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Weapon: SMG

An SMG in Sprawn Valley is a gun with all properties similar to an SMG outside of Sprawn Valley. Made from all the same parts as physical guns, SMGs fire 9 mm rounds with a high fire rate and a magazine with a standard capacity of 30 rounds. When physical guns are brought into the veil, they retain all of the same physical properties. But when a bullet enters a living body under the veil, that bullets phases through them, dealing only a small amount of HP damage and intense pain at the impact site without causing any real time damage or drawing any blood. The properties of bullets take on physical piercing damage, while the rounds themselves rely on zero MP energy from any source to work. SMGs can also be constructed as temporary physical objects through the use of temporary generation summoning glyphrings.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This works just like any other standard SMG model known in the outside world.


SMGs are effective in delivering heavy HP damage while also inflicting a lot of pain through physical peircing damage. However, obtaining one through the use of generation glyphrings is considered easier than buying and using once, since the real guns use real ammunition, something hard to obtain in Sprawn Valley.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
SMGs as physical weapons are not too common in Sprawn Valley. The materials to create them are easily obtained with the exception of gunpowder for its ammunition. Despite how different these guns effect people in Sprawn Valley, importing them or the gunpowder into the country is a very challenging task. SMGs use live-fire ammunition in most cases.   SMGs can be created artificially using generation glyphrings, but they last for only a brief period of time this way, while the bullets in question have a much less effective power level given this state of creation. SMGs are a common item in battle through the merging of skills such as Bullet Blitz, but they only deal a lot of damage if used as a real physical item created for battle, as opposed to being generated artificially.
Base Price
7500 CR
Raw materials & Components
Metal componets, gun componets, bullets, gunpowder.
Magical essence (if generated)


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