Sportsball / Doball

Sportsball has been around in some form or another since the invention of the stick and rock. You throw a rock, then you hit it with a stick, everyone cheers.

Modern day sportsball however is played with a softball and padded leather protection for the player who often get tackled. It is played on a grass field that is approximately 50 meters long.

Traditionally there wasn't a limit to the number of players on a team, just anyone who could buy the protective gear could play. However after the Tri-City Tycoons fielded 122 players against the Notaport Landwhale's 10 in the Championship Game of 285, Doball Sporting Goods changed the rulebook to include 10 players per team.

There are a total of 20 'turns' in a game of Doball. Each team gets 10 'turns' that alternate after each time at bat.

The team on offense has a pitcher and a batter. Then 8 additonal players that can stand anywhere they want in the outfield. The team on defense has 10 players that can stand anywhere in the outfield.

The pitcher tosses the ball to the batter who then hits it into the outfield. The goal of the game is for a player on the offense to cross the 'endzone' to score a point. They can throw the ball to other players as many times as they want.

The defense wants to stop the offense from crossing the endzone with the ball. If a defensive player obtains possession of the ball or the player with the ball is tackled and on the ground, then the turn ends with 0 points being awarded to the offense.

Doball is just the corporate name for the ancient sport of Sportsball. International Investments Incorporated came up with it as a way to trademark the game and sell officially liscensed sports wear.


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