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In the historical period known as The Age of Advent, the ancestors of the Sylvans (or Sylvani Fae) migrated eastward to Wessa, founding a new society in the great forested region known as the Greenwood. Inter-marrying with local people, their descendants became a distinct sub-race. Like the Fae, the Sylvans dwell in deep forests and wooded hills, feeling a kinship with nature and the animal world. They make extensive use of their natural empathic ability to communicate with all manner of woodland animals, tending to view animals as having an equal status with human beings.   Sylvans are skilled wood-crafters; they make fine wooden items ranging from furniture to toys, as well as musical instruments. They are also known for their skill in vintnery and wine-making, thus making their many holidays and festivals rather joyful occasions.  All Sylvani have an unlimited ultravision which allows them to see in the ultraviolet spectrum, at night, under the open sky. Their natural Elváen regenerative ability allows them to heal rapidly, at a rate of one IP per hour of rest. While they share the same youthful appearance enjoyed by other Fae, Sylvani life spans are not quite as long.   The primary characteristic associated with the Sylvani persona is what other races perceive to be a developmental immaturity. Not only do Sylvani appear to other races as small children, they tend to think, speak and act that way as well. (In fact, some of the larger races assume they are fae children, treating them with respect but not expecting much of them.) Some find interaction with Sylvani amusing, others tiresome. They often seem incapable of grasping abstract concepts and values, but tend to reflect a very simplistic view of their world. Sylvani generally practice a primitive polytheistic faith, honoring the power of local nature spirits. This belief expresses itself in what outsiders would consider to be some quirky and superstitious practices. Sylvani look forward to having an existence beyond this life, when they too will join the spirits of the wood.   SYLVANI CULTURE: The Sylvani are smaller than the avergae fae, usually five feet in height or under. Unlike the serene nobility exhibited by most other fae, the Sylvani tend to to have a happy and fun-loving demeanor, and don't seem to take themselves or anything else very seriously.  They like to reflect their individualism with colorful scarves and boots. Like most fae, the Nissa have fair skin and pointed ears. Their hair ranges from various shades of blonde to brown; their eyes are usually green. Building villages and housing within living forests, Sylvans have the reputation for being reclusive, though they are generally open to interacting with other races, especially in trade. Sylvans are generally not aggressive toward their neighbors as a whole, but when forced to fight, they make skillful use of tricks and traps to foil their enemies. Relying on natural cover, they are able to move quickly and silently, in a manner that seems almost ethereal to those they surprise.   KIAN CULTURE: A distinct sub-group of Sylvani, the Kia (KEE-ah) are often called “Roundears”, get their more common name from the fact that they are the only Fae with rounded ears. Even smaller than the average Sylvan, they only stand around three-and-a-half to four feet tall (the smallest of all the human cultures). For this reason, some refer to them as "halflings."  Kians are the only Sylvani with certain rare genetic traits, including a short range infravision. Most particularly, they have a natural resistance to etherea. Any ethereal formula, substance, or attack directed against a Kian Sylvani has an automatic 1 in 4 chance of not affecting them at all (roll prior to any other Attribute check required).    It has been suggested that the Kia best represent the original inhabitants of Greenwood area, sharing many similarities with other Hulderfolk of Wessa. Originally a very reclusive people, this attitude has changed dramatically over the years. Modern-day kians like to interact with those of other cultures.  Many travel in gypsy-like caravans from town to town in Wessan lands. Due to their skilled craftsmanship and reputation as entertainers, Kians are generally welcome wherever they go. Since attacking a Kian wagon caravan is considered "bad form"  -- a brazen and cowardly act that brings a curse of misfortune and bad luck -- Kians are not usually hassled by others.


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