Dress Sphere
Dress spheres are a classification concept for any and all outfits in Sprawn Valley that have gone through the first level of protective synthesis, attaining a permanent status in connection to the Leray veil that protects that article of clothing from all types of damage. Compressed, they can be stored inside of reusable magic capsules that reduce the item's size and prepare it for storage in a supply sphere. Most common dress spheres, the kind that are fashionable and usable for everyday wear in public provide little if any protection against magical elements, that is regarding protection against HP reduction. Other armaments such as Scoutfits, leather outfits, robes, cloaks, mercenary outfits, metal armor, brigandine armor, double-synthesized dresses, sphere gauge power armor, and even ES power suits are all considered a type of dress sphere, each with higher grades of protection from specific spells. The object gets its name from the fact that most of these outfits can be stored inside of a tiny capsule resembling a healing orb; in other words, a sphere.
Mechanics & Inner Workings
The clothing does not need to be kept in a compression capsule to function as it does. The protection is coming from the first level synthesis aura on the object, invisible to the eyes and reliant on the veil as a constant reaction source. On the surface, dress spheres seem like non-magical ordinary outfits.
Before the invention of dress spheres and the Siriean dome, but after the invention of Leray magic, wielders who battled needed to do so in regular clothing. This caused the obvious problem of wielders losing their clothing mid-battle due to combat or magic-related damage. No clothing material seemed to stand up against this. Despite that, Leray battles became evermore popular throughout the nation, but this popularity would still be blocked by the fact that most mature wielders did not want to wind up going home from a fight stark naked. And clothing wasn't the only object unprotected by magic battles; the environment of those battles often suffered as well.
After the discovery of item synthesis which led to the creation of dress spheres, Leray resistant metals, and the Siriean dome, the popularity of these objects as well as Leray magic battles as a whole exploded.
After the discovery of item synthesis which led to the creation of dress spheres, Leray resistant metals, and the Siriean dome, the popularity of these objects as well as Leray magic battles as a whole exploded.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Used by
Related Technologies
Very common in Sprawn Valley, depending on which protection level wielders are going after. Many stores however sell their best models in low quantities to drive up demand and increase general buisness.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
General materials for whatever fabric is used for the dress sphere. Synthesis to protect the material.
Tailors to make the clothes, and mages to add the protection. Many outfits however can be imported and then protected on the spot. They cannot be exported, as leaving the veil would corrupt that object's protection arua.