International Investments Incorporated Organization in Stacked Odds | World Anvil

International Investments Incorporated

International Investments Incorporated is the largest corporation on the planet. Commonly referred to as Inc³, this massive company does not actually produce anything themselves. They are in the business of buying and selling companies and running large banks.

You won't see Inc³ logos printed on the sides of products you buy at your local Tri-City Trading, but you can guarantee that good amount of the items you buy and and stores you frequent are owned by them.

Inc³ is what is commonly refered to as a Private Equity Company, and when companies get bought by Inc³ you can expect at least a few of the following things...

  • Layoffs
  • Staff shortages
  • Cutting corners and lower quality products
  • Customers paying more but receiving less
  • Schemes to monitize things that used to be free
  • Less competition and inovation in that sector of the economy
  • More dangerous working conditions
  • Less quality control
  • More time spent advertising and less time spent improving the products of services

Inc³'s primary competition is Delta Private Equity, as these two mega-corporations operate in an almost identical role in the economy. Hardpot Industrial is another corporation the Inc³ views as a major threat.   They work closely with Tri-City Trading and have several contracts giving TCT exclusive rights to sell some of their products. Coalition is also an important business partner for Inc³, and they help protect Coalition's monopoly on the train market in exchange for discounted freight prices.


  The most valuable company owned by International Investments Incorporated is Corpo Bank. Corpo Bank is the largest bank in Tri-City. There are branches in every Keplan city as well as all the Keplar colonies, making it easy to exchange the ¢ Federal Coal you earned in Tri-City for Keplan silver coins. Most major cities in the world will also have at least one branch of Corpo Bank.  

Knowledge equals profit.


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