276 - Corpo Playground is Established

Corpo Playground

In the 240s and 250s a vast majority of the Corpos in Tri-City lived in the trade districts and remained fiercely loyal to their home countries.

Back in this time the area north of the Boiling River was considered a rather unsavory district that people would visit to do activities not allowed in their home country. This 'Unsavory District' was built around The Rising Sun.

By the late 260s and much more into the 270s the Corpo culture shifted. Finding ways to avoid the taxes of your home country went from being despicable to something people admired. The Unsavory District became a place for Corpos to commit tax evasion.

In the 260s the average CEO in Tri-City might earn 20x the pay of the average worker, however by the mid 270s CEOs were making 200-300x the pay of the average workers. A young real-estate agent names Mayor Vanderfeller (his name is Mayor, he isn't the mayor... well... not yet anyways.) saw the demand for a much more premium Unsavory District.

Vanderfeller intentionally bypassed any funding from any government entity and went directly to the wealthiest CEOs, investors, and those with dynasitic wealth. He asked them what their dream 'rich people only' heaven would be like and sold them on the idea of a paradise where the ultra rich can't be taxed and can keep out the poors. It wasn't long before the Corpo fat cats were literally throwing their money at Vanderfeller.

While the city government was focused on building a new high school and train infrastructure for everyone, Vanderfeller's team was breaking ground on giant luxury apartment complexes with all the most up to date amenities.


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