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Drex Nogru

Written by Absolut_Zero

Drex Nogru

Drex Nogru is the descendant of nobility and aristocracy on the Zabrak homeworld, Iridonia. From an early age he was groomed to fulfill a singular purpose for the ruling council. Drex underwent political and diplomatic training to spearhead a once-in-a-generation initiative to re-link the lost colony of Dathomir to the homeworld, and bring it back to the council's control.   Drex undertook his task at the age of 30, being dispatched as an official envoy. To say his mission was a failure is an understatement. The viciousness of the Nightsisters was only amplified in the generation of nearly zero contact with the more civilized Iridian Zabrak culture. Drex nearly lost his life during first contact, and barely escaped, returning to Iridonia. Hoping to raise the alarm amongst his government, Drex did not bother to fully recover, and staggered immediately to the council hall. His warning fell on deaf ears, and his reward was conditional exile. Drex may return home, but only after his mission is completed.   Now adrift in the galaxy, Drex concluded that the only method for truly establishing Iridian autonomy is to prove himself as a leader and a freedom fighter. Drex seeks to bring down this new Empire as quickly as it rose, to prove his worth and resume his mission from a position of authority rather than failure.  

Early Life

Raised to Repair

Born to the Nogru family, a political dynasty of some renown, in the waning years of the Old Republic, Drex was positioned well to succeed within the Iridonian senate. Trained by his parents in the finest decorum of his homeworld, Drex quickly made a name for himself as a promising politician-to-be. Personable, sharp and always in good humor, Drex pursued advancement within this well-traveled structure at a rapid pace.  

The Disaster on Dathomir

At a crucial moment in Drex's career, it became his cause célèbre to return the long-separated Zabrak of Dathomir to the fold. Along with a cadre of his closest friends and allies, Drex would depart from Iridonia on a mission of reconciliation. Not heeding the warnings of the older generation, Drex dismissed claims of the supposed nightsisters and their dark sorcery.   Upon arrival on Dathomir, a small camp was established on the periphery of what was believed to be the Nightsisters' palace. Though a fearsome wilderness, Dathomir itself was no more inhospitable than the worst regions of Iridonia. Hoping to make amicable contact, the delegation elected to broadcast their location and intent through a long-range beacon. Though the small contingent of security forces warned against this, once again Drex and his fellows elected to ignore the warnings of those who doubted their vision.   When the Nightsisters and their Nightbrother thralls descended on the camp, the security forces were quickly cut down; a paltry handful absconding with ship. Left for dead by those whom had been meant to protect them, the surviving members of the delegation were captured by the Nightsisters and brought to the palace of torment.   Repeatedly questioned by the Sisters, each of the members of the delegation repeated their intent and good will in coming to Dathomir. Yet, the suspicious and insular Nightsisters did not believe the delegates. When none broke, the executions began. Some were fed to beasts, others ritualistically sacrificed on obscene altars. Drex Nogru, however, was given over to a different fate.   As the leader of the expedition and the one that his fellows looked to for guidance, the Nightsisters took special pleasure in ensuring that he bear witness to the doom of his friends. When, at last, the final of these were killed by his captors, Drex himself became the target of their dark rituals. For months the torture went on, his body flayed and repaired by the dark magics as he begged for the release of death. When finally the pain subsided, Drex found himself at the mercy of an unexpected ally.   A Jedi calling himself Taron freed Drex from the device that had been tormenting him for years. Malicos explained that the Nightsisters had been wiped out some months ago, but that Drex had been left inside the device. Unable to reconcile his loss, Drex retreated into a catatonic state. In the years to come, Nogru would assume that the Jedi had called a ship to come and aid him. Regardless, Drex eventually returned to consciousness aboard a medical shuttle bound for his homeworld.   When at last Drex arrived before the senate, he found himself the subject of a trial. The surviving security personnel had long-since woven a story of his incompetence and foolhardy nature, blaming the entire debacle on Drex. In short order, Drex was banished from his homeworld upon pain of death.


Drex Nogru


Towards Ace




Towards Drex Nogru


Year of Birth
27 BBY 36 Years old
Cranial Spikes, Missing center-left Spike
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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