Sorra Tefin | World Anvil

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Sorra Tefin

Sorra Tefin is the son of T'Kurrararn Tefin of Vulcan and Devama Sorrima, a Romulan run away during the Romulan Isolation. Tefin was trained at the Vulcan Science Acedemy, but was sent to Star Fleet due to his Romulan heritage.

Campaign & Party

USS Electra Lower Decks

Sorra Marley Tatiana Pleiades
Run by Elisa R
Fri 2nd Feb 2024 12:28

Personal Log: Stardate 20714.3

by Sorra Tefin

So much has happened since my last personal log, and it’s only been a week. Just one.

I told Anna about my mom, the truth about my mom. She got drunk for the first time and told me something I’m sure she wished she hadn’t. I told her it didn’t matter. I told her I loved her.

I found and met Anna’s dad… He’s forcing her into a political marriage that I now have to stop. But I also can’t sacrifice the whole crew to stop it.

Keela wants a crab… and Christmas.

The ships running out of energy so we have to take Anna to her father’s planet, playing right into those plans. Oh, and I had to redirect the whole ship to accomplish this, which means I’ll have to send another communication, updating our timeline to federation space.

Pleiades is mad at me… again.

I let Ozier, Chambers, and Williams out to join the rest of the mutineers.

I just… I don’t even know where to begin to describe these things.

I’ve been spending extra time with the platypuses this week, when I have time to spare.

Scruff is doing well. Still loves his squeaky carrot.

I’ve been reading so much about Kirk’s diplomatic tactics that he’s starting to make sense… And Picard and Janeway, but they always made sense.

I’m basically organizing a ship wide Christmas in the holodeck… I hope I did it right. I think I’m going to open it up to the mutineers as well.

My emotions are becoming harder to reign in. I can no longer tell if that’s a good or bad thing.

I only had about one day to work on Keela’s helmet, but that cost me a night of sleep.

Keela and Anna took all my sweaters.

Sorra's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Sorra's history, from the beginning to today.

Here are some of the new species we encountered on our away mission. As you can see they ranged from fairly humanoid to vastly different from humans. It is worth noting that the species with compact eyes also has four arms.

10:45 pm - 07.04.2023

Pasinissi is making me take mandatory breaks. I drew the dog

10:11 pm - 20.03.2023

I found this picture in my dad's old quaters

03:07 am - 13.03.2023

As it is Thursday I have been instructed by Eve that I must "throw back" to a happy memory. Here is a picture of me from my first trip off world to see an alien species my mother was studying.

04:27 am - 30.11.2022

First Officer Log Star Date 42373.5

Recorded by acting first officer Fnsign Tefin: Upon beaming back to the surface of the class M planet I lowered the rest of the away team (Ensign Vash, Ensign Williams, and Cadet Solace -- who I just learned was not a crewman, but simply serving her ro...

05:43 pm - 10.11.2022

Got stabbed, but it is alright. No reason to comm Eve. Might have punctured my EV suit, but I'm not in the pit so it's fine.

01:58 am - 22.10.2022

Away Mission Report 47739.0

Using DNA disguises, Ensign Vash, Cheif Petty Officer Ozier, and beemed down to the planet for a recons mission. During which we observed the locals, who had clear signs of previous contamination. They used latinum as currency and they appeared to mine a ...

09:10 pm - 21.10.2022

Personal Log Star Date 47738.9

Eve and I have been working on managing the ship's crew. After Eve's party, I went to visit those who had not attended, but were invited. Of the personnel there was Ensigns Cruz and Pasinissi, who had gotten side tracked hanging out with their friends; En...

07:46 pm - 21.10.2022

Personal Log: Stardates 47734.2

I have sorted through the crews files and Eve and I have interview the cresw to form a new leading team. To help ensure the success of the crew we have devided the leadership tasks into two parts: liaisons and leading officers (a few overlap). This allows...

09:45 pm - 25.09.2022

Personal Log: Follow Up on Damitar 4

While filling in for the bridge crew as they beamed down to the planet's surface, there was an incident resulting in the presumed death of all bridge crew members and all officers above the rank of Ensign, barring Eve. Further details on the surface are l...

03:48 pm - 20.09.2022

Personal Log: In Orbit of Damitar 4

Today's duties entailed the welcoming of new recruits, reporting to lab 3, and cleaning the conference room. The welcoming of new recruits went well; however, the social period proved unproductive as the ensigns all had met each other on the ship. The ...

04:12 pm - 19.09.2022

Session 1: Deadly Consequences

02:26 pm - 19.09.2022

Session 1: Deadly Consequences

02:24 pm - 19.09.2022

Personal Log

I appear to have befriended Junior Lieutenant Ailyn, who desires to be referred to as Eve. As such Eve and I have been assigned to welcome and chauffeur the new recruits around the USS Electra. Upon reviewing all of their files, Eve and I discovered the b...

08:12 pm - 17.09.2022

Greetings, you appear to be alone. Are you in need of a friend? If so I am currently available to fill the role of a friend. If you would like, we could compare break schedules and see they are compatible for such a friendship.

12:36 am - 06.09.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sorra.