Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso Character in Star Trek 2370 | World Anvil
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Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso

While there was some pushback from conservative factions within Starfleet in allowing Orions to become officers, the argument never gained any ground. The notion that a species' "natural ferocity" made them ineligable for command because of the reaction it could cause was discarded as racist and close-minded. Because of this progressive atmosphere, stellar officers like Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso were able to rise through the ranks and solidify their careers in Starfleet. A fiery personality paired with natural talent and unmatched discipline, Jaleso became the first Orion to secure a bridge position aboard a Starfleet vessel. Her role as chief of security aboard the U.S.S. Electra could likely be considered a stepping stone for greater things befitting a woman of her skills.   Much of Jaleso's early life is unknown. In 2348 an unnamed Orion pirate vessel attacked the Telo'ata, a Vulcan merchant vessel. The Vulcans understood that they would likely be killed or enslaved if they surrendered, so they fought fiercely. In the end of a bloody conflict, the Orions and more than half of the Vulcans were slain. In the settling aftermath, while searching the wreckage of the Orion ship, a small Orion girl of no more than 5 was found hiding in the ship. With no parents and no way to return her to family, the Vulcans decided that she should be given to an orphanage. Knowing that an Orion was too wild to possibly be schooled on Vulcan, they arranged for her to be sent to Earth instead.   Jaleso grew up strong and fiesty. She loved to fight, not to hurt the other children, but because she reveled in the contest. Because of her Orion blood, she was faster and stronger than many of the others. By the time she was 10, she could take on any 3 other kids her size. Beyond this, she was unnaturally intelligent and was performing far beyond her years in mathematics, linguistics, and logics. As a result, it is no wonder that her orphanage director advised her to consider a career in Starfleet.   Though her marks were unmatched, Jaleso struggled to graduate from Starfleet Academy. This was due in large part to her unwillingness to follow instructions that she disagreed with. While she had a high sense of self discipline, she did not have a deep love of authority.
At the end of the day, I thought, "Who's judgement do I most trust? My own."
She would often trust herself above all else, which made her confident and inspiring, but, as one instructor put it, "Completely lacking any respect for command or experience."   These setbacks did not stop Jaleso. Though she was cocky, fiery, and hot-headed, she leveraged these to her advantage. During her first assignment aboard Starbase 17, she single handedly thwarted the theft of an old Neptune-class starship by a street gang. She didn't uncover their plan and report them. Rather, she saw the ship departing and took the initiative to beam herself aboard, sneak through the ship, and incapacitate all 13 theives, several of which were on the bridge together.   Her actions earned her a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and a transfer to Starbase 90, where she uncovered a scandal involving starbase security personel overlooking certain trading vessels carrying illegal goods in exchange for bribes. She risked her career, reputation, and her life to bring those officers to justice in the face of mounting prejudice and pressure from her superiors. The result of her endeavors were a safer system, a promotion to Lieutenant, and a transfer to the U.S.S. Electra where she now serves as Chief Security Officer.

Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso

Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Highest Position Held: Lieutenant
In Service: 2365 SEY - Present

Personal Details

Born: 2343 Alpha Quadrant
Age: 27
Species: Orion
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Current Residence: U.S.S. Electra
Maritial Status: Unmarried

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