Sorra Tefin Character in Star Trek 2370 | World Anvil
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Sorra Tefin

Sorra Tefin

Sorra Tefin was born to T'Kurrararn Tefin of Vulcan and Devama Sorrima of Romulus. While it is extremely rare for an Romulan to leave the Romulan Empire, Devama Sorrima was repulsed by the cruelty and the war centric life styles available on Romulus. She left her military position and fled to Federation Space. There she was granted asylum in exchange for intel on the Romulan military's plans. She settled down on Vulcan because she believed the close heritage of Romulans and Vulcans would make the transition easier. However it was not so as Vulcan's are not known for being the friendliest to outsiders. THe exception to this being T'Kurrarararn Tefin who was kind to her and eventually became her husband.   Sorra grew up on Vulcan, his father was usually away, being a part of Starfleet. His mother was an alien zoologist whose work often took them on trips though space to different United Federation planets. Sorra grew up with a love of the biological sciences as a result. Sorra did not mind the trips away from Vulcan as he often faced ridicule from his peers and other members of his community for being half Romulan. As he began schooling his love for other types of sciences grew. He then decided he would apply for the Vulcan Science Academy, he was granted admittance and he set out to be a part of the Vulcan Expeditionary Group.   While at school, Sorra learned Federation standard and excelled in all of his classes, except for human interaction courses. There he was reprimanded for his behavior in the courses. Since, he was raised by a Romulan, Sorra was use to handling emotions and would display them willingly as a child if they were displayed to him. While interacting with humans, this characteristic was discovered and labeled him as childish and emotional amongst his peers. This lead to a low overall score for Sorra in these courses.   When he was seventeen Sorra and his mother got very sick and his mother passed. After this incident, Sorra focused intensely on his studies at the academy. He also began to succeed in his human interaction courses, as he was no longer displaying the same emotional immaturity he had as a child.   When he graduated the Vulcan Science Academy with well past good enough grades to join the Expeditionary Group. However, Sorra was refused admittances and steered towards Starfleet. Sorra, knowing his father's good reviews of Starfleet applied to Starfleet. It took nearly a year for his application to get approved because of the stigma against Romulans. Finally, Sorra was accepted on the condition that he served on the same ship as his father as a way of making sure that Sorra wouldn't hand over federation secrets because it would put his father at risk. Sorra having never even seen Romulus thought this to be overbearing, but he took the position and set out to prove that he did not need the monitoring.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, wel built, and tall

Facial Features

  • Faint V-shaped ridges on his forehead
  • Pointed ears
  • Upward arching eyebrows

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoos: Chest: Romulan Soruyt Bird, Realistic Depiction Rib cage: Starfleet emblem Back: Romulan Soruyt Bird, Geometric Outline

Physical quirks

Uneven and slightly over grown hair, contrary to most Vulcans

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sorra's mother Devama Sorrima fled from the Romulan Empire during their isolation period and took refuge on Vulcan. She soon met and had the most illogical response of falling in love with T'Kurrararn Tefin. He was unbetrothed and found her to be good companion. They were eventually married and had a son.   Raised on Vulcan, Sorra learned to surpress his emotions from a young age, leaving room for only logic in his mind and decisions. There was a lot of tensions between him and the other Vulcan's as he beared a faint resemblance to his Romulan mother. As such Sorra grew up as an outsider on Vulcan. Sorra's father was a Starfleet Engineer and often was gone for long periods of time.   As a result, Sorra spent much time with his mother, who unlike the Vulcan's displayed her emotions and made decisions based on them. As such Sorra developed the ability to understand the patterns of people who lived a life based on emotions. His mother explained that when interacting with emotional beings it is illogical to expect them to be logical, as such it is more logical to let them experience their emotions and act in accordance. He learned to indetify and predict the emotions and reactions of his mother and began to mimic the social interactions that soothed and delighted her. Sorra's willingness to work alongside and even with the emotions of others made him a further outsider on Vulcan.   After the death of his mother, Sorra had the goal of joining the Vulcan Expeditionary Group. However, tensions were still high between Romulans and the Federation. Additionally, Sorra's understanding of emotions made him childish to the Vulcan's. He was turned down from the Expeditionary Group and sent to Starfleet instead.   His first assignment was to the USS Electra, the same ship where his father is the chief engineer. Illogically, many people expect them to be similar, it appears to shock many people that Sorra is not in engineering like his father. Motivated to preform well at his job, Ensign Tefin focuses both on his duties and on learning the new emotional patterns and customs of his coworkers on the USS Electra.

Gender Identity



Sure, just not often


Traineded at the Vulcan Science Academy


Starfleet - Acting Captain

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost control of his emotions for a moment and punched a wall in front of Ensign Tatiana Fox

Mental Trauma

Trauma is emotional and has no place in a Vulcan. That being said, Sorra misses his mom and dad.
When Sorra was sixteen him and his mom contracted a very rare sickness, known as Rigellian fever, while on a trip for his mom's work. The sickness is easily cured with ryetalyn; however due to the rareness of the disease the ryetalyn had to be brought by us Federation Star Vessel. Sorra and his mother were heavily quarantined as the virus is highly infectious. This was not unusual to Sorra as they often quarantined after trips to aviod spreading any unknown diseases that they may have contracted. What was different about this time was how sick both him and his mom got. Sorra was bed ridden and his mother should have been, except she was taking care of Sorra. Rigelian fever kills fast, and by the time the ryetalyn was brought Sorra's mother had died.
Sorra's father was killed on Damitar IV by nuclear warfare while at a party. At the time Sorra was on the bridge of the ship, and watched as the mushroom cloud indicated the death of his father along with the rest of the bridge crew and ranking officers. Sorra then had to make the call that they were dead and advice the acting captain to leave the planetary system.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Prioritizes family and duty above all other responsibilities
  • Wants to return everyone aboard the USS Electra home safetly to their families


His own personal emotions

Personality Characteristics


Um, good, if you're not clean, you're not doing life right


Family Ties

Father: T'Kurranarn Tefin - Cheif Engineer - MIA presumed dead

Mother: Devama Sorrima - Diseased

Social Aptitude

Sorra understands that emotional beings need to experience positive emotions in order to preform better work. As such he attempts to learn people's emotional patterns to make each person more predicatble to him and thus allow him to keep them in a state of happiness so his work is less likely to be disrupted.   Additionally, Sorra has recently learned that having people you talk to often and share many meals with, called "friends", is how many people are premoted in Starfleet. Thus Sorra is setting out on a new goal to make friends.


He does not consider eye contact to be a vital part of conversation, but understands that humans perferr eye contact, so he is known for giving no or WAY TO MUCH eye contact   He is often seen standing at attention, even when it is not required


His speech pattern is formal and does not include conjunctive words, unless he is speaking Romulan, then it becomes casual and emotional

Sorra Tefin is the son of T'Kurrararn Tefin of Vulcan and Devama Sorrima, a Romulan run away during the Romulan Isolation. Tefin was trained at the Vulcan Science Acedemy, but was sent to Star Fleet due to his Romulan heritage.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
USS Eletra
Stormy Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
Known Languages
Standard Vulcan Romulan

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Personal Log: Stardate 20714.3

So much has happened since my last personal log, and it’s only been a week. Just one. … I told Anna about my mom, the truth about my mom. She got drunk for the first time and told me something I’m sure she wished she hadn’t. I told her it didn’t matter. I told her I loved her. … I found and met Anna’s dad… He’s forcing her into a political marriage that I now have to stop. But I also can’t sacrifice the whole crew to stop it. … Keela wants a crab… and Christmas. … The ships running out of energy so we have to take Anna to her father’s planet, playing right into those plans. Oh, and I had to redirect the whole ship to accomplish this, which means I’ll have to send another communication, updating our timeline to federation space. … Pleiades is mad at me… again. … I let Ozier, Chambers, and Williams out to join the rest of the mutineers. … I just… I don’t even know where to begin to describe these things. … I’ve been spending extra time with the platypuses this week, when I have time to spare. … Scruff is doing well. Still loves his squeaky carrot. … I’ve been reading so much about Kirk’s diplomatic tactics that he’s starting to make sense… And Picard and Janeway, but they always made sense. … I’m basically organizing a ship wide Christmas in the holodeck… I hope I did it right. I think I’m going to open it up to the mutineers as well. … My emotions are becoming harder to reign in. I can no longer tell if that’s a good or bad thing. … I only had about one day to work on Keela’s helmet, but that cost me a night of sleep. … Keela and Anna took all my sweaters. …

Captain’s Log Stardate 20621.5

After escorting the Parem through the nebula our ship needed repairs. We stopped by an m-class planet to get supplies and unload our access kremda prisoners. Of the prisoners captured, the original three requested asylum. We had the bunk space for them, so I was at liberty to grant them asylum. Meanwhile, the 30 adult parem which we had granted asylum to were being trained in their respective departments. Ensign Qiraha put together a curriculum for the Parem children and begun teaching classes. Meanwhile, I temporarily took in the Parem child without a family, Keela.   On the planet, we were able to find the supplies we needed, except for the xenocarbonite. Evidently xenocarbonite is not abundant in the beta-quadrent as it is in the alpha-quadrant. In pursuit of xenocarbonite we ventured to an m-class moon. Upon the arrival to the moon, the ship lurched and was caught in a tractor beam emanating from the moon's surface. Scans indicated the moon was a jungle like biome, similar to the last planet myself, Hollins, Fox, Pleiades, and Vash were stranded on.   As such I sent down an away team comprised of myself, Pleiades, Vash, Connors, Fontaine, Sam’s, Jenkins, and one of the Parem Bern. From the ship we had determined that we were searching for a temple that was emitting the tractor beam. The beam distorted our scans, but we were able to determine there were no civilizations currently living on the moon. Vash landed us on the surface of the moon in less than preferable conditions due to the tractor beam. Once on the planet we made our way to the temple through the jungle. The only injuries which occurred on the first part of our journey was my own, because I fell off a cliff, fracturing on of my ribs in the process. We pressed on until we found a graveyard full of fallen this point Vash went back to the shuttle and we encountered the local wildlife. Large puma like creatures, the largest of which could barely fit in a shuttle, attacked us.   We fended off the beasts, but during the we fight we heard a scream and discovered that the Parma child, Keela had stowed awayin the ship's storage compartment and followed us through the jungle. She was to be punished later as there was no way to send her back to the ship, she joined us. During the fight Fontaine and Crewman Sams were seriously injured, Pleiades and Connors stabilized the two of them and we made them a secured structure in a shuttle. We continued on and found ourselves in another unforseen situation.   We stumbled upon another starfleet officer, a Vulcan. Captain Raual of the USS Johnson, a constitution class ship that went missing over 80 years ago. He is a renowned captain in starfleet and the only surviving member of his crew. Talking with Captain Raual it is clear his lonesome time on the planet has affected his mental state. He was talking to himself and inanimate objects as well as measuring either distance or time in units of "birds" and his general demeanor was that of a startled animal. Still, we were able to get him to lead us to the temple, where he informed us of the temple's Curator which guarded and upkept the temple with the help of three large spider-like robots. He informed us that they attacked whenever they saw him because he had threatened to harm the temple to save his ship. Accordingly, we left him and keela in the nearby brush while the rest of us went to talk to the Curator, which turned out to be a sentient computer tasked with the upkeep, protection, and operation of the temple.   After negotiating with the sentient AI system we were permitted into the temple to update its system and send a message. We got in contact with our ship and we were able to piggy back a transporter signal onto the communication and transport in Bluementhal and Mentor to help with the computer. After this we attempted to send a communication to the makers of the temple: a long ago fallen empire with no success. After which Bern messed with the communication system, clearly sending a message, presumably to family, though I will look into it and tighten Bern's security just in case as I know their only family was taken captive by the Kremda.   As we continued on in the temple we came to the main room of the computer system, here we determined the layout of the computer. We positioned personnel by each of the four shield emitters and allowed Mentor, Bluementhal, and Bern to work on the computer. Pleiades wanted to stay with Bern, as has become a recent theme. When we started messing with the computer however, attempting to turn off the tractor beam, one of the spider-like robots descended from the ceiling and started attacking. We then went to plan B, taking out the shield emitters so that no matter what happened to us, the Electra would get away. Then we proceeded to fight for our lives, losing Crewman Jenkins and Mentor’s arm in the process. However, in the end Bern was able to input new commands into the computer that allowed us to stop the Curator from wanting to protect the temple.   We then contacted the ship and were able to get beamed all of the away team back aboard (including Keela and Raual), sending down a crew for the xenocarbonite (located in the Johnson), we scanned for life finding two other survivors on the planet from different ships. Additionally, we were able to separate the AI’s personality from its main protecting program and put it in one of the vacuum robots aboard the ship, we also disarmed and took aboard on of it’s spider-like robots to help with repairs around the ship while in transit. We will conintue to make sure that the Curator is sepeated from its destructive and harmful programming before allowing him to return to its giant robot form and we will allow the Crator to choose its own role on the ship as well.

Captain’s Log Stardate 194873.4

While prepping for our journey through the Lokrian Nebula, which is the second largest known entity, we encountered a fleet of ships. The ships contained a large group of roughly 7,000 runaway slaves from a mining colony on K-Alpha-4. They were all made up of a species of people known as the Parum who have a complex, adaptive gender and sexual dimorphism attribute to their species that allows them to morph into specific job roles and have bodies which are best suited for those roles. The species was enslaved by the Kremda and kept in a “worker form” which allowed them to have great physical strength and agility, however, it also physically reduces their brain size and capacity for complex thought. Though I have not unearthed the full story of their escape, I suspect some of them were able to morph out of this form and into other forms seen on their ship such as the “warrior form” or the “ambassador form” which in turn allowed them to successfully plan and carry out an uprising. We contacted their fleet due to severe damage to their ships shields and engines. When we offered them engineering aid for their ships, they mistook us for Romulans and told us they were seeking asylum in the Romulan Star Empire. While giving them engineering and medical aid aboard their ship, we invited their leader Hala’ee and some of her crew aboard the Electra to better assess the situation. This is when we learned of their enslavement. Without revealing where we were from, we were able to inform them that we were not Romulans, but that we were willing and able to aid them through the nebula. This came about because they told us they were being harried by Kremda forces and would likely not make it through the nebula without assistance. We agreed to help them and they agreed to lend us forty of their personnel who were qualified and quick learners to assist us in our ship functions and scans of the Lokrian Nebula. Engineering was able to modulate the shields so that they would protect us from the kithium particles in the nebula that would interfere with our equipment. Though we would not be able to use transporters while inside the nebula. Additionally, Lieutenant Junior T’Lyn and Ensign Vash as well as Lieutenant Cruz and Ensign Fox, were able to come up with a tactically sound flight arrangement that would also (with the help of shield extenders) enable us to expand our shield bubble around the flotilla as well as the Electra and the Dagger, which would be used as a snub fighter in case of attack. This plan, however, required us to lower our shields for approximately a minute. After scanning the area, we began the shield modulations. While the shields were down a fighter ship emerged from the shadow of a nearby moon, rendering them invisible to our scanners. While our shields were down, they fired upon the Electra and we took some hull damage. We were able to disable the ship and render them defenseless. At which point on of the fighter ships from the flotilla broke off and attempted to destroy the ship, after hailing them and having them refuse to stand down we beamed the ship’s crew, a total of three people, aboard the Electra and allowed the fighter to destroy an empty ship. We provided medical aid to our prisoners and took them to the brig. While in the brig, one of them expressed the willingness to tell us information about the Kremda. We gathered the information they were willing to tell and gave them a separate brig cell. With shields now up, I ordered our crew back on the ship to go through the nebula. Lieutenant Commander Connors refused, remaining behind on the flotilla’s lead ship to treat the sick. While passing though the nebula, we detected another ship and fired upon them, disarming them, and causing severe damage to the ship, forcing them to retreat. At this point, despite my warnings and the dagger’s preventative fire, the two fighters of the flotilla broke formation and flew after the ship causing our shields to crash. The two fighters were destroyed by hiding enemy ships and we were ambushed by a cruiser carrying boarding vessels. Two attached to the Electra, one attached to the ship on our port side and three more attached to the flotilla lead ship. Our crew armed themselves and defeated the landing parties. I had the hallways sealed and the spores which were used by the mutineers were used to knock out all personnel in the hallway so that we could safely evacuate our people from those hallways and capture any surviving invaders. During this time, the dagger took severe damage and had to make an emergency landing on the port side ship. We then disabled the cruiser, rendering its weapons and engines in operable. However, the cruiser was destroyed in the process. After the threat on our ship was neutralized two away parties comprised of myself, Petty Officer Jacobs, Crewman First Class Ipsen, and Crewman Second Class Bent and Ensign Vash, Cadet Solace, Crewman First Class Al Farabi, and Bern Gehring (one of the Parum) were sent to the port and forward ship respectively. While aboard the port ship, I was acting as medical officer for the away team. When we landed, we found massacred bodies everywhere. We were able to pick off the enemy troops using non-lethal force. Crewman Ipsen was injured during the fighting, and I hid him under one of the dead bodies. We made it to their front lines where we were able to identify the presence of our missing crewmembers by their phaser fire among all a machine gun-like fire from the enemies. We were able to take out their machine gun, however, I sustained extreme injuries from one of the enemies who was guarding the gunmen. Once the machine gun was neutralized, one of the Parum were able to give me emergency battlefield surgery using a mixture of our medical kit and their medical expertise and supplies. Now that I was no longer bleeding out, I sent people to retrieve Crewman Ipsen and joined up with Crewman First Class Hollins and Ensign Fox. Ensign Fox had diverted shield to Crewman Hollins in the crash, taking most of the damage herself. We were able to regroup and head back to the ship. Meanwhile the other landing party was able to retrieve four of our personnel who were taken hostage, including Doctor Connors. They were also able to negotiate the surrender of the remaining enemies. During the fighting we lost approximately 400 of the Parums, we suffered casualties on our crew but none of our crewmembers were lost. After we passed through the remainder of the Nebula with no further complications, there were 300 Parum who requested to stay on the Electra, we were able to take the most qualified 40 personnel in medical, tactical, and science as well as the families of the Parum personnel, many of our officer graciously gave us their quarters for these families. They will be joining us for the remainder of the journey home and seeking refuge now in federation space. Among the crew is a qualified doctor who can take over medical from the Cadet after some training. We plan to drop our prisoners off on a planet on our current side of the nebula giving us enough chance to get well away from the nebula before they are able to get back to the Kremda and report in about us.

Personal Log Stardate 187654.2

It has been about sixteen days since I started dating Anna. I have found the experience to be enlightening on many fronts. I have learned a great deal about myself, her, and humans in general.   For humans in general, I am beginning to see the pattern in Anna’s use of sarcasm. It seems she says things that are outlandish when she is at a loss of what to say in a situation. Often times they are in total opposition to what she truly wants, means, or needs. I have found that many other humans also use this form of communication. Cruz has used sarcasm 4 identifiable times with me today alone. Once, I have mastered the identification of sarcasm I intend to move on to the next observable step: propagating the joke. It seems when a human uses sarcasm there are different levels of acceptable responses: getting upset, no response (my current reaction), laughter, and propagation. I think this is a reasonable skill for me to accomplish because the propagation of someone’s joke is to take the joke at face value and say something tangentially outlandish.   Perhaps more detailed are the various qualities and tendencies of Anna I have learned.   First, Anna likes to watch movies on repeat. Her favorite ones being mysteries including many iterations of Sherlock Holmes. She notably becomes upset if you correctly predict the outcome of the mystery before the conclusion or if you explain the flaws in the outcome after the conclusion. Despite that I have become aware of a new movie night rule that is “shut up and snuggle me.” It happens often when I am not preparing food for her. I have also learned that she is allowed to pause or talk over the movie, but I am not. It appears I, either “disturb the flow” or am missing “important” parts of the films. On that note, she also gets upset when you point out that rewatching mysteries is a pointless endeavor. However, I have learned most things can be rectified with food, a joke, or abiding by the “shut up and snuggle me” rule.   Second, Anna bites a lot. At random, she appears to simply bite or mimic biting me. I have not figured out this behavior yet, but it seems unique to Anna. Though, I have learned it usually means she is in a good mood and requires attention and usually physical affection.   Third, Anna is tired. She works her full shift, then three hours in medical every day. There is little time for her to relax aboard the Electra and the time she does spend relaxing she either spends with friends, me, or working out, or a mixture of any of those three. I can’t help but feel responsible for her fatigue, though logically I know it was not so simple. I have considered assessing if she blames me for her fatigue as well, but… the time spent on such an endeavor would decrease the time I spend with her.   Fourth, Anna is loud both in volume and in personality. This is notable because of the strong difference between what I saw when we first met and what I see now. I suppose she was… nervous when we first met. Or something has changed how she sees herself. Either way, I find the noise of her company to be… comforting.   Finally, I’ve learned that Anna acts and is tough out of habit from Star Base 80. But the more I get to know her, the more I see her vulnerabilities she tries so hard to hide, like her fear of the brig. For example, she can’t sleep during ion storms. We had one a few nights ago pass by the ship and she was jumping all night. She also takes every failure on her part very seriously and will do anything to ensure it does not happen again.    Now about myself. I have learned that if you do not grow up eating meat, it is a hard texture to get past, though Anna assures me to most people it is good. Then there is the case of my emotions. I have not purposefully touched them in years. They are… powerful and overwhelming and bountiful. It is a hard thing for a Vulcan to do, to display emotion at a human level of capacity. It is a challenge to only display 18% of my emotion, while feeling the entire emotion, without a logical means of measuring the emotion either, but I must be precise lest I overwhelm or hurt others. The risk is high for a Vulcan to display emotions. Everyday I run the risk of being paralyzed by fear or dangerously angry. But the reward is getting to see Anna happy. It is not logical, yet somehow the reward outweighs the risk. This fact… scares me. I fear that I will become emotionally compromised in many situations. I fear I will lose complete control.

Personal Log: Stardate 18956.6

I've had a strange day. First thing that happened is I woke up with a hang over. That was my fault for trying to keep up with Connors after I'd already had a few drinks myself. I remember most of the night from what I was able to put together. I remember making a cake with Anna and Pleiades, that memory is still fully intact. Then I remember inviting six people to my quarters for a small party. I remember that Vash showed up early. I remember drinking bloodwine mixed with everclear with Connors. After that things start to get hazy. I think I remember taking people to see the platypuses and letting Hollins and Anna hold M'Ginouviere. I remember Hollins hugged me, though I don't remember why... I haven't been hugged in a long time. Then I remember being in sickbay and Torres was awake. I remember trying to tell him what happened why he was in his comma. And then I woke up in my bed.   Aside from that, people's attitudes towards me seem to have changed. I'm pretty sure I am closer to Anna, based on calling her Anna, though she has been acting strange. This morning when I ran into her, she flushed entirely red and ran into the door because she tried to leave so fast. When I went to medial to get a remedy for my hangover I asked if anyone remembered what happened after I came to see Torres. A very upset-at-me Pleiades told me Anna had taken me back to my quarters. I can only assume that I offended her in some way while I was drunk. It is clear to me that I have made several people upset and that apologies are in order, but I want to remember what I have done first. I hope I have not too greatly offended anyone.

Captain's Log Stardate 18956.4: Through the Semipermeable Membrane

It has been a lot of trials recently. We started with Cadet's Solace's trial to determine if her actions on Cobar IV were just or not. It was decided she killed in self defense. Then we moved on to the mutineers. By request of each of the personnel we are holding off trials for Williams, Ozier, and Chambers until we get back to federation space. Until then they are all three on house arrest in quarters on the ship, provided with supervised social and holodeck time among the three of them.   Ensign Vash has been working on the Dagger for several stardates now. Two stardates ago she declared it was ready for flight testing. I am still weary of using the ship, lest we attract unwanted attention, but I was invited to come along on the test flight. Personnel on the test flight were Ensign Vash and Crewman Hollins for flying purposes, Ensign Fox because she has also been working on the ship, myself, and for some reason Cadet Solace. When aboard we began testing the steering and warp capabilities of the ship. All was going well until, suddenly, the ships shields were hit by something we couldn't see. Then, where there was formally nothing, a whole solar system stretched out in our sight. The solar system had, from what we could see 5 planets, one Class M, two suns, and no moons. The ship had taken a lot of damage and we needed to land soon. Worse yet, from where we were, there were no stars beyond the two suns. Scans showed a membrane line wall that we had just passed through, but we could tell from the scans that passing the other way would destroy our ship. We decided to emergency land on the M class planet to preform repairs to our ship. Once repairs were complete we began scans of the planet. We found that we were unable to get a signal through the membrane using the Dagger's radio equipment. Additionally, scans of the planet showed a rich iron concentrated metal that ran through the core of the planet like a sea urchin. From our tricorders we were able to locate an exposed rod of the iron concentrate in a volcano on the planet. Per my suggestion, we decided it was best to hide the Dagger and hike to the top of the volcano with our radio equipment in order to amplify the signal.   On our way, we encountered animals that looked like an armadillo mixed with a tortoise and a soccer ball. We encountered several other creatures, however this was the crew's favorite. Once we got to a forested area we began to feel watched and the planet native's revealed themselves (having previously been camouflaged to near invisibility). They were curious about us, as we were about them. Cadet Solace gathered scales of the reptilian natives in order to further study their natural cloaking ability. While there, we were able to befriend the locals while not revealing to them that we were from other planets in solar systems that did not and could not exist to them because of the membrane. We told the locals we were hiking to the top of the volcano and they warned us of the journey saying we were going through "the shadow lands." Because we had befriended them, and we were insistent on continuing our trip, the locals gave us "gifts" which at first we thought was a ceremonial tea that they believed would protect us in the shadow lands. It was not good tea by any means and none of us felt particularly healthy after drinking it.   We set out for the night and got a ways before setting up camp because none of us were feeling well, Hollins in particular was concerning, and Vash was running up walls. That night we slept in shifts to monitor both us and our surroundings. We left Hollins to sleep as she was the worst off of all of us, still recovering from her injuries on the last away mission. During the night, we each discovered we had elemental powers which I at first thought was a collective group hallucination induced by the tea. However, by dawn, there was no denying the seemingly magical powers we had been given. In the morning it was also revealed that Hollins had an void-like magical power. I had earth magic, Vash had fire magic, Cadet Solace had water magic, and Ensign Fox had air magic. Cadet Solace took a sample of each of our blood with the intent on replicating the tea back on the Electra.   We continued on our way through the forest and encountered living vines which we got caught in, a bear-like creatures which we had to fend off, and other dangers. By the end of the day we got to the base of the volcano. We decided to rest and have Cadet Solace check us over from our injuries in the jungle. Then we rested for the night. In the morning we hiked up the back of the mountain which was full of switch backs which were more likely for Hollins to be able to handle with her bad leg. Along the way we ran into a snake that appeared to have multiple lives to attack us with. During the encounter we were all temporarily blinded except for Hollins, Ensign Fox accidentally broke Cadet Solace's leg. But Vash was able to figure out a frequency which disturbed the snake and was able to kill it without it immediately responding. As we continued to hike we ran into a gigantic lizard which we were able to topple off the side of the mountain (and have it still walk away). It was at that point that Vash made the observation that everything on the planet vibrated and us not vibrating was attracting the creatures of the planet to us. We used our tricorders to emit the same frequency as the snake that had attacked us. This was enough for the wildlife to leave us alone. When we reached the top we were able to send out a distress call with our coordinates and a message about the membrane. We let the message transmit for roughly an hour before heading back to our ship.   Once we were at our ship we were able to get back into space and use the rest of our reserved fuel to wait for the electra. Fortunately for us, Passinissi and the rest of the Electra crew were working hard to get through the membrane and just as we were on our last hour of fuel, They were able to temporarily break through the membrane using the deflector dish. We were able to pass back through the membrane and return to the Electra. Cadet Solace, Ensign Connors, Nurse Wallace, and Ensign Kipp are working on a serum that replicates the powers we were able to obtain on the planet. I have given the scales Cadet Solace gathered to Bellweather to study and attempt to gather cloaking knowledge from and possible even develop cloaking technology.

Captain's Log Star d

Begin writing your story here...

Captain's Log Stardate 18759.5: Away Mission to Cobar 4

What started out as a routine away mission, quickly turned irregular. As decided in our last bridge meeting, we have established a version of radio silence with Starfleet. Thus this log and other following logs will not be transmitted to Starfleet but will be recorded and stored aboard the ship and transmitted when we return to federation space. This is to ensure the safety of our crew as we move through the beta quadrant. Subsequently, we also established the need for a map of the Romulan Empire. We know of two possible factions that we could be dealing with on this side of the Romulan Empire: the Kremda Syndicate (an enemy of the Romulans as of when my mother left the Romulan Empire) and the T'uvar (a tense political truce with the Romulan empire). There is also undoubtably Ferangi out this way. We decided to scan for a class M, warp capable planet, preferably with open trade, to send an away team to in order to get a star map of the area and hopefully Romulan space. We also decided in order to comply with the prime directive we would take a shuttle to the planet and the Electra would remain outside of orbit of the planet.   At the beginning of this stardate we found such a planet, we now know the planet to be called Cobar 4. Crewman Hollins was assigned to be the pilot for our mission by recommendation of Ensign Lee. The first away mission to this planet was a low risk reconnaissance mission to gather information on the inhabitants so we could disguise ourselves as we attempted to get a map. Being a low risk mission I assigned the Cadet to this away mission. I also assigned myself and Ensign Fox as we seem to be the only two people on the ship who Cadet Solace favors (see phycological file of Cadet Solace for more information). When we arrived on the planet we were able to get a sense of the local's clothes, which covered most of their body and see species that were remarkably humanoid. We were unable to get further information though, so we replicated clothes similar to the ones we could see that hid our distinctive markings and walked towards the civilization.   Upon arriving the civilization we saw a myriad of species both humanoid and non-humanoid. Cadet Solace found a small fraction of the currency used in the system, a small silver bar of metal, but without more knowledge we could not tell its value. We asked around about where we could purchase star charts which informed us of two things. We were in Kremda Syndicate space and we needed to look for someone named Tamin. We went to a cantina and found Tamin. He was a local outlaw who was willing to trade in either money or favors for a map of the Romulan empire. We decided it would be a good idea to get a sense of the money system to see if Tamin's request of 500 currency units was obtainable. To do so we decided to sell two serves: water (which proved to be a fast selling commodity on the desert planet) and medical service (which the civilization also needed). Through these we came to the quick realization that 500 currency units was no obtainable. However, our selling of water did two things. We brought the shuttle into a local dock to have access the replicator water and we attracted the attention of the Kremda Syndicate who promptly over powered Hollins while she was alone with the shuttle and stole the shuttle. Our routine mission had now become a rescue mission.   We made our way over to the palace where the Kremda Syndicate ran their business through and devised a plan. The plan was as follows: Fox would pose as a slave owner to myself and Cadet Solace. She would then offer us up as tribute to the local syndicate lord under the prospect of doing business in their town. They would whisk me and Cadet Solace away somewhere inside the palace where we could then search for Crewman Hollins and the shuttle and escape.   How the plan went: As a newly obtained Romulan slave I was sent to clean the cage of crab-dog creatures. I was able to clean the cage with little trouble despite then finding out that even the trainer of the crab-dogs was terrified of them. I was then given very vague directions to find Olga. I took the opportunity when I wasn't guarded to search the palace. I went down the steps and quickly found the shuttle bay with our shuttle. They seemed to be trying to figure out the controls to our shuttle without success so far. I then snuck past a guard and found Crewman Hollins. She was still alive but showed clear signs of being tortured. I was working on the control panel to try and get her out when the alarms started to blare. I then took cover behind the door. When the guard walked in to check on Hollins I then fought the guard, knocking them out. I found their codes to release Hollins and input them into the control panel. Hollins, injured beyond being able to walk then changed into the guards clothing. We made the plan that we would get her medical attention under the rouse of being a guard who was injured when one of the crab-dogs got out and I was the slave helping her. It was then we heard the ruckus of Cadet Solace entering the guarded shuttle bay, tailed by three other guards. As I gathered afterwards, she had stabbed a guard with a knife she stole from the kitchen, then ran covered in blood into a room we believed was an armory, but instead was a guard station. She began to fight the guards she was already covered in blood and stabbed another. I then, acting as Crewman Hollins crutch, went to the opposite end of the shuttle bay to open the door. I failed, triggering another alarm that alerted the guards we were there as well. We altered our plan to say we were trying to lock down the shuttle bay in order to help the guards, which they believed. They then tried to give crewman Hollin's medical assistance while I locked three of the guards in a room.   I then returned to Hollins, Cadet Solace had made her way into the shuttle craft. They tried to send me away from Cadet Hollins, so I attempted the Vulcan nerve pinch the guard, they saw the attack and dodged. I was then locked in combat with the guard. Hollins tried to help me, revealing that she was on my team and the guard stabbed her in the stomach. I then stabbed the guard, with the electric spear Hollins had handed me (turned off), but I did not know its strength and the guard fell dead to the ground. Crewman Hollins was unconscious, I tried to drag her to the shuttle, but then the lead bounty hunter, Demda, that worked for the syndicate arrive. I hid Hollins and myself behind the landing gears of the master's space fighter. He had taken Crewman Hollins phaser and was now firing it at us, hitting me. He threatened to tortured all of us as he had tortured Hollins before killing us. I felt anger and determination not to let that happen to my crew members. Then Cadet Solace came out from the shuttle craft and used one of the spears to launch a plasma blast at Demda. I followed suit and together we shot down Demda, taking back the federation phaser. Then, the three other guards that I had locked in a room burst in carrying a rocket launcher. They proceeded to fire at Cadet Solace, missing and knocking her unconscious. I then shot down the three guards.... there was no stun setting on the weapon.... I loaded Cadet Solace and Crewman Hollins onto the shuttle. I was able to give Crewman Hollins a hypospray that allowed her to regain consciousness. I told her to engage the homing autopilot and get her and Cadet Solace back to the ship. I went back for Fox, who had undoubtably suffered when the alarms went off.   I took the phaser from Demda's body and went upstairs to release the crab-dogs hoping to cause panic that Fox and I could get out during. I found that Fox had been locked in the cage with the crab-dogs and was fighting them while guarded by four guards. I started stunning the four guards using the phaser. I took out two of the guards. Ensign Fox, was able to beat the crab-dogs, knocking one into the door and breaking the latch. She took out the remaining two guards and we ran to the shuttle bay and into the space fighter. We were able to turn it on as more guards began to close the shuttle bay door. That is when we got control of the weapons and reluctantly fired at the guards. Again... there was no stun setting.... We managed to get out of there but we were followed by two fighters. Who both got shots in on us before we could go to warp and escape.   We then returned to the rondevu coordinated of the ship, landed in the shuttle bay and went to medical where Cadet Solace and Crewman Hollins were already being treated. Once we were in better condition we began to talk and realized the potential for there to be a star map on the ship we had taken. Thankfully, there was. So now we have a map of part of the Romulan Empire, that way we can get around their territory without starting a war.   I am glad that all the crew is back and alive, but I had to kill for that and it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Personal Log: Stardate 15520.7

Today we held the trial for F - for Ensign Fox. It was my first time prosecuting someone, I hope that I did well, but for details on that you can see the trial report I will submit after this log. I - Where as I hope I did well, it seems to me as though this is an ineffectual system. I as captain was required to prosecute personnel I believed to deserve less punishment due to their intentions; however, I had to push for more due to the position I was put in. Furthermore, it seems to me as though a trained professional could have done better at both the prosecution and defense of anyone. Are ranking officers required to be trained in such legal manners or are we simply holding trial without trained professionals often; hoping that our debate skills from schooling serve as adequate enough experience for the trial?   I found myself wishing again that I was trained at Starfleet Academy rather than the Vulcan Science Academy. It has been a reoccurring thought since assuming the role of acting first officer and now acting captain. It is illogical to spend time on the thought, yet I find it creeping into my mind none the less. If I was trained at Starfleet Academy I would know more about how the crew was trained, how I am suppose to engage the crew, and how procedures such as these came to be. Regardless, I simply need to find time to meditate and banish this thought so I can focus on the resources I do have to complete my job.   It is good to get my first trial out of the way, I expect more labor intensive trials to come to surface from the mutineers. We have decided to investigate which of the mutineers this action was premeditated for and which were simply given the wrong information. Doubtless the two, Astberry and Wiesselberg, who attempted to throw Cadet Solace out of an airlock will be tried as full mutineers. Not to mention the drug trading crimes we can hold Wiesselberg accountable for. Ozier and Williams will be tried as mutiny leaders and Ozier for assistance in murder while Williams is tried for the murder of Hobbler. Doubtless, these trials will be more work for Pasinissi who will have to evaluate each individual before the trial. I should give her some of my nicer tea leaves, she deserves the extra reward for the quantity of work she's been doing, not to mention taking on the first officer role.   Other orders of business that won't be covered in my other logs:   Fox, while out of the brig, continues to make liberal use of the clam-shell communicator I gave her. I have decided to leave it with her due to the frequency to which she uses it and due to her help in the mutiny. Though, she seems to be using it nearly every night for something random, such as last night when she asked me for a Vulcan noodle dish recipe. It seems as though she is a creature of habit and while in the brig she formed the habit of calling me about random things at night. It is a small price to pay though for her friendship. At least, I assume that is her friendship. She took up my invitation to working out together starting next week and even offered up her work-out holodeck programs. Though I do not know if that offer will still stand after the trial, she agreed to it before the trial, so based on the logic of her emotions she might no longer wish to work-out together.   Cadet Solace is another matter I should bring up. They have completely changed their personality. During the mutiny they transitioned from calling me acting acting captain to simply captain. Additionally, they now seem eager to please me. I believe they feel indebted to me for saving their life during the mutiny, though this reaction is unnecessary as it is my job as acting captain to keep all members of the crew safe. I have transferred them to medical at the request of Ensign Connors, I hope their new found enthusiasm to impress me will result in an enthusiasm for their work in medical.   Third order of business, I keep having dreams about what happened in the time loop. They seem more like visions of the other iterations. In one, myself, Ensign Vash, Cadet Solace, and Ensign Cruz are locked in the brig and Ensign Fox lets us out after overpowering the guards. In another, I am in engineering with Vash instead of Fox, there are security reinforcements surrounding the room. William's again points a gun at someone's head and claims "I'm going to blow their brains out" unless I surrender. Then I surrender and the ship blows up. In another, Vash and Fox are able to take down Ensign Williams and Hobbler survives until the ship explodes. In yet another, Cadet Solace is launched out of an air lock. In some, Crewmen Torres dies because of a power cut to medical. This one worries me because I recall Connors saying that Cadet Solace helped him stabilize Crewman Torres, but I have not confirmed whether or not medical lost power on this iteration. Because if medical lost power and there was no back up generator, that means Eve would have been wiped from the pattern buffer. The one reassuring thought though, is that Connors would inform me if medical lost power and Eve was lost. Since that has not happen, I should wipe this dream from my mind. Correct?   ...   Last order of business, myself, Pasinissi, Vash, Fox, and Cadet Solace will be running a trial run of the holodeck therapy program that Pasinissi and I have been working on. We have recruited both Ensign T'Lynn and Vash to assist in programming the holodeck. It should be functional by the end of the week and then we will test it. The idea is to have multiple species test the program to ensure its functionalities over various cultures and approaches to emotion. We expect for Cadet Solace to set off the system and warn myself and Pasinissi about the mental stability of a patient. The others we expect to move though routinely.   clam-shell communicator rings   Computer End Log        

Acting Captain's Log - Stardate 39402.78

Today we threw a Post Office themed party in order to distribute the mail received from starfleet command for the crew. The party was organized by Ensign Marley Vash and was intended to raise the spirits of the crew. During the party I began to experience severe feelings of deja vu . Then I was called to the bridge by Ensign Cruz who was observing strange readings on the bridge. Ensign T'Lynn was the assigned to further investigate the readings finding them to be a space time anomaly. I then assigned Ensign Kipp to join her and to specifically look at the anomaly's affect on the ship. Guided by strange feelings of deja vu I sent Ensign Vash to med bay to get a sobering hypospray, Ensign Fox escorted her.   While back at the party I was called to the bridge by Chief Petty Officer Ozier. While on the way to the bridge I had another spout of deja vu which left me with the feeling that there was going to be a fight. I called for Ensign Vash to report to the bridge as well. This time when I got to the bridge I was greeted by two security crewmen. Chief Petty Office Ozier then tried to remove me from my role as acting captain sighting the fact that I had preformed funerals attuned to emotions as a sign of mental instability. When I informed him that the emotions displayed were displayed due to careful consideration of the crew's needs for the funerals in specific and that I, while affect remained emotionally stable, he continued to push for my removal. I required more evidence than a funeral speech I had carefully tuned to have emotion as an example for emotional instability on my part. I had given him the role of first officer as an act of good faith, but he was pushing to become captain. I calmly refused and he expectantly had security try to escort me out of the bridge. I challenged him to reconsider admittedly pushing back against the security personnel.   Ensign Cruz then saw the show of force on Chief Petty Officer Ozier's part as mutiny and attacked Crewman Molde, who was attempting to escort me from the bridge. Seeing Ensign Cruz's show of force. Chief Petty Officer Ozier released the same spores used in the murder of Crewman Henry Carberson and the attempted murder of myself which resulted in the critical injury of Crewman Torres. Ensign Vash who I had called to the bridge then push herself and Ensign Fox into the turbolift. Chief Petty Officer Ozier and Crewman Feng then both took hyposprays to negate the effects of the spores, showing with finality both their involvement in the murder of Crewman Carberson and their intent of mutiny.   Seeing this I took the hypospray from Crewman Molde, who had been knocked out by Cruz. Everyone but me, Cadet Solace, and Ensign T'Lynn remained conscious. Cadet Solace ran to the turbolift and escaped the room. While I fought to regain control of the ship. I was able to knock out both Crewman Feng and Chief Petty Officer Ozier without causing them damage. I then put E-Vac suit masks on the the rest of the personnel on the bridge and bringing them back to consciousness. I locked the three mutineers in the ready room while confiscating their com badges. I then sent Ensign Vash and Ensign Fox to secure engineering while Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp continued their research. Meanwhile, I went to med bay and then I was contacted by another mutineer, Crewman Wiesselberg, saying they had captured Cadet Solace and were going to vent Cadet Solace into space unless I turned myself over to them.   I then used the medical transporter to transport myself to Crewman Wiesselberg's location and knock out him and his comrade, Crewman Astberry. I then got Cadet Solace out of the airlock and took her to med bay were Connors had locked the door. There were mutineers outside which I was not able to knock out because they were carrying phase rifles. I then returned to the party to fetch Ensigns Waterman and Kruvabuk as well as two other security crewmen to help secure engineering.   Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp then confirmed my suspicions that the ship was caught in a time loop. It appears the ship along with several other objects were tethered by a what appeared to be a damped, space-time harmonic oscillator. We had already gone though 6357 iterations and with each iteration we risked the unknown effects of the oscillator snapping. However, Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp had come up with a possible way of disintegrating the tether in a safe for the ship manner using one of our torpedoes.   I was then informed by Ensign Vash that her and Ensign Fox had taken back engineering from Ensign Williams. However, there was multiple injuries of both the mutineers and the engineers as well as one death, Chief Petty Officer Hobbler. As described to me by Ensigns Vash and Fox , upon entering the scene Ensign Fox was able to knock out three of the mutineers, leaving only Ensign Williams. Unfortunately, Ensign Williams to the opportunity to aim her type 2 phaser at the head of Jamie Hobbler and threaten to "shoot his brains out" if the two did not surrender. Without the information that reinforcements were on their way Ensigns Vash and Fox attempted to stun Ensign Williams before she had the opportunity to shoot Chief Petty Officer Hobbler in the head, unfortunately they failed.   With the ship now secured we were able to detect an issue with the warp core. There was currosion on the warp core containment unit that was causing the core to rapidly destabilize. Ensigns Vash and Zar worked on stabilizing the warp core and found that the auto repair unit was tethered to its own harmonic oscillator. I then assigned Ensigns T'Lynn and Kipp to disintegrating the tether on the warp core self repair unit as a test for the tehter on the ship. They were able to succeed and the warp core returned to a stable range.   Afterwards, I made the decision to disintegrate the time loop despite the loss of Chief Petty Officer Hobbler as a way to ensure the safety of the remaining crew. The mutineers are currently held in the brig, but there will be a distribution of various punishments due to the lack of bridge space. Chief Petty Officer Ozier and Ensign Williams, as the leaders, will be confined to the guest quarters along with Crewman Chambers. The others will serve odd jobs on the ship for operations while security personnel are assigned to oversee them. The rest of their punishments remains to be decided.   The total list of caught mutineers includes: Crewman Astberry - Tactical Crewmen Weiesselberg - Operations Ensign Williams - Operation Cheif Petty Ozier - Operations (Command) Crewman Molde - Security Crewman Perkavich - Security Crewman Feng - Security Crewman Adams - Operations Crewman Joakim - Security Crewman Haak - Operations Crewman Henersen - Engineering Crewman Dallis - Engineering Crewman Banks - Operations

Death Report - Jamie Hobbler

Chief Petty Officer Jamie Hobbler was shot in the head by Ensign Ashley Williams on Stardate 39402.45 during the mutiny. Efforts were made by Ensign Marley Vash and Ensign Tatiana Fox to save Chief Petty Officer Hobbler.   Chief Petty Officer Hobbler was working in engineering during the mutiny which occurred on the ship. He and his fellow engineers were knocked unconscious by phase rifles in engineering by mutineers lead by Ensign Williams. The mutineers used engineering to override ship controls. Ensign Vash and Ensign Fox were sent to take back engineering. Upon entering the scene Ensign Fox was able to knock out three of the mutineers, leaving only Ensign Williams. Unfortunately, Ensign Williams to the opportunity to aim her type 2 phaser at the head of Jamie Hobbler and threaten to "shoot his brains out" if the two did not surrender. Without the information that reinforcements were on their way Ensigns Vash and Fox attempted to stun Ensign Williams before she had the opportunity to shoot Cheif Petty Officer Hobbler in the head, unfortunately they failed.   The remaining component of this report is that during his death we were caught in a time loop in which corrosion was threatening the warp core stability. We were able to successfully unteather the warp core self repair systems from their own individual space time harmonic oscillator and the self repair unit was able to stabilizer the warp core. In the end I made the decision to negate the time loop despite the death of Chief Petty Officer Hobbler in order to ensure the safety of the remainder of the crew.

Investigation Report - Murder of Henry Carberson

Henry Carberson was found dead today in Engineering. He appeared to be trapped in a room that lost life support systems while there was a circuit fire - fire extinguisher was absent from the room due to a crew member's participation in Electra bingo. There are clear nail marks on the door from Crewman Carberson trying to escape. Before his time of death Henry Carberson sent a message to Lieutenant Junior Ailyn requesting a meeting with her. He stated he had information he needed to tell her in private. The autopsy revealed Crewman Carberson indeed died from exfixiation. The timing appeared to line up with a minor energy surge traveling through the ships system. However, the surge did not display the severity needed to shut down life support systems and lock the doors.   Ensign Vash and I suspected that this might be more than a tragic accident and started the investigation. Cadet Pleiades Solace also joined in our investigation after threatening to tell the crew and insight panic. Through Crewman Padget. we were able to learn that Henry Carberson had been at science station five. We then investigated science station five finding that Crewman Jessell had left the computer logged into her name open in that room. She's been researching Mondanga spores, a powerful airborne sedative. When confronted Crewman Jessell had no idea about the spores, but confessed to using the computer to read Manga, this was confirmed by prior search history on the computer. We then had security lead by Ensign Waterman search the science station for DNA evidence of other personnel. We found the remanence of Crewman Carberson, Crewmen Jessell, Crewman Sayer, Cheif Petty Officer Ozier, Ensign Bellwether, Ensign Fontaine, Crewman Gladden, Nurse Wallace, and Crewman Feng.     Upon investigation of the ro0m where Crewman Carberson was found, Mondanga spores were found in the room, as well as a containment of the spores was missing from the ships stock. The personnel on the anomaly consolidation duty involving the spores were Crewman Astberry, Crewman Al Farabi - filling in for Crewman Torres due to Foxing bets, Ensign Williams, and Crewman Sams. The ships records showed the spores should still be in containment.   During the ongoing investigation another incident occurred revolving around the spores. While Crewman Torres and I were rock climbing in the holodeck spores were used in an attempt to knock us out. The spores succeeded in knocking out Crewman Torres who was currently free climbing without safety protocols on. Crewman Torres fell and I was unable to catch him. He is currently in med bay on life support. After he fell I saw a person untying my rope and leaving the holodeck with the security protocols overridden so they could not be reestablished. Ensign Vash then came and reinstated safety protocols and carried Crewman Torres to med bay.     At this point it became abundantly clear that Henry Carberson was not accidental. We then checked for evidence for who had been near the holodeck, it included Ensign Fontaine and Crewman Feng.   Upon interrogation Gladden confessed to getting red sand from Weisselberg and owing Weisselberg favors in exchange and wiping the computer log in history for a group including Cheif Petty Officer Ozier and Crewman Feng. We then went to talk to Weisselberg who informed us that he sold the spores to Crewman Chambers, though how he knew of the spores remains a mystery. Ensign Vash then went to find Crewman Chambers finding her not in her bed, but in shuttle bay 2 attempting an escape. Crewman Chambers is currently detained and awaiting trial for the crimes of murder and attempted murder. Cheif Petty Officer Ozier and Crewman Feng admitted to knowing that Chambers killed Crewman Carberson to stop him from telling Lieutenant Junior Ailyn about the red snad trade happening on the ship. They both stated they had no idea she would kill him, however, they claimed she was inspired by her obesssion with Crewman Carberson's girlfriend, Crewman Padget.

Death Report - Henry Carberson

Henry Carberson was found dead today, star date 23859.46, in Engineering. He appeared to be trapped in a room that lost life support systems while there was a circuit fire - fire extinguisher was absent from the room due to a crew member's participation in Electra bingo. There are clear nail marks on the door from Crewman Carberson trying to escape. Upon further investigation Henry Carberson's death appears to be a planned murder.   Before his time of death Henry Carberson sent a message to Lieutenant Junior Ailyn requesting a meeting with her. He stated he had information he needed to tell her in private. The autopsy revealed Crewman Carberson indeed died from exfixiation. The timing appeared to line up with a minor energy surge traveling through the ships system. Upon investigation of the ro0m, Mondanga spores were found in the room, as well as a containment of the spores was missing from the ships stock. The personell on the anomaly consolidation duty involving the spores were Crewman Astberry, Crewman Al Farabi - filling in for Crewman Torres due to Foxing bets, Ensign Williams, and Crewman Sams. The ships records showed the spores should still be in containment.   During the ongoing investigation another incident occurred revolving around the spores. While Crewman Torres and I were rock climbing in the holodeck spores were used in an attempt to knock us out. The spores succeeded in knocking out Crewman Torres who was currently free climbing without safety protocols on. Crewman Torres fell and I was unable to catch him. He is currently in med bay on life support. After he fell I saw a person untying my rope and leaving the holodeck with the security protocols overridden so they could not be reestablished. Ensign Vash then came and reinstated safety protocols and carried Crewman Torres to med bay.   At this point it became abundantly clear that Henry Carberson was not accidental. For more information on the incident, investigation, and culprit see investigation report.

Incident Report - Ensign Tatiana Fox

Ensign Fox confessed to the making of an Electra Bingo sheet with the contents of the attached file. The spaces included reckless endangerment, the wasting of Electra weapons resources, and three spaces that fall under sexual harassment. The confession came at the start of the work day to me. She declared she had made the Electra bingo sheet in order to receive punishment from Acting Captain Ailyn. Ensign Fox chose this course of action because she believed it would prevent a mutiny if Lieutenant Junior Ailyn was seen punishing personnel for misbehaving. At this point in the confession to me she begged for me to allow Lieutenant Junior Ailyn to be the one to punish her for her actions. I allowed for this because I agreed with her that a mutiny was likely given Lieutenant Junior Ailyn's current disciplinary policies. While on the subject Ensign Fox also mentioned this was her reasoning for starting Foxing, a fight club founded upon the premise of trading work shifts as a form of betting on the matches outcome. This is just being reported now as Lieutenant Junior Ailyn is currently out of commission.   As a result of Electra Bingo the ship lost 2 torpedo's, multiple people were shot with phasers - presumably by themselves, and Ensign Connors, Lieutenant Junior Ailyn, and Lieutenant Junior Ailyn's fiancé were sexually harassed in various different forms. The holodeck program mentioned on the bingo sheet was a vulcan porno with Lieutenant Junior Ailyn's fiancé's face plastered over the starring vulcan. Five people harassed Ensign Connors. Lieutenant Ailyn received two messages asking for dates, which she was never able to read. The bingo sheet is also the reason that Crewman Henrey Carborson was unable to put out the electrical fire - see death report - but was not the direct cause of his death.   Whereas, the actions of the crew are being dealt with abord the ship, the actions of Ensign Fox required a disciplinary hearing because of both their severity and the well-meant attempt to stop the crew from mutinying. She has currently received brig time (extent to be determined, if longer than three weeks - which is likely - accommodations will be given to make the time more humane) for her actions, but do to the low number of personnel she is still serving her shifts.

First Officer Log Star Date 42373.5

Recorded by acting first officer Fnsign Tefin:   Upon beaming back to the surface of the class M planet I lowered the rest of the away team (Ensign Vash, Ensign Williams, and Cadet Solace -- who I just learned was not a crewman, but simply serving her rotation in the engineering department) into the pit, during the interval of which, I was attacked by two locals. I was able to quickly nerve pinch both locals; however, I was minorly stabbed. The stab wound punctured my EV suit. I lowered the rest of the away team down and then returned to the ship to get healed before returning to the planet. Aboard the ship, I discovered that comms were not functioning with the rest of the away team and Eve -- Lieutenant Junior Ailyn, was beginning negotiations with Ferengi, which one can only assume is one of the sources of contamination for the planet and the ones posing as gods.   After I was healed, I beamed down to the planet. On the surface, I was able to make highly scattered contact with Ensign Vash, Ensign Williams, and Cadet Solace. Security had tightened on the planet, so still in the EV suit, I was able to take out another three guards without being seen. I then called for a small team of security personnel, instructing them to lure the guards away from their post and take out guards without being seen, until we could secure the position needed to get the remaining of the away team back from the pit. During this posses a few injuries occurred, I, myself, taking the most serious of such injuries. Fortunately, they were simply spear wounds from a projectile spear and Ensign Connors was able to heal them quickly.   The pit team was able to secure the gas and return to the ship. Engineering was able to quickly get the warp core operational and we were able to return to warp. We are now on route to the alpha quadrant with all members of the crew accounted for and all injuries treated.   Ensign Vash reported finding a large space station in the pit, from which the locals were harvesting high technology equipment. Due to the nature of the space station as described to me, I would not be surprised if this particular planet's technology evolves faster than normal. I will be meeting with Cadet Solace tomorrow to discuss her next rotation on the ship, which is in the science division.   End of log.

Away Mission Report 47739.0

Using DNA disguises, Ensign Vash, Cheif Petty Officer Ozier, and beemed down to the planet for a recons mission. During which we observed the locals, who had clear signs of previous contamination. They used latinum as currency and they appeared to mine a pit full of the Tebin gas, which contained more advanced technology and weapons than their tribal civilization is currently capable of. Furthermore, they used EV suits to access the subterranean caverns, which I was able to photograph without drawing any attention. We additionally witnessed the contamination first hand. A large space ship, posing as a god collected offerings from the people, using a tractor beam. Additionally, they had a liaison to the gods, which the called the first one. We then reported back to the ship and plan to replicate the EV suits from the planet and beem down at night to gather the Tebin gas.

Personal Log Star Date 47738.9

Eve and I have been working on managing the ship's crew. After Eve's party, I went to visit those who had not attended, but were invited. Of the personnel there was Ensigns Cruz and Pasinissi, who had gotten side tracked hanging out with their friends; Ensign Connors, who had fallen asleep in med bay due to an overflow of work; Petty Officer Mentor, who was playing a video game; and Cheif Petty Officer Ozier ,who was talking with a large group that scattered when I entered the room. Upon reporting each of these to Eve, she decided to look into Ozier and Mentor's behavior. She informed my later that Ozier was contemplating a mutiny. She told me she had it handled, but also to mutiny back if she were to be launched out of an airlock. We were then contacted by Ensign Vash who needed assistance in simple problem solving due to an increase in their stress because of the flooding water in the hollo-deck. We gave her the assistance she needed and sent Ensign T'Lynn to fix the holodeck, which she completed in full within a few days. We then proceeded onto Mentor, who had not been showing up to his duty shifts or meetings. Eve informed me she believed he was suffering from trauma induced depression. Pasinissi has agreed to take him on as a case, as acting ship councilor. Additionally, Pasinissi and I have determined our crew could benefit from a holodeck counseling program. We will attempt to create a virtual councilor, which is capable of working with personnel for specific needs. Our first attempt will be a sexual harassments intervention program. This topic was selected due to an anonymous report which failed to included names. As such we hope to put all personnel of the ship through the program when it is ready. Officer Molde has graciously volunteered to be our first field test. We are now approaching the planet with Tebin gas to fix our warp core and preparing accordingly.

Personal Log: Stardates 47734.2

I have sorted through the crews files and Eve and I have interview the cresw to form a new leading team. To help ensure the success of the crew we have devided the leadership tasks into two parts: liaisons and leading officers (a few overlap). This allows one person to monitor the situations on the ship from the bridge and another to lead the crew on the ground. Additionally, the role of advisor was added so the more experienced crewmen would be able to share their expertise with the inexperienced leaders.   New Crew assignments have been given as listed: Acting Captain: Lieutenant Ailyn Acting First Officer: Sorra Tefin Acting Cheif Tactical Officer: Ensign Cruz Acting Engineering Liaison: Ensign Vash Acting Opterations Liaison: Ensign Blumenthal Acting Helmsmen: Ensign Lee Acting Science Liaison: Ensign Tefin Acting Navigation: Ensign Greef Fontaine   Acting Head Security Officer: Ensign Waterman Acting Chief Engineer: Ensign Zar Acting Chief Science Officer: Ensign Bellwether Acting Chief Operations Officer: Ensign Passanisi Acting Chief Medical Officer: Ensign Connors   Engineering Advisor: Hobler Security Advisor: Sakamori Science Advisor: Addler Operations Advisor: Mostafa Tactical Advisor: Mentor Bridge Crew Advisor: Ozier   Eve has insisted upon holding a party for "team bonding" in a few days. I will be present as we have decided to present a unified front to the crew.   Additionally, I have taken over Lieutenant Commander Tefin's room. Both platypuses appear to have a way to exist the terrarium and roam the room. I am still searching for this exist. I was able to replicate food for them and the terrarium has computer controlled environmental and cleaning controls.   Additionally, the Commander Hobb's dog, Ralph, has now become ever present on the bridge and Lieutenant Fontaine has been tasked with taking care of the dog due to his upbringing on a Canadian farm.    

Personal Log: Follow Up on Damitar 4

While filling in for the bridge crew as they beamed down to the planet's surface, there was an incident resulting in the presumed death of all bridge crew members and all officers above the rank of Ensign, barring Eve. Further details on the surface are located in the incident report I filed.   As a result, Eve, as ranking officer, is acting captain. She has asked for me to fulfill the duties done by the first officer. The first priority of which is to reassess the crew, and coordinate a new command structure after losing all the senior officers. I suspect there will be much chaos in the following days as the emotions of the crew members act up.

Incident Report: USS Electra - Damitar 4

Incident Type: Nuclear - Planetary, Significant Ship Damage, Missing in Action (Presumed Dead), Conclusive Fatality, Casulaty, Other


Nuclear - Planetary:

Planet: Damitar 4

Location, Planetary Coordinates: 237.849561°, -64.832064°

Source: Unknown

Further Details: Most likely from the planetary factions


Significant Ship Damage:

Damaged System: Shield, Engine, Hull Plating, Transported

Current Shield Integrity: 33% normal power -> 60% with diverted power

Engine Damage Type: Unkown

Current Warp Core Ability: Warp 0

Hull Plating: Nacelles, Upper


Missing in Action (Presumed Dead):

Personnel: Captain Lianne Marcus, Commander Taylor Hobbs, Lieutenant Commander T'Kurraran Tefin, Lieutenant Commander Gaaath To'Kri, Lieutenant Nilish Jaleso, Lieutenant Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, Lieutenant Edison Madi, Lieutenant Artur Bowdoin, Lieutenat Namkcots ch'Roni, Lieutenant Ralph Mac-Eio, Lieutenent Schwini zh'Fairo, Lietenant Junior Maxwell Wyke, Lietenant Junior Irelyn Wildner, Lietenant Junior Quela Leath, Lietenant Junior Mira Ch'Syna, Lietenant Junior T'An Pani, Lietenant Junior Ahlek W'Keeda, Lietenant Junior Windy Raschke, Lietenant Junior Kedric Konicek, Lietenant Junior Clenthaa th'Ethres

Reason for Missing in Action: Nuclear - Planetary


Conclusive Fatality:

Total Number: 1

Personnel: Ensign Dennis Thiago

Cause: Ship Damage - Hull Plating



Total Number: 34

Cause: Ship Damage - Engine, Ship Damage - Shields, Nuclear - Planetary



Please Describe: Subspace anomaly in the form of a wormhole transferred ship to coordinates 66728.9/707542.2 in the beta section

Important Details: 4 months from federation space at warp 9, ship currently capable of impulse power speed, current message relay time: 3 days

  Complete Incident Recount:   While on fulfilling the acting crew role, at approximately 5 hours and 14 minutes our ship went into red alert. Here is the recount of the event.   Prior to the incident two significant actions were taken by the acting crew. The first: Ensign Fox with the permission of Lieutenant Ailyn, the acting captain, ran a diagnosis check on the ships systems discovering a decrease of 0.5% of the shield efficiency. We reported the result of the diagnosis to Engineering where, Ensign T'Lyn stated she had already sent someone to fix the cause of this inefficiency. The second: Ensign Fontaine and I, Ensign Tefin, scanned the size of the subspace anomaly I had been scanning in Lab 3. The superior bridge scanners were similarly unable to interact with the anomaly; however, they were able to detect a size of 3.10725 km. By instruction of Lieutenant Ailyn we continued monitoring the anomaly for variations in size.  

At hour 5 minute 14, an energy surge was detected on the planet surface. Visuals determined to be the source to be a nuclear detonation at the known coordinates of the superior officers (Lieutenant Junior Grade and higher, exception: Lieutenant Ailyn). The location of the landing party was disconnected as well as communication with the landing party. Five additional interplanetary ballistic missiles were fired from the planet's surface, inbound for the USS Electra as well as projectile debris from the nuclear detonation. Ensign Fontaine, transferred to the helm, allowing Ensign Vash to monitor ship conditions at the Engineering Station. By order of Lieutenant Ailyn, Ensign Fontane initiated evasive maneuvers, increasing the orbit distance. Upon impact of the first inbound missile, the shields depreciated to 33%, damaged was retained by the nacelles and upper hull plating. The warp core suffered damage. Ship was now capable of impulse power only. Ensign Fox was able to use a missile to divert three of the remaining impound missiles. Ensign Vash, upon orders from Lieutenant Ailyn, diverted auxiliary power to the transporter room in attempt to gain contact with the landing party. Contact was not achieved. Non-essential systems were taken offline and decks 1,2,8,9,10,11 were evacuated. Power was diverted to the shields and restored to 60%. Ship systems now had a 38.325% chance of surviving the nuclear debris. However, more inbound missiles were identified which our ship would not be capable of withstanding.


The subspace anomaly was then identified as a wormhole. A final failing attempt was made to establish contact and beam aboard members of the landing party. Ensign Fontaine, under the orders of Lieutenant Ailyn, who was under the advisement of myself on this particular matter, veered the ship directly into the center of the wormhole at full impulse power. The warp core and ship (including minor damage to life support systems) suffered further damage while in the wormhole.

We emerged in the beta quadrant at 66728.9/707542.2. Immediately after ejection, we received notification of 13 fires located in engineering, cargo bay 2, decks 1,3,6,8, & 9, science laboratory #4, and jeffries tube section 5.12. The non-injured in the crew began extinguishing the fires. Additionally, our warp core was over heating and needed to be shut down. Ensign Fontaine was injured and taken to sick bay. Esign Vash went to engineering, as all other ensigns in engineering were injured and the engineering council was damaged. I took over the helm. Sick bay was now over run with injured so we went the three crewmen aboard with first-aid training to assist in sick bay. Chief Petty Officer Mostafa was able to fix the engineering council. Ensign Murfey was called to the bridge to man the helm. With the scanners operational we were able to get a detailed analysis of the ship. Ensign Belweather was assigned to lead hull damage repairs. Ensign Blumenthal was located in Shuttle Bay 1 alongside 4 other crewmen, which had significant hull damage and no life support systems. Ensign Vash was able to close off the jefferies tubes leading to the shuttle bay, so we could open the doors and reestablish the oxygen levels. Ensign Fox and other crewmen were sent to evacuate the shuttle bay. Ensign Vash joined them and were able to find all personnel in the shuttle bay, Ensign Fox was injured in the process. Immediately Ensign Connors began emergency surgery on Ensign Blumenthal. Ensign Cruz was sent away from work and to the sick bay after suffering radiation exposure and smoke inhalation. Ensign Smith was located in the holodeck, where safety protocols were off. Ensign Vash was sent to retrieve him from the holodeck. It is now frozen in a colosseum simulation with what appears to be a dying lion. Ensign Smith and Vash sustained injuries and reported to sick bay. We recruited a few additional operations crewmen to assist in sick bay. We lost no one after passing through the wormhole. Once matters had deescalated, we cleared an additional room for sick bay for the non-critical injuries, as the original room was over run. Engineering along with various volunteer crew members continued repairs on the ship.


Our current plan until a reply is received from Star Fleet (minimum of 6 days) is to asses damages (currently underway, lead by Ensign Vash). High Priority Repairs: Life support systems, warp core Medium Priority Repairs: Shields, hull, transporter. After completion of repairing life support systems we will set course for federation space at impulse speed, while continuing to work on repairing the wrap core.

Personal Log: In Orbit of Damitar 4

Today's duties entailed the welcoming of new recruits, reporting to lab 3, and cleaning the conference room.   The welcoming of new recruits went well; however, the social period proved unproductive as the ensigns all had met each other on the ship. The tour being more informative and interactive proceeded with better interactions. We were joined for both by Ensign Vash. We proceeded to celebrate Ensign Fox's birthday during lunch in the mess hall.   While on my way to reporting to the lab, I was delayed by Eve and a small child named Alph. Eve appeared to be in pain from the presence of the boy, so I assisted her in assorting the child to the holodeck to "push buttons." While on the holodeck with Eve, Ensign Fontain, and Alph we witnessed suspicious behavior from Gruff, one of the members of the People's Republic. Eve, as ranking officer, reported the incident. Ensign Fontaine and I proceeded to watch the child until on of the bridge officers came to fetch the child. I stopped by Engineering to have Lieutenant Commander T'Kurraran Tefin to construct Alph a button he requested in exchange for leaving the holodeck and brough Alph the botton.   I then continued to my station, where I scanned a subspace anomaly, I was unable to identify it using the scanners. It appears that the scanners were not able to interact with the matter of the anomaly.   I then received a message that the child, Alph, was an important god-like figure to the people and I was requested to entertain him once again with Eve and Ensign Fontane in the Botanical Gardens. The child enjoyed the plants and agreed to eat. We were then interrupted to bring Alph to the treaty discussions. Alph convinced the two factions to make peace based on what he had seen on the holodeck and in the gardens.   I was released to return back to my scheduled duties. After I finished at the lab, I was requested to see Alph off and brought him a coconut as he requested. The captain then assigned Eve, Ensign Fontaine, Ensign Vash, and I to acting bridge crew duty. Eve invited Ensign Fox as it was her birthday.   I then proceeded to the duty of cleaning the conference room after the peace meetings. I was able to rearrange the room in a more efficient manner as I saw it was misarranged during the peace meetings.   I shall report a new log after bridge duty.

Personal Log

I appear to have befriended Junior Lieutenant Ailyn, who desires to be referred to as Eve. As such Eve and I have been assigned to welcome and chauffeur the new recruits around the USS Electra. Upon reviewing all of their files, Eve and I discovered the birthday of one of the new Ensigns is the day of orientation. Eve has assured me that it is a significant finding and as such explained that human culture places high significance on their days of birth. I have been given the additional task by Eve to decorate the welcome center for said ensign with "birthday decorations" the night before after I am off duty. Upon further inquiry about the decorations, Eve suggested I was to consume alcohol until "I found the bathroom hard to find" and from that I would know what to do. It seemed completely illogical, so I simply had the holodeck computer simulate human birthday decorations and copied them whilst decorating the room. A noted detail across the various simulations I studied suggested humans preferred in perfect decorations whilst in a friendly environment. As such I consumed alcohol during my replication of the decorations. Now sober, I do agree the alcohol seems to have given my hand writing and decorations an authentic imperfect appearance. Including various decorations which appear to have been made based around pure word association.


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