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Lieutenant Commander T'Kurraran Tefin

Originally a graduate of the Vulcan Science Academy turned engineer, T'Kurraran Tefin is a highly prolific and experienced chief engineer. Known to be emotionally and physically distant (not uncommon for Vulcan Starfleet officers), Tefin has a workaholic approach to his career. He is highly detail oriented and obsessed with correct prodcedures, and he has dificulty comprehending unorthodox solutions. He is known to micromanage, although he expects everyone to be competent enough to not require micromanaging (although most fall short of this expectation).   Born on the Vulcan colony world of Halar 2, Tefin (49) was a highly intelligent child with a wealth of creativity. He was interested in science at a young age and dreamed of being a chief science officer aboard a Starfleet vessel. However, due to cultural stigma on Halar 2, when he was 14 he was disuaded from pursuing science and instead focused on art. Just before graduating secondary education, he changed his mind again and applied to a local community trade school to continue his education.   He attended this local institution for 2 years before transfering to the Vulcan Academy of Science. This was a less traditional path for the famed institution, however due to the lower cost and his lack of scientific training it was the logical choice. Upon graduating from the Academy, he applied to a science officer track at starfleet as well as an engineering officer track as a safety. He was offered admittance into the engineering program and proceeded to accepet the offer as the career boost was substantial, making it the logical choice again. Even so, as an engineer he preferred to approach problems from a scientific perspective and considered himself a scientist in the engineering department.   Tefin served for 3 years on the U.S.S. Hekate, 2 years on the U.S.S. Constantanople, a full 5 year mission on the U.S.S. Galileo, and 10 years on Starbase 48. During the last assignment he was made chief engineer of the entire station. During his extensive tenure, he maintained his systems with a clockwork efficiency, enabled by his use of extensively detailed work schedules. However, he grew fatigued working on a starbase and wished to return to the field where his talents could be of greater use. Upon his request, he was reassigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D where he served for 4 years. After this time, he was transfered to Starbase 64 to help retrofit and refurbish ships. From here he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to the U.S.S. Electra.   It is noteworthy that even though he served for much longer than most of his collegues, he never rose through the ranks quickly. Especially for one of his talents, he should have been placed in command much earlier. Some of his crewmates speculate that this is due to anti-Vulcan stygmatism. Others believe that he simply refuses command. But most think that this is due to his refusal to network and distinct lack of interest for anything that isn't mechanical or a platypus (fascinated by the creatures, he keeps a large terrarium in his quarters where he cares for the marsupials in his free time).

Lieutenant Commander T'Kurraran Tefin

Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Highest Position Held: Captain
In Service: 2345 SEY - Present

Personal Details

Born: 2321 Halar 2
Age: 49
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Current Residence: U.S.S. Electra
Maritial Status: Widowed


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