelings) live in the deep jungle.  

Fauna & Flora

Averi: This soft pale wood is sometimes referred to as ‘corkwood’ because of its lightweight quality. It is used to make small boats and flotation devices. The softness of the wood makes it particularly useful for carving. One unique application of averi wood is among the Hulderfolk, who use it to fashion artificial gliding birds for their annual festival of ‘Homecoming'.   Bald Cypress: Bald cypress is most common along coastal plains and swamps. The base of the tree is typically wider than the trunk and in aquatic habitats may develop "knees" that poke up above the water. The round leathery cones and the needles in a row on either side of the branch are all distinctive. Often what appears to be an incredibly wide tree (over 30 ft. in diameter) is actually the fusion of several trunks. Some truck clusters, when hollowed out, serve as defensive "towers" for Skraelings blowgun snipers.   Bakhru: This bamboo-like material is harvested from large woody stalks. In tropical areas, it is often used in the construction material for homes, carts, and fences. Once treated, bakhru is water-tight, allowing it to be used for piping, as well as in scroll and map cases. Skraeling and Thrau blow-guns are often made of bakhrhu.   Mirk: This thick-trucked deciduous tree is supported by a gnarly system of exposed roots. Among the Skraelings, it is common to find soil dug out from beneath mirk trees, with the exposed roots serving as support beams for mud-walled dwellings. Such trees continue to grow naturally, each year producing edible walnut-like seeds called "bods". It is a highly offensive gesture to eat bods from a Gremin's home tree without permission. Conversely, to share the bods from one's own dwelling is a striking gesture of hospitality.   Pescill: This medium height tree grows in southern climes, often near ponds and lakes. The the hard-grained wood is moisture resistant, and is used to build near water. A substance found in the bark of the roots is mildly poisonous. It is used by Skraeling fishermen to stupify pond fish, allowing them to be 'gleaned' from the water.
Alternative Name(s)
Matevina ("The Thick")
Location under
Real World Comparison:
The Amazon Jungle


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