Ezri Dax Character in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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Ezri Dax


Captain Ezri Dax is the commanding officer of the USS Aventine.   In 2374, following the death of Jadzia Dax at the hands of Gul Dukat, the Dax symbiont had survived but was in critical condition, requiring it to be taken back to Trill for medical recovery and joining with a new host. The symbiont was being transported aboard the Soverign class USS Destiny when the ship was attacked by a Dominion squadron. While Destiny destroyed the enemy, the Dax symbiont had taken a turn for the worst as a result of the battle. The Destiny's medical staff determined that it would only survive if joined immediately. Thankfully, a young ensign Ezri Tigan, being the only Trill crew member onboard at the time capable of undergoing the procedure volunteered for the joining saving the Dax symbiont.  
  Following a reunion with Captain Benjamin Sisko during a personal mission to retrieve a lost Bajoran orb, Ezri would come to decide to stay on Deep Space Nine as its first counselor while waiting for reassignment. There she remained throughout the waning months of the Dominion War and was witness to the Treaty of Bajor.
  She would continue to serve on Deep Space Nine until 2380, when she was promoted to lieutenant commander and decided to transfer both to the command track and to a shipboard assignment onboard the newly christened USS Aventine, a Vesta class Cruiser designed to continue Starfleet's research into slipspace capable vessels, as its second officer.   In 2381, the Aventine was in orbit of Acamar 3 when a Borg attack on the system occured, seemingly an attempt by one of the few active vessels left to assimilate a relatively undefended world to rebolstee their numbers. During the battle, the captain and first officer were killed, leaving Dax in command of the ship, who successfully drove the borg off, saving the Aventine and the Acmerians, A week following the battle, Starfleet Command decided to fully promote Dax to captain of the Aventine, noting her exceptional conduct during the battle, her meritous service record and her overall experience, taking into account that accumulated from all of the previous hosts of the Dax symbiont. While initially hesitant, Dax accepted the promotion and went on to command the Aventine for nine years.
  In 2390, Dax was then given command of the exploratory Crusier the USS Emmett Till, following the mothballing of the Vesta class, and assigned to explore the Gamma Quadrant on a five year mission. Near the end of her command though, Dax would become involved in a mysterious incident on DS9 involving the apparent death of her friend and fellow Deep Space Nine officer, Captain Nog, an incident that nearly lead to Bajor's succession from the Federation, revealed in the end to be a plot between rogue elements of the Dominion and the Federation. This would have consequences six years later, when those same elements were founf to be responsible for the Frontier Day Attack of 2401.   By 2401, Ezri Dax had retired from Starfleet. At the time, along with other notable active and former members of Starfleet including Ambassador Worf, Admirals Beverly Crusher, Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay and Captain Tuvok appealed to the Federation Council to reconsider its position on the Klingon-Gorn War. It was speculated at the time that Dax's joining in the public outcry potentially lead to a decision in Starfleet’s admiralty to deny the captain a position as an admiral, a decision that further marred perceptions of Starfleet's leadership of the time. She would reactivae her commission in 2409 during the third Federation-Klingon War, resuming her captaincy of the Aventine and assigned to numorous diplomatic efforts at the time intended to end the fighting. She would also see service during the Iconian War, the rehabilitation of the temporally displaced station K-13 crew, the Hurq crisis and the Incursion of the mirror universe Borg Kingdom.   Ezri Dax is among one of the most valuable Starfleet officers currently serving the fleet, accounting both her own command and wartime service, as well as those of the previous hosts of the Dax symbiont that she can call upon, providing her with over a century of knowledge and experience.   She, her husband Julian Bashir and her family are currently stationed aboard the USS Aventine.


Ezri Dax

Wife (Important)

Towards Julian Bashir



Julian Bashir

Husband (Important)

Towards Ezri Dax



Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
Julian Bashir (Husband)
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization


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